Multiverse Traveler System

Chapter 12 - 12: … so I’ll use my Knowledge as my Strength!

~Third POV~

Just like that Alex took his time nicely grinding up against his Swordsmanship, Thunder Breathing Style, and Hasshoken techniques for another year completing his training to work hard in using the techniques as his own.

During that year Alex took a more active role in that time around Mihawks home on the island as there would be challengers coming from all around to go over to challenge him.

However, Alex took this chance to intercept them as he challenges them instead of Mihawk as he uses them to further increase his own skills as he fought against some challengers all over the world to face Mihawk from Paradise level or rarely New World Level pirates.

Mihawk doesn't bother with them since in his eyes if they couldn't defeat Alex then it was no concern for him to be bothered but he is amused to see a fight with some wine from time to time seeing Alex grow.

Of course, Alex used his Devil Fruit on the New World pirates while only relying his physical strength on the Paradise level pirates to further increase his own power.

During the end of the fights as Alex finishes them off, he has no problem killing them since his time with the animals has shown him that showing mercy to an enemy would only come to strike you in the back where you least expected.

Alex also acts as Mihawks own personal errand boy to him to bring in food for him or wine and in return for one on one sparring matches with him.

Of course, Alex would lose 100% at a time against him but that was only when his trying without his devil fruit and more on his Haki and physical skills in the process.

Even though he'll lose he gains more on how he attacks and how he should attack as well as further increase his own willpower for his Haki.

Complete the Thunder Breath Style took about 4 months for it to be ready to compete in actual fights with his [Seimei Kikan] to have a perfect movement till it was no longer needed to help against the need to use it for battle purposes.

As for completing the Hasshoken or known as the [Eight-Impact Fist], it made Alex his day to know it works perfectly or even scarily too well with his Goro Goro no Mi.

This fighting of the [Eight-Impact Fist] is style allows the user to control vibrations around their limbs to generate shock waves and the shockwave is powerful enough to destroy a metal shield or defeat a strong man easily.

A fighting style that is claimed that these attacks are unblockable and reverberating, causing defenses to shatter.

But if you combine that with the Goro Goro no Mi that can easily cause a shockwave using its lighting it's a scary match made in hell.

A bolt of normal lightning causes instantaneous superheating and expansion of the air close to the victim's body, followed almost immediately by an implosion as the air rapidly cools...

The resulting rapid expansion of the air creates a shock wave.

However, if a [Lighting Human] were to learn the [Eight-Impact Fist] and combine it with the Goro Goro no Mi you get a copycat of a [Tremor Human] similar to Whitebeard himself!

If a [Lighting Human] were to control the vibrations of his limbs and body with the [Seimei Kikan] then that person can recreate a tremor bubble similar to that of Gura Gura no Mi or possibly something more as well.

That was Alex thought as he figured out a connection of shockwaves to his lighting and made it a priority to master such a technique for his Goro Goro no Mi to help him progress thoroughly to the extent of his power and skills.

In that time for the last 6 months, Alex was able to use the [Eight-Impact Fist] into his arsenal as he was glad to have met the assassins first so that he can have the memory of Lucci and his muscle memory to his own made the process easier for him to accomplish.

If the world thought that Whitebeard had the power to destroy the world now?

They clearly underestimated the invincible fruit of the Goro Goro no Mi can do with the martial arts of the Hasshoken in his arsenal now made him use the abilities to control his own vibrations as well as his lighting.

A [Lighting Human] controlling his body creating shockwaves just by turning into his element alone can cause a dangerous hazard to people around him unless they are inhumanly strong.

Although it sounds strong its weakness is that so long as the enemy attack is stronger then it can be canceled out or even overpowered but it wouldn't make the enemy come out unscathed as the shockwaves will travel down throughout the body causing some internal damage.

However, that wasn't all that Alex done in that year by repeatedly catching the pirates of Paradise whenever they meet in Water 7, Mihawks home, or in between the seas doing errands he has rather gotten the attention of a few powerful organizations.

The Marines, Warlords, Yonko's, and Revolutionary army.

Once they heard the news about a Logia user of the Goro Goro no Mi has made an appearance they were quite interested to have them as pawn under him.

