Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 41 - 41: Age Old Battle

Soon the Straw Hats set sail towards the first island that the Log Pose pointed towards, and since it was leading towards the direction Vivi wanted to go in, they took her along with them. Over the course of time it took them to reach the first island, Vivi began to tell the Straw Hats about her real identity and what her mission was when joining the Baroque Works Agency, and told them about the leader of the agency, but didn't give out his real identity as it would put their lives in danger.

[That's great and all, but we would rather not hear anymore information that would get us killed]: nami

Nami didn't want Vivi to continue in her conversation as it could be bad for her and the crew, but before Vivi could register what she was doing, she began to spill out the information about one of the 7 Shichibukai, Crocodile, and when she realized what she did it was too late as Soren noticed a gigantic bird above them with an otter-like creature on it's back wearing a set of Black sunglasses, and a White suit with Purple polka dots.

[It's the Unluckies!... We're all dead!]: vivi

Just as Vivi said that, the two animals began to leave while the otter began to draw pictures of all the Straw Hat pirates, Soren didn't mind and let them leave as it would prove a great battle for Luffy to get stronger. Nami was on the verge of strangling Vivi due to her slip of the tongue, and when Nami's head cleared a bit she turned to Soren and begged.

[Soren… Please go kill those things!]: nami

[Sorry Nami, but they are already gone… Don't worry though, I don't plan to let some weakling in the Grand Line mess with us]: soren

Nami was a bit upset that Soren didn't act sooner, but was content with his promise to keep them safe, and after a long ship ride with complete silence from Vivi, they made it to the first island on their trip known as Whisky Peak. Luffy was awestruck by the gigantic cactus that grew on the island, while Nami was looking at the Log Pose as it began to spin and gather it's next magnetic current that would lead them to their next island, and as they sailed closer into the island, Soren noticed some people scoping out their ship.

'So these idiots think they will be able to take us out huh… We'll see how far they go when they see me face to face': soren

Soon the Going Merry sailed past the fog and the crew could see a whole town full of people cheering like they had just seen their hero return from slaying a great beast that threatened their lives. The loud roaring of praise and worship was heard throughout the whole town as the Straw Hat crew excluding Soren felt excitement that pirates were actually welcomed here, and when both Usopp and Sanji saw the beautiful ladies cheering for them, they both had some blood rushing from their nose. Soon they docked and Vivi made a quick escape to go and inform her royal guard about what happened, and left Luffy and his crew to be robbed by the town.

'I would have had some sympathy if she at least warned us of the impending doom this island holds, but I guess I'll just give her the same treatment she gave us, and watch as her royal guard dies instead of warn her': soren

Soon the Straw Hats disembarked their ship and were greeted by the town mayor who was secretly a Baroque Works Agent, but was actually working for the Alabasta Kingdom as Vivi's royal guard. He then led the crew into a home for the welcome party, and seeing as nobody paid much attention to Soren's identity meant that they either didn't recognise him, or thought that Soren would notice if they were interested in him, but Soren already knew what their motive was and just wanted to let it play out and enjoy the drinks.

[On Behalf of the town as mayor… I would like to invite you to join our drinking contest]: mayor

[Oh no… I don't really drink]: nami

[Oh… But the prize money is 100,000 beli]: mayor

[Sign me up!... I'll out drink all of you!]: nami

Soon the party kicked off with everyone drinking while Luffy was stuffing his face with food, and as the people started to drop, only the strong remained. Zoro defeated his drinking opponent, Nami beat her drinking opponent, and it seemed like Soren was just drinking water as his opponents fell like flies. Soon, Zoro passed out, and Nami was facing off against a lady in a nun outfit, while Soren was still drinking off to the side as he watched, and when Nami beat her opponent she passed out after claiming she won, but Soren was obviously the winner.

[You got anymore food?... I think I'll start eating now]: soren

[What!?... Oh Sir, you sure are the winner… You don't even seem to have gotten drunk, and that puts our Liquor to shame]: mayor

[Well you have been trying to get a God drunk… So what do you want, the bounties?... Or would you like to see Vivi die?]: soren

[What the… Who told you about Princess Vivi!]: mayor

[Calm down… We brought her here after she failed to kill Laboon, and I also know your predicament, and it's only a matter of time before Crocodile decides to kill her for exposing his identity to us… I can save her as well as bring her back to Alabasta, but you on the other hand have offended me and my crew members, so you will be the sacrifice needed to push her forward and prepare her for the harsh reality]: soren

The mayor listened to every word of Soren, and soon the sounds of screaming was heard as Zoro began killing off the bounty hunters, and as the mayor thought about it he then spoke.

[Please save Princess Vivi and… Maah Maaahhh, I will sacrifice my life for her's]: mayor

Soren nodded and let the mayor go prepare himself for his emanate doom while Vivi appeared shortly after while trying to warn the Straw Hats about what this town was, but it was too late as the Straw Hat crew finished up the fight, and this left Soren who was still sitting on the couch appearing to be passed out with Nami smacking him in the face. Soon, the mayor came back dressed in a woman's outfit with his hair done up like Vivi's, and along with him were 6 stuffed dummies that had doodle faces drawn on them to look like the members of the Straw Hats.

