Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 43 - 43: Alabastia Finally

Soon the entire ship was visible to the entire Straw Hat crew and the sight of a bunch of pirates with a fat man with what appeared to be a metal lower jaw and Purple hair. The man wore what appeared to be a jacket made of metal with Brown gloves with White fur stitched around the cuffs. The man also wore a pair of Yellow tribal pants with Purple triangles with a White outline surrounding his waist, and the pelt of a Snow Hippo was wrapped around his neck and dr.a.p.ed down his back as a warm cape and hood.

[Stop right there!... This is Capitan Wapol's territory, and anyone who comes here will need to give Wapol food]: pirate

A weak looking pirate shouted from the giant ship which carried the man known as Wapol and his crew around, and when the Straw Hats excluding Soren heard this, they didn't think it was that bad, but when Wapol and his men forcefully boarded the Going Merry and Wapol began eating their ship Luffy began freaking out.

[My ship!!!... You bastard! Stop eating my ship!]: luffy

Luffy then sent Wapol flying with a single punch while Zoro, Sanji, and Soren dealt with the men who began trying to fight them when Luffy struck their captain, but they were quickly dealt with while the rest of their crew began chasing after Wapol to keep him from drowning.

'I can't believe Wapol actually survived being sent off like that… Maybe hit a nearby island?': soren

Soon Usopp was tasked with fixing the damage done to the ship by Wapol while the crew began sailing through the foggy waters leaving Nami burning up as she couldn't trust Zoro to navigate anymore.

[Nami!... There's an island right over there… Let's stop for a bit and see if they have a doctor]: soren

[No!.. We gotta get Vivi home ASAP… The doctor can wait until we reach Alabastia]: nami

[No!... You are burning up, we will be stopping here… If I need to I will get rid of Vivi here even if you will hate me for it, but your health is more important than bringing someone back home]: soren

When Soren said this everyone began looking at him as if he were a monster for out right saying he would kill Vivi if they didn't land, but seeing as he said it for Nami's sake, even Vivi understood that Nami's health came first, and Nami was looking worse by the second.

[We will stop here Nami… Soren's right, Alabastia can wait]: vivi

Nami felt a headache over the mixed choices she was dealing with and ended up passing out again only for Soren to catch her. Soon the Straw Hats sailed towards the island and tried docking at the port, but a group of villagers stopped them as they pointed out the jolly roger of the Straw Hats.

[Stop right there!... Don't even think about taking a single step onto our island pirates!... You are not welcome here]: village chief

Just as Vivi was going to start talking to try and ease the tension between them and the villagers, Soren spoke as he acted.

[There's no time for this]: soren

Soren quickly moved before even the members of the Straw Hats could act and appeared behind the group of villagers with Nami in hand, and when someone finally took notice, Soren spoke again.

[We understand that you don't like pirates, but I'm not interested in what a puny ant like you thinks… I will be back in a few hours, the rest can stay here if you want them too, but I need to see a doctor for my daughter, now tell me, where is the closest one]: soren

When the villagers noticed Soren's position they became scared as they quickly turned towards him with their guns drawn ready to attack.

[I-I told you to go away!... W-we don't want p-pirates here!]: village chief

[Shoot me if you must, but I won't be leaving until I get a doctor… But note that if you decide to take that shot I can and will kill each and every one of you here and make this island a ghost town]: soren

Soren still had his back turned to the villagers just in case they did decide that they didn't want to live anymore and shot, they wouldn't accidently hit Nami. Soon silence filled the area as only the sounds of the blowing winds were left making everyone a bit tense towards what would happen next, but soon the village chief spoke up breaking the tension.

[I will take the initiative to believe you, but don't you dare break my trust… The doctor in which you seek is a witch doctor who lives up there on the tallest mountain… The rest of your crew can dock and depart, but follow the rules of the town]: village chief

Soren gave an inward smile as he turned to call for Luffy to come with him leaving both Zoro and Sanji to protect the ship as well as Vivi.

[Luffy!... Come with me, we'll go get Nami some help]: soren

Luffy and Soren went up the mountain after stopping off at the closest clothing store to get Luffy a winter jacket, but since Soren's Saiyan body was built to withstand and adapt to these kinds of environments, he didn't feel the need to wear a winter coat as the coat he was currently wearing was just fine. Along the way up to the top of the mountain Soren and Luffy met with a bunch of different winter creatures such as the Snow Hippo that was turned into a coat by Wapol, as well as some Snow Bunnies which were no bunny Soren had ever seen, but bears with rabbit features. After a few hiccups such as Luffy causing a gigantic snow avalanche, Soren and Luffy made it to the top of the mountain with Luffy becoming unconscious due to overworking himself.

[What a pain… Now I need to carry the dead weight of 2 people]: soren

Soren then picked Luffy up and placed him over his other shoulder and began walking towards the castle doors and gave them a knock before waiting for an answer, and shortly after a small reindeer looking animal with a Pink hat wearing a pair of Brown shorts opened the door to greet Soren, but once it saw Soren, it freaked out and ran away while screaming for someone named Kureha.

[Wahhhhhhhhh!... Doctor Kureha! Doctor Kureha! Help me!]: reindeer

Soren saw that the reindeer left the door open and decided to take it as an invitation inside and quickly entered before shutting the door and dropping Luffy onto the ground while still holding Nami as she was the one who was truly hurt.

