Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 42 - 42: Off Course from Alabastia

(A/N: Sorry about the lack of updates, I've been quite busy in work due to the COVID issue and people being idiots thinking they need to over stock on everything so they can stay inside, but in the end they don't stay inside... Even during my time off I'm to tired to write, so I wrote bits and pieces over the last couple of days)

Soren then found a nearby mountain and scaled to the top of it where he would be able to judge properly, but all that was left were bones, and they looked to be the exact same in size, so Soren decided that the only thing left to do was have them fight him in Rock Paper Scissors and whoever beats him 3 times first wins.

[I have decided that both of the catches were of the same size now that they are nothing but bones, so the only thing left to do is to use Rock Paper Scissors to decide, but you will be going against me, and whoever can win 3 times in a row will be crowned the winner, but to decide who goes first we will draw lots which is up to chance]: soren

Soren then found some sticks and broke them into differently sized pieces before he came back and asked the giants to pick a number that represented which stick was what, and after settling who got which number, Soren showed them the sizes of the sticks and it had been decided who would go first.

[Okay!... Looks like Dorry won the first chance to get a lead on you… Don't worry Brogy, he might lose only for you to make the first win]: soren

Soren then began to play Rock Paper Scissors with Dorry, and the first round went to Soren, and after winning the first round against Dorry, he moved onto Brogy who was crossing his fingers hoping that Dorry would lose. Soren then played about 20 more rounds with each of the giants before it had been decided that Brogy had the bigger catch because out of all the rounds played with each giant, Brogy had won 3 times, while Dorry had only won twice.

[That was a good game… And to show your sincereness towards each other you should shake hands and congratulate each other on such a close game… Win or lose, you should be a good sport and show thanks to the one who had the guts to challenge you, you guys should be able to agree on that, right?]: soren

Both Dorry and Brogy heard Soren's words and nodded as it was indeed a brave thing that required both guts and courage to fight in a life ending fight, and never in their lives have they truly praised their opponents for having the courage to fight them, and would always kill them.

The two congratulated each other while Luffy came over followed by Vivi who had also left the ship to explore, and when Soren saw Luffy he was a bit skeptical as to why he was here instead of hunting like Zoro and Sanji.

[Hey Luffy, why are you here instead of trying to win the competition?]: soren

[I got bored… Then I heard some fighting in this direction and found Vivi also coming this way, and then the both of us came here to see you guys talking to these giants]: luffy

[I see… So I can take it you have captured what you assume is to be the biggest creature on this island?]: soren

[Yup!... Now I want to know who these guys are, they look strong!]: luffy

Soren sighed as he saw Luffy's eyes begin to sparkle as he began observing the giants while asking a bunch of relenting questions before deciding to offer some beer to the two giants. Soon, Luffy came back and gave a few barrels to each of them, and soon one of the barrels exploded, harming Dorry in the process, and with this both the giants were on edge as they thought Luffy was trying to kill them, but Soren quickly stopped any further actions from taking place as he explained that people aside from them have entered this island with the intentions to hunt their crew, but left out the fact that they were also there for the 100 million bounty on both the giants heads.

[So they have acted sooner than I expected… Luffy, you wanna help me get rid of some pests?]: soren

[Hell yeah!... They can't hurt Dorry and get away with it!]: luffy

Both Soren and Luffy then took off into the forest to search for the culprit, and soon they found a man who had a dark skin tone with curly Black hair and a pair of Red lensed sunglasses in a Red leather trench coat with a high collar, it had the number 5 written all over it, while under the coat he wore a pink scarf. The man also wore a pair of Red leather pants and a Red pair of boots making Soren think that his favorite color must have been Red. Next to the man there was a woman with short Blonde hair covered by a Yellow hat that looked like a ball with an Orange rim and a Yellow Umbrella, she also had Blue eyes, and wore a Blue jacket with White accents as well as a shirt with Lemons printed on it, and wore a pair of booty shorts that didn't leave much to the imagination to those who would see her.

[Yes Mrs. Valentine, we really did hit the jackpot… Mr. Zero should be pleased with this]: mr. 5

Soren looked towards Luffy and saw how he was eyeing up the man known as Mr. 5, then he spoke.

[Luffy, you take the man, I'll take care of the woman]: soren

Luffy just looked at Soren and then nodded before he looked back at the man and shot out a Gum Gum Pistol towards him.

[Ohohohoho… So you think you can take me huh?... Fine, I'll show you just how out classed you truly are]: mrs. valentine

Mrs. Valentine then made herself weightless as she held her umbrella letting the wind bring her into the air before she began hovering over Soren and increasing her weight.

[I'd like to end this fast, so how about 500Kg]: mrs. valentine

Soon Mrs. Valentine came plummeting down towards Soren's head before he just moved to the side and watched her body sink into the sand.

[You see… Your power is great, but you don't know how to properly use it… What keeps me from dodging your plummeting body?... But even if I was hit, you wouldn't be able to harm me]: soren

[Oh?... I'm sorry, here how about I help you up then]: soren

Soren smirked before he then grabbed Mrs. Valentine by her arm and threw her high into the sky and watched as she began to fall again, but this time while screaming at the top of her lungs.