[Princess Vivi… I will buy you time to escape with the members of the Straw Hats, it has been a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e working for you… Quickly! You must leave…. Maah Maaaahhh]: mayor

[No Princess Vivi… I need to protect you up until the very end… Please leave with them]: mayor

Soon, the mayor left on his ship with the 6 dummies, and Vivi along with the rest of the crew watched as he sailed away only to be blown up by an extreme amount of explosive force.

'Wow… I could feel that… Maybe 100 BP isn't too much for the Grand Line… That explosion would definitely cause some damage if I don't use more Ki to protect myself': soren

Vivi was stuck staring at the loss of her closest friend, and she was angry deep down, and now both Zoro and Luffy were preparing the ship while Nami was trying to snap Vivi out of her trance, and once she was awoken, they ran towards the Going Merry and started leaving Whisky Peak.

[We're almost out of here]: nami

[Yeah… We lost the people chasing us… You should also be careful of the rocks]: ???

[Don't worry, I can handle that… Wait did you…]: nami

Everyone then turned to see a strange woman with Black hair wearing a Purple cowboy, as well as a Purple tank top that was cut at her belly button, and a pair of tight Purple booty shorts and Knee high Purple combat boots.

[This ship is nice]: ???

Vivi saw the woman and began to freak out as Soren found one of his targets and disappeared from the main deck where everyone else stood and reappeared behind Robin while holding her right wrist with his right hand while his left hand wrapped around her stomach as he placed his mouth near her left ear and spoke.

[Will you be my 3rd wife?]: soren

Everyone saw Soren's actions and wondered what he whispered into her ear, but it was enough to make her blush, but what really stumped the woman was how fast Soren was. She then used her power to create arms that protruded out of Soren's back and wrapped around his head to try and kill him, but no matter how hard the woman tried to snap Soren's neck, he didn't budge at all.

[Who are you?]: ???

[Shouldn't I be asking that to you… Devil Child Nico Robin]: soren

Soren then released Robin as he then disappeared and reappeared next to Zoro, then Robin began to talk again while trying to hold her composure and then Vivi began to explain Robin's position while Luffy went back and forth with deciding if she was good or bad. In the end, Robin tried to give the Straw Hats an Eternal Pose that led to an island called Nanimonashuma, and when Luffy saw Vivi holding the pose, he walked over and grabbed it while destroying it and gave Robin a diary glare, but was soon missing as Nami hit Luffy in the head sending him flying backwards.

[You idiot!... Maybe she really was trying to give us an easier path!]: nami

Luffy looked past Nami and looked directly towards Robin and spoke.

[You're not the one who decides where this ship goes… I am]: luffy

[You idiot!... That was towards me! I asked her to be my 3rd wife!... That's it, a weight increase for you now]: soren

As Soren spoke, Nami's ears perked up and she walked over with a devilish smile as she spoke in a tone that one would sense fear and danger in.

[What was that?... 3 wives you say?... If I remember correctly, Bell-mere was your only wife]: nami

Soren could see that Nami had a smile on her face, but her Ki was fluctuating to the point she was almost on par with a God be it figuratively, and Soren then spoke while trying to not dig his grave deeper.

[Well, I already had a wife before Bell… And that woman looked quite attractive, so I offered her an invitation]: soren

[So you are just a pig… I can't wait to tell Bell-mere all about it]: nami

[No! Nami wait!]: soren

Soren tried to stop Nami, but she already went into her room and locked the door. Sanj then looked towards Soren in awe that he was able to get 2 wives, and if the woman from before accepted, then that would be 3, and with that Sanji dedicated himself towards learning from Soren on how to pick up women. After a few days the Going Merry finally reached the next island known as Little garden, but upon reaching there, they noticed nothing was little about it. Nami was still upset at Soren and refused to talk to him, while Sanji was now getting used to the increased weight Soren put him under, and Zoro, Luffy, and Usopp also got a weight increase.

[Welcome to Little Garden… Now, let's go explore the island while we wait for the pose to completely finish with this island]: soren

[Hello… We came here to let our Log Pose register this island's magnetic signals, and we heard you guys fighting… What are you fighting about?]: usopp

[What are we fighting about?... We are fighting for honor, for the past hundred years we have fought every day to decide who had the bigger catch… And today like all the others ended in another draw]: giant 1

[Well you could just decide with a Rock Paper Scissors instead… I mean, do you really want to kill your best friend?]: soren

[Well… Not really… But what is this Rock Paper Scissors?]: giant 1

Soren then explained how Rock Paper Scissors works and then the giant went to find his friend to end this age long debate once and for all, and the end result was continued ties until Soren decided to judge their catch.

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