Soon an old lady wearing a Purple leather jacket with a Yellow stripe going up the arms and over the shoulder with a White shirt printed with Pink leave, and a pair of Purple leather pants appeared next to the reindeer.

[What is it Chopper… What did you need my help for?... And who is this?]: kureha

Chopper seemed to refuse to speak leaving Soren the floor as he began telling Kureha about their trip, and about Nami's symptoms while leaving Luffy knocked out on the floor due to over-exhausting himself.

[I see… It seems that your navigator has come in contact with a sickness thought to be extinct, but lucky for you I still have the cure… Now we settle the price for the cure… So what do you got for me?]: kureha

'This bitch really wants money for something so deadly?... Of course she would, she is the leader of the most prestigious groups of doctors in all of Drum Island': soren

[Oh?... and what weapon would be worth my treatment?]: kureha

Soren then pulled out the sword he found when he was inside the stomach of Laboon, and when Kureha saw the Katana in it's Blue sheathe, she immediately grabbed it and began appraising it before shouting one word.

[Deal!]: kureha

Soren then began waiting for a few days while Nami began recovering, and over that time Soren worked out another deal with Kureha about taking Chopper with them as their doctor, but Kureha seemed a bit hesitant to part with him, but soon she calmed down and spoke.

[I'm fine with Chopper leaving, but he has to choose this on his own… You see, I love that little guy… And he is the only thing that my closest friend and fellow doctor left me to look after]: kureha

Soren was then told about the story between Chopper and Doctor Hiriluk, and how Hiriluk saved Chopper and taught him that not all humans were bad people, but that it depended on the person and their personality that decided if they were bad or not. After the long story was over Soren noticed Chopper was running away from Luffy as Luffy was chasing him to be a member of his crew, but when Luffy ran past Soren, Soren whacked him on the top of his head making him fall to the ground while rubbing his head even thought he felt no pain.

[What was that for Soren!?]: luffy

[Calm down you idiot!... Can't you see that you're scaring the damn thing!]: soren

Soren then got up and walked over to the cowering Chopper who was shaking due to the fear of Soren walking towards him, and when Soren saw this he used his Ki and sent a small bit of it into Chopper to calm his nerves while using it to alter how Chopper perceives Soren as the one he wishes to see most, and Soren's appearance began to change in Choppers eyes to the image of Doctor Hiriluk. Chopper saw this and was immediately filled with all sorts of emotions as he rushed towards Soren while shouting with tears in his eyes.

Soren caught Chopper and removed his Ki's influence and slowly Chopper saw Soren as Soren making him a bit caught off guard, but Soren continued to show him a smile as well as show him kindness as he spoke his next words.

[No little one… I am not Doctor Kiriluk, but from what I heard he was a great man worth many paises… But don't feel down, though Hiriluk is gone, if you join me and Luffy here in our crew we can explore the world to find out if Hiriluk's thought about medicine was true]: soren

At first Chopper wanted to refuse, but after hearing that they would be exploring the world, and that he could search for the medicine that could cure all, he wanted to go with the Straw Hats.

[... I'll go with you… But I need go pack my stuff and say goodbye to Doctor Kureha first]: chopper

Soren let Chopper down and he quickly ran off while both Soren and Luffy began waiting on Nami's recovery, and after a few more days Nami was told that she could leave on her own, but wasn't allowed to leave, and as first Nami was confused, but seeing that Kureha was telling her to leave unknowingly as otherwise she needed a few more days rest, Nami decided it was time to leave. Soon, Soren, Luffy, Nami, and the newest member of the Straw Hats, Tony Tony Chopper went back down to the village to leave, but when they got there they noticed that Zoro and Sanji and beaten and defeated the Bliking Pirates and their captain Wapol.

[Looks like we missed quite a lot here… But it's time to go]: soren

The Straw Hats then loaded back up into their ship and set sail towards Alabastia for the second time, but with Nami being fully healed they wouldn't be off course again. After about a week of sailing, the Straw Hats finally made it to Alabastia for the first time, and seeing as the main docking place was filled with Marine sh.i.p.s, the Straw Hats went around the island to dock in secret.

[Hey Soren! Come check this out!]: luffy

Soren exited the ship to see Luffy standing before a group of seals with turtle shells on their backs, and they were doing everything Luffy was doing, and seeing this Soren let out a sigh, but after remembering just how fast these guys learned, he decided to teach them some real martial arts instead of just the punch and chop Luffy taught them.

[Okay!... You heard him guys, listen to him oaky]: luffy

Soren and Luffy then watched as the seal turtles saluted Luffy and began paying close attention towards Soren.

[Alright!... I'll show you a move that will beat your opponents in a single strike, so pay close attention so that you don't miss any single movement]: soren

Soren saw the animals nod and he got in a forwards position as he stepped forward with his right leg and placed his right arm out with his fingers pointing straight ahead. Soren then extended his body a little while closing his open hand into a closed fist and punched the air making a small shockwave, and when the seal turtle saw this they were a bit quiet before Soren decided that he should show them once more, but on a rock, and with that he walked towards a rock and did the same thing and completely obliterated the rock.

[This was called the 1 inch punch… A powerful Martial Arts move used for completely destroying your opponent with potential energy used in one swift motion]: soren

The seal turtles nodded in approval as they began trying the move on nearby rocks, and after they would try it a few times they would reflect on their actions before finding a way to better improve their level of skill at the technique, and while they were doing this, the Straw Hats decided to enter the town to find some food while Vivi went back home to the palace.

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