Chapter 17: Chapter 017 – Preparing to Become a God

Translator: Exodus Tales

Editor: Exodus Tales

There was no need to further elaborate on the illustrious reputation of the S.W.A.T. They had excellent equipment, superb tactical knowledge, and training, and even if they weren’t in teams, they were still outstanding fighters. These men were the cream of the crop.

They used weapons like the M1911 handgun, the MP5 submachine gun, the M4 assault rifle, the Remington M870 tactical shotgun, and the Remington 700 PSS sniper rifle. With this awesome firepower, they could suppress any criminal.

Their defensive equipment was also extremely advanced. Their uniforms had bulletproof vests, tactical vests, armored gloves, goggles, and bulletproof helmets, allowing them to deal with a variety of dangerous situations.

This paired with their miniature headsets that allowed to keep in constant contact with the command in the armored trucks meant that they succeeded in almost every operation they attempted.

If it was a fixed target, Luo Su was confident that he could hit with 100% accuracy, but he lacked this confidence against the S.W.A.T., the king of policemen.

Fortunately, this division of S.W.A.T. had not been completely mobilized. It was just three teams of five, and they weren’t from New York.

As for a sniper team, Luo Su had no way of knowing where they might be hidden. However, considering the complicated layout of the factory, with barriers made of reinforced concrete all over the place, and the lack of any high vantage points nearby, he just needed to stay in cover to sharply decrease the chance of getting hit by a sniper.

Thanking the fighting memories left behind by the subway police officer, Luo Su cautiously took the unconscious Smith and moved him and Quintana to the previous hiding spot.

Hoping that Smith would wake up and kill everyone was pointless. Luo Su used his forehand and backhand to give the man ten-some slaps until his face was swollen like a pig so that he could sleep soundly.

As Quintana angrily watched on, Luo Su inspected his M9 then turned around to leave.

“Wait for a second! There is a bunch of police armed to the teeth outside! Are you trying to kill yourself?”

Quintana realized what Luo Su’s plan was and grabbed his arm. After all, this had been her companion on the road, and she didn’t want to see him throw his life away.

“There are times when giving up will mean a comfortable death, but when you fight, there’s a chance you can bring some people down with you. With the baby, we’re four people, so I have to kill four enemies to make it worth it!”

Luo Su half-joked, and then he left, his body crouched down. Quintana could only watch as he closed the door behind him.

Quintana was stunned. She had always believed that Luo Su was a man who feared death because every time Smith went to gather information, Luo Su would remain behind to protect her and the baby.

She finally admitted that she had been wrong. At this dangerous juncture, Luo Su had shown not even the tiniest bit of fear, proving that he was a comrade who could be trusted.

In truth, Quintana’s first judgment had been right. Luo Su really was afraid of death. He was only so responsible this time because there was nowhere to run. After entering the factory, the S.W.A.T. didn’t even say ‘put down your weapons, and we won’t kill you.’ They didn’t even try to lie.

This meant that the S.W.A.T. had been ordered to kill everyone!

Even a rabbit would bite someone when it was in danger, much less a human. Since they were determined to leave no survivors, Luo Su had no other choice. He hid behind an old electric generator and opened up the system menu.

He had three Character Cards: Bolt, the Temple Guard, and S.W.A.T. He had three Skill Cards: 100% Accuracy, Death Coil, and Bullet Time. He also had three Item Cards: Liniment x2, Blood-Absorbent Bandages x3, and one Carrot.

Putting aside the cards that he couldn’t use or were pointless in his situation, Luo Su had three cards available to him: S.W.A.T., 100% Accuracy, and Bullet Time.

After a few moments of silence, Luo Su focused and used his abnormal perception, hoping that his faster reaction speed would allow him to find a way out of this awful situation.

“System, use ‘Skill Card: 100% Accuracy!]

[User has equipped ‘Skill Card: 100% Accuracy’. This card can only be used once!]

Luo Su silently cursed the trash system that only knew how to screw him. Suddenly, his heart thumped, and he turned to his side and fired his gun. All his movements, from raising his gun, turning around, taking aim, firing, and crouching back down, were extremely smooth as if he had practiced them a hundred times.


The bullet directly struck a S.W.A.T. member, piercing through his goggles and through his brain. The unfortunate fellow didn’t even time to pull the trigger before dropping lifelessly to the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A rain of bullets instantly forced Luo Su to lower his head. He only had an M9, and he was truly too helpless in front of the well-equipped police elite.

