Chapter 18: Chapter 018 – Smith – Carrot-Upgraded Version

Translator: Exodus Tales

Editor: Exodus Tales

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The roar of the M4A1 resounded through the factory. With each burst of gunfire, another S.W.A.T. member fell. No matter where they hid or how sturdy their cover was, the bullets would pierce through everything and hammer into their skulls.

A S.W.A.T. member clearly saw one of his fellow squad members getting shot in the head, the body right at his feet. Most unbelievable was that the bullet had emerged from a metal sheet behind him, which had to be at least five centimeters thick.


With another gunshot, the wide-eyed squad member dropped to the ground, not even understanding in death what had taken place.

Everyone said that cheating was a refreshing experience, and Luo Su was showing that these words were true. Cheating really was refreshing. The mighty S.W.A.T. was nothing, their excellent equipment, teamwork, and training all for naught. When facing a cheater, they were all brought down by a single shot.

Luo Su didn’t even need to aim. He simply needed to see his targets through the obstacles and randomly pull the trigger. The bullet would automatically take the correct trajectory and get a headshot.

Luo Su silently cursed that he had wasted the ‘Character Card: S.W.A.T..’ It was simply too powerful, and he should have saved it for the assassins of the Fraternity, letting them know what it truly meant to cheat. But these thoughts quickly passed. He didn’t have any other cards to use, and if he hadn’t used it today, he would have never had a chance to fight the Fraternity.

“Retreat! Reconsolidate and retreat!”

The fifteen members of the S.W.A.T. had been more than halved, so the captain ordered a retreat. He didn’t know where the enemy was, only that his men were constantly killed. If they didn’t leave now, they would be completely wiped out.

The captain threw a smoke grenade and began to retreat under cover of smoke. But to his horror, the smoke grenade provided no covering effect whatsoever, and his men continued to fall.

At this moment, even the tough personalities and discipline of the S.W.A.T. fell prey to negative emotions. The last three members ignored their orders and began to randomly fire into smoke, spurred on by the shadow of death.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three separate gunshots blew their heads open, causing them to drop to the ground.

The only one left was the captain. He gave up on the pointless escape, raised his gun, and fired into the smoke. Once the clip was empty. He reloaded and fired again until he had once more emptied his clip.

When the captain was loading his third ammo clip, there was finally some activity from the smoke. Luo Su, wearing the S.W.A.T. uniform, strode out.

The captain secretly praised God that this man had decided to stop hiding. A gun in each hand, he began to fire at Luo Su. The bullets struck Luo Su again and again, pushing him into the smoke.

A second later, Luo Su walked out!

“The hell! What monster is this?!”

The captain’s nerves were already fraying, and this sight made him completely snap. Shouting, he emptied all his bullets.

The recoil and random spraying of bullets meant only a few of them hit Luo Su. His body swayed for a moment, and then he continued to walk toward the captain. His goggles and visor made him seem to possess the unseeable face of the death god, and his body seemed to radiate fear and darkness.

Ka! Ka! Ka! The assault rifle clicked empty, so the captain pulled out his M1911 and emptied all seven bullets. Anyone hit by those bullets would have a large hole punched in them by those 11.43mm diameter bullets, but Luo Su seemed entirely unaffected. He merely swayed a little before walking up to the captain.

“Monster, die!”

The captain’s mind completely broke. He pulled out a grenade, tore off the safety pin, and threw it at Luo Su. If he had been in a clear state of mind, he would have realized that he was too close and would get caught up in the explosion.

Luo Su saw that there were only 60 seconds left, so he grabbed the grenade, and as the captain watched in shock, he pressed it against his face.


A massive explosion of fire sent the captain slamming into a concrete wall. His stomach and legs were penetrated by shrapnel, and even his dizziness couldn’t prevent him from sensing the intense pain. Upon falling to the ground, he screamed and groaned.

But as he screamed, his voice began to die away as immense fear took hold. He could only watch as two feet stopped in front of him. Looking up, he saw Luo Su, completely unharmed.