Unfortunately for them they couldn't as they also heard reports of their spies or forces going to that island is that humandrills were too difficult to deal with since Alex was around, he used the Six Powers, Hasshoken, and Thunder Breathing Style at them.

Of course, the intelligent animals managed to copy down his moves and uses them as their own that was another reason why Alex chose this island to train.

The humandrills provide to be good sparring partners mirroring his skills and notice what to do to improve his moves in the process.

In the year 1516 is when certain events occur that year with a blue nose reindeer eating the Hito Hito no Mi, the Reverie is happening to discuss the events of what the Rebel leader Dragon is doing, and Enel wiping out the island of Bikira and took hostile control of Skypeia.

While everything was happening around the world Alex was busy finishing up his training as he was currently at the coast away from the castle while Mihawk was away to attend the Warlords meeting…


Time to see the fruits of training using the [Eight-Impact Fist] with my Goro Goro no Mi has been able to produce.

Glancing at the calm sea of the Grand Line I couldn't help but admire it for that moment.

Shame I'm going to have to ruin it, but I do need to test my skills after all, "Alright after trying out my [Eight-Impact Fist] with my Devil Fruit I successfully made my own Gear 2 and quite possible a rip off of the Gura Gura no Mi…"

Shaking in excitement I got into my punching stance as I quickly formed a lighting bubble as I controlled the vibrations of my lighting condensing the shockwaves inside the bubble.


What I have here is the rip-off version of the Gura Gura no Mi as I control my own vibrations in the sphere maintaining the shockwaves condensed and further growing more powerful so long as the bubble is in place.

Since lighting can naturally create these vibrations I just needed a way to control them luckily for me the [Eight-Impact Fist] was nice enough for me to make it a possibility since I'm lighting adding the [Seimei Kikan] made it possible for me to control my vibrations my lighting produces once it leaves through the air.

Smiling at this feat it was difficult and probably nowhere near the original Gura Gura no Mi in power, but it was a nice feeling to have.

Sadly, though I don't have enough time to change my lighting to plasma just yet.

Even though I can use [El Thor] it isn't exactly pure plasma only somewhat useable.

That type of level is beyond me at the moment since plasma is needed to be a higher temperature or voltage than my normal 200 Million Voltage max that I'm capable of as well as a good control to which I only have two years with this fruit.

Maybe if I awakened it its should be possible but defiantly not here in the present but possible soon.

Ok, I'm getting off-topic a bit I should be happy that I got my very own use of the Gura Gura no Mi with the use of the Goro Goro no Mi as I punch the air to see my results of my training.



I call this little technique here the Gura Goro or the [Shaking Thunder] as I punch the air itself started to crack as I broke the air showing off electricity flying off all around the crack then soon a shockwave traversed through the sea causing big tsunamis.


Damn now with this fruit can really cause some destructive power shame I didn't unlock the Emission technique from my [Armament Haki] but I will get there and the infusion technique as well from my [Conqueror Haki].

It was embarrassing but certainly worth it to learn more about my swordsmanship skills.

As much as it pains me to do this I need to update my medical knowledge of the world so that I have better control of my [Neuron Control] and the only place with great medical knowledge in Paradise is Drum Island.

That should be my next destination plus I should really get away from getting the attention of the Warlords, Marines, and Revolution Army.

I'm not a fool I have literally heard the voices of them trying to get here only to be stopped by the humandrills knowing my fighting style and Chinjao Hasshoken, Six Powers, and Thunder Breathing Style.

Ha ha ha!

I bet those guys were certainly surprised when they saw me use them.

Activating my lighting clouds forming near me I got on top of it as got ready to get to the next island talking to myself in a proud tone, "Ok I have the fighting experience and techniques down. I need to get some medical knowledge of the neurons and pathway of how it functions the human brain time to meet the doctor Kureha."

With that, I left the island going up in the sky to fly towards my next island to visit.

The island of medicine Drum Island plus I might get to meet Chopper.

Maybe he could help me research ways to unlock more functions of the Logia fruit forms like zoans?

Now that is something worth investigating at least.


Mission, Inventory, Traveler

MTP: 25,000

Skills: Electric Manipulation, Logia Intangibility (Lighting), Haki (Observation, Armament, Conqueror), Six Powers, Seimei Kikan, Swordsmanship (Advanced), Eight-Impact Fist

Equips: Pure Gold Ring, Shusui

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