100% Accuracy had a time limit, and Luo Su did no dare to delay. His greatest fear was that his enemy would throw a flashbang at his position. The flashbang’s stunning effect made it a necessary weapon to bring to battle, as just one use could rob him of the ability to fight.

Looking around, he saw that there was nothing on the floor around the generator besides a thick layer of dust. Raising an eyebrow, he decided to take off one of his shoes.

Meanwhile, the S.W.A.T., after losing a squad member, had assigned one squad to lay down suppressing fire while the remaining squads began to circle around and get closer to the generator.

“Fire in the hole!”

At this moment, Luo Su loudly called out while throwing a black object. The S.W.A.T. members instinctively lunged to the ground, but they almost immediately regretted it. That was a simple shoe, not a grenade.

“Fire! You’re permitted to fire at will!” The squad captain on the ground was furious and ordered his men to fire at will while maintaining tactical formation.

Luo Su used the opportunity created by his little trick to run out of the S.W.A.T. encirclement, doing his best to draw them away from the room where he had hidden Smith and the others.

Unfortunately, the squad captains were not fools. With their rich experience, they preferred to widen their encirclement so that they weren’t attacked from behind. They still didn’t know that Smith was unconscious and that only Luo Su could fight, so they were extremely cautious.

This gave Luo Su some time to catch his breath. Leaning against a gray wall while his heart madly thumped, he was unable to calm himself down. Besides that, even the hand holding his gun was caked in sweat.

Luo Su took in a deep breath and opened up the system menu again, glancing a ‘Skill Card: Bullet Time.’ He knew without thinking that this was a one-time skill. He just didn’t know if it was a time-based skill or meant that he could only fire a single bullet.

As Luo Su hesitated, he suddenly thought of his last useable Character Card, and his eyes flashed with a contemplative light.

“He had a plan…”

“System, equip ‘Character Card: S.W.A.T.’ Equip the Character Card skin!”

[User has equipped ‘Character Card: S.W.A.T.’ and has confirmed equipping the Character Card skin. Time limit of 180 seconds, starting now.]

Almost instantly, Luo Su felt his appearance transforming, his body getting larger and taller. He also became equipped with a standard S.W.A.T. uniform, with the helmet, goggles, and everything else.

If one had to point out a difference, it would be that Luo Su’s weapon remained the M9.

Luo Su frowned. “Damn, it’s only 180 seconds. If that’s the case, how can I…”

Suddenly, Luo Su froze. He stared blankly at his gun for a full ten seconds before bizarrely smiling. “Hell, I’ll just cheat!”

Rather than infiltrating the enemy ranks, he was going to become a god!

At this time, a S.W.A.T. member with an M4A1 assault rifle discovered the wall that Luo Su was hiding behind. He made a gesture, signaling that his squad members should cover him, and then rolled to Luo Su’s back.

But when he aimed his assault rifle at Luo Su, he saw someone wearing the same uniform. Hastily aiming his gun barrel up, he cursed, “What are you doing? Why did you leave the squad?”

Luo Su turned around, raised the M9, and prepared to fire.


Luo Su was struck by a rain of bullets; the momentum of the bullets carried his body forward and nailed his limbs against the wall.

Two seconds later, the man stopped firing. Still staring at Luo Su’s body, he whispered, “The target is dead! Take note! The enemy is wearing the same uniforms as we are! I repeat, the enemy is wearing the same uniforms as we are!”

“All squad members, maintain squad formation, and continue searching for the targets. Kill on contact!”

The S.W.A.T. member grunted in response to the order relayed through the headset and turned around to rejoin his squad. Suddenly, he realized something. The shot corpse had not bled. While the walls and floor were covered in bullet holes, there wasn’t even the smallest smear of blood.

The S.W.A.T. member was confused as to what sort of bulletproof vest was so tough that it could block so many bullets at such close range, but he wasn’t worried too much. Being shot at this distance should have shattered every bone in Luo Su’s body.

But at this moment, two hands wrapped around his neck.


Luo Su put the man’s body down, holstered his M9, and picked up the M4A1. After reloading the gun, he aimed it at a blurry figure on the wall.

“Unkillable+X-Ray+No-clip+Headshot and even I can get a 100-0 kill-death ratio!”

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