After wiping out the S.W.A.T. team, Luo Su walked out of the factory, raised the M1911 he had picked up and reloaded, and casually fired at five different areas. These seemingly casual shots had taken the lives of the five sniper team members, thus completely wiping out the S.W.A.T.

Luo Su opened the armored truck. The communication team inside had already been taken care of with his No-clip+X-Ray+Headshot. After taking whatever equipment was useable and a box of 9mm bullets that his M9 could use, he used grenades to destroy the three armored trucks.

By the time Luo Su walked back into the factory, ‘Character Card: S.W.A.T.’ ran out. The Character Card skin disappeared, returning him to his original appearance.

“Three minutes is truly unfortunate. If it was forever, I would always be able to cheat and always feel so good. And also, this S.W.A.T. cheat is no good. It doesn’t even let me fly or travel underground. And there’s also no infinite ammo. If I were fighting zombies, I would be in an extremely passive position.”

Upon opening the door to the room where he had hidden Smith, Luo Su sensed danger and hastily dodged to the side. Quintana had managed to get a rusty fire ax, and the moment the door opened, she swung it down.

Luo Su managed to dodge the ax, causing Quintana to stagger forward under the weight. He silently rolled his eyes and kicked his goddess in the butt, causing her to eat dirt.

Quintana got up from the ground, her face covered in dirt, but she wasn’t angry at being kicked. On the contrary, she gave him an excited hug. “Wonderful, you’re alive! I can’t believe it! I heard so much shooting outside, and then an explosion. I thought you were dead!”

“That’s right. I almost got hacked to death by you.” Luo Su fearfully glanced at the rusted ax. God, even if he didn’t die, his dignity had been wounded.

Quintana blushed in shame. “Erm, I’m sorry. I thought that the one opening the door was…”

“It’s fine; we can talk about apologies later. This place isn’t safe, so we need to get out of here.”

Luo Su carried Smith, and Quintana held the baby as the four of them got onto the Ford so that Luo Su could drive them away from this dangerous area. Luo Su had also kindly picked up an M1911 handgun for Smith and three ammo clips. If they encountered any enemies after this, only Smith would be any good.

The only card he had useable in battle was ‘Skill Card: Bullet Time.’ Luo Su, who had a phobia about insufficient firepower, was wondering just how he could bolster his reserves.

The Ford drove at high speeds on the highway, moving out of the city and into the countryside. American highways were basically deserted except in cities. Quintana held the baby and slept in the backseat, the state of heightened tension she had been in for half a day, exhausting her to the extreme.

Luo Su was also very tired and almost wanted to sleep on the steering wheel. He needed a cigarette to raise his spirits, but alas, none of the three adults on the truck was a smoker, and the baby was certainly out of the question.

Luo Su pursed his lips and silently thought, “System, use ‘Item Card: Carrot’!”

He didn’t have a cigarette, but he did have a carrot. Luo Su reached into his clothes and calmly took out a carrot. But to his surprise, before he could put the carrot in his mouth, Smith’s nose quivered, and the man opened his eyes.

“You’re awake?”

Smith said nothing, snatching the carrot from Luo Su’s hand and stuffing it in his mouth.

Luo Su: “…”

“It’s not bad. Where did you buy it?”

Smith efficiently devoured the carrot and smacked his lips as if wanting more. For some reason, it seemed to Luo Su that this carrot had blood-restoring properties. After all, how else could one explain how Smith’s complexion had suddenly become much healthier?


[User has encountered plot character Smith – Carrot-Upgraded Version, triggering the lottery phase. The user has accumulated two pulls. Would you like to pull now?]

What the hell was this? He had just eaten a carrot, not transformed. How could this be considered an upgrade?

Luo Su didn’t understand why Smith could trigger the lottery phase again. His past experience told him that each person could only trigger the lottery phase once.

Or did this mean that the carrot was a sort of equipment? Smith with a carrot and without a carrot were two entirely different people?

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