[*Whistles*... Wow, I really threw her far… Hell that was only a third of my strength that had been suppressed to match my Battle Power]: soren

Soren then watched as Luffy's fight with Mr. 5 left him all bloodied and bruised as his anger towards Mr. 5 grew now that he found out that Mr. 5 was the one who hurt Dorry. Soren then felt a weird presence as he noticed someone watching him from a distance, but before he could react, his feet were covered in wax, and he just decided to play along as he was then dragged away. Soon Soren was standing on a wax cake with his feet firmly held in the wax, and next to him were Zoro, Nami, and Usopp, Soren then looked around to see a man with a weird hairstyle in the shape of a 3 while he wore a set of Blue sunglasses and a Blue striped vest, and a Log Pose on his left wrist talking to Mrs. Valentine about something.

[So even you were caught… So much for a great swordsman]: zoro

[Hey!... I knew he was there, but I didn't feel threatened by him so I didn't act]: soren

[So I assume you have a way out of here then?]: zoro

[Precisely!... I'll just use my legs]: soren

Soren then patted his right leg before Zoro looked at him in confusion as he had already tried to free himself, but nothing had worked.

[Well that's only because you aren't strong enough… Watch this]: soren

Soren then casually began lifting his right leg, shocking Zoro as he saw the wax begin to crack as Soren's right leg was freed from the wax, and soon so was the left one, then Soren began walking away leaving Zoro, Nami, and Usopp there to be shocked at the turn of events.

[Wha-... Hey!... What are you doing! Get us out of here too!]: nami

[I'm sorry, but I can't help you as if I did, I would end up ripping your legs from your bodies… But don't worry, I'll find a way to free you]: soren

Once Soren said that he continued walking away while Nami shut up as she didn't want to be separated from her legs, and Zoro was having another idea, but would only use it if he needed to do so. Soren then began walking through the forest while Mr. 3 and Mrs. Valentine were still talking and completely missed the whole scene of Soren freeing himself from captivity.

[I wonder how Luffy is doing right now… Eh, he should be fine]: soren

Soon Soren found the hideout of the group of Baroque Works agents and sat behind the desk as a Transponder Snail began ringing.

[A bit early I'd say… Must be due to a figure like me appearing here… Should I answer it? I always wanted to talk to Mr. Zero]: soren

Soren then decided he would answer it like how Sanji answered it in the anime, but with his own joke instead.

[Very funny… Have you captured Red Devil Soren yet?]: mr. zero

[Yes, he was quite the handful, and soon we will have the rest of the Straw Hat crew dead too]: soren

[Great!... Then I'll be sending you an Eternal Pose to Alabastia through our usual means]: mr. zero

[Then I'll be waiting for further orders Sir]: soren

The call then ended with no interruptions like in the anime, and Soren placed the Transponder Snail into his bag since he can't put a living thing into his Inventory, then he blew up the base of the Baroque Works agents.

[Well now we have a peaceful end to a nice arc… It should be about time Luffy and Vivi save Zoro, Nami, and Usopp from that Wax cake]: soren

Just as Soren was walking away he felt a presence from the sky and turned to see a giant bird with an otter on its back with a gatling gun face onto him.

[So annoying… guess I'll kill these fools now]: soren

Soren then sent two Ki blasts towards the bird and the otter killing them both instantly before he went back towards the wax cake that had now begun to rain wax onto Zoro, Nami, and Usopp as it began to solidify onto their bodies. Soren then appeared behind Mr. 3 who was making all this happen and chopped him on the back of his neck knocking him out while Mrs. Valentine was fighting with both Luffy and Vivi, but Soren appeared and knocked her out as well.

Soren then saved Nami, Zoro, and Usopp with the help of Luffy and Vivi without Zoro trying to cut off his legs to free himself, and soon Sanji arrived while holding an Eternal Pose to Alabastia that he found when he was searching the island for them and ran across some Baroque Works agents.

[Looks like we don't need to stay here any longer… Lets get a move on!]: nami

Soon the Straw Hats left Little Garden with the help of the giants who fought the gigantic fish garding the island from people who wished to leave, and just like that one of Usopp's stories came true that day. A few days later Nami fell ill and began to catch a fever, so Zoro was put in charge for making sure the ship stayed on course, while Nami stayed in her room to try and recuperate.

[What's wrong with her Soren?]: luffy

[She's sick you dumbass… I think it's about time we get a sh.i.p.s doctor for the crew]: soren

[Why do we need one of those?... You were able to heal Zoro just fine, why can't you do the same with Nami?]: luffy

[Healing an open wound is much easier than healing an illness… To heal an illness you need to have a vast knowledge of the illness present as well as herbs and medicines that can cure the illness, something I don't have… But dressing an open wound and smearing it with a healing herb paste is common knowledge to most, especially if you are a pirate]: soren

[I see… Then we should find a doctor quickly!]: luffy

Soon Sanji came in with some food he prepared for Nami, and it was all stuff used for making fevers and illnesses subside or regress, but wouldn't cure her, and after a few more days Nami woke up and noticed that they had gone off course due to Zoro following a cloud rather than the compass. Soon it began to get cold and off in the distance there appeared to be a person stranded in the sea, but as the Straw Hats got closer, a gigantic ship began to rise from the water.

'So now we will be picking up Chopper… Man I always wanted to pet that furry little guy': soren

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