Chapter 19: Chapter 019 – Who Opened the Sunroof?

Translator: Exodus Tales

Editor: Exodus Tales

Luo Su glanced at Smith out of the corner of his eye. Upon confirming that Smith had not transformed into some sort of carrot superman, he made his two pulls in confusion, obtaining a Character Card and an Item Card.

[Character Card: Smith (Give him a carrot, and he can defy the heavens)]

[Item Card: Carrot (Eating vegetables is good for your health)]

Upon seeing the Character Card, Luo Su’s fear over his lack of firepower immediately plunged. In addition, he had drawn two conclusions about this fraudulent system.

One, Skill Cards and Item Cards were far inferior to Character Cards. Neither the Subway Police Officer nor the S.W.A.T. had disappointed him.

Two, the notes the system made regarding the cards were just reading material. They could not be regarded as references. Take Smith’s Character Card, for example. He still had no idea of Smith’s ability, and if he just tried to base this card off the system’s note, who knew how good he really was?

Seeing that Smith was dissatisfied, Luo Su silently used ‘Item Card: Carrot’ again, removing a carrot from his clothes. He first took a bite himself. Once he had determined that the carrot did not have any blood-restoring properties, he gave the rest to Smith.

Smith apparently didn’t care that the carrot had been bitten. Clackclack! He swiftly finished off the carrot. With someone to chat with, Luo Su felt his drowsiness fade.

Seeing the M1911 and ammo that Luo Su had prepared for him, Smith immediately took them and began to talk about what had happened on the airplane.

Luo Su was dumbfounded. “So, you killed the senator who was going to be a presidential candidate in next week’s election?”

Smith replied in the affirmative. “Correct. He has more worth alive than dead.”

“But he was still a senator and someone who had a good chance to be president. By killing him, haven’t you brought yourself a big pile of trouble?”

“It’s not that much of a problem. There’s too much blackmail material available on Senator Rutledge. Any intensive investigation on his cause of death would create a massive political scandal. Just think about it. If the people knew that the politician they had supported was an insincere hypocrite, publicly calling for the banning of guns while secretly colluding with gun companies, what would be the result?”

Luo Su fell silent. The conditions of each country were different, so he really didn’t know how to respond.

Smith answered his own question: “The people will protest in front of the White House, and the government will be under heavy pressure. Public trust will plunge, and the other presidential candidates will all be dragged in. Not a single one of these people is clean, so they’ll do their best to conceal the true reasons for Senator Rutledge’s death. We might even see tonight the news that Senator Rutledge died of a heart attack.”

Luo Su thought it over and asked, “What if the truth is exposed by some reporter that doesn’t fear death?”

“Does such a formidable reporter exist?”


Smith sighed. “Then, the proposal to ban guns would become the number one topic. I’d love for that to happen!”

Luo Su shook his head. It was impossible for America to ban guns. These sorts of gun bans had been proposed several times, but all that ended up doing was increasing gun sales. The greater the storm stirred over gun bans, the more money the gun companies made, a fact which left all the spectating countries slack-jawed in awe.

As they were talking, Luo Su suddenly frowned. There was a car in his rearview mirror that had been following them for some time. At first, he thought that this car was just traveling in the same direction, but when he noticed that it was trailing them from a distance, he sensed that something was off.

Smith also glanced at the rearview mirror, and then he exchanged a glance with Luo Su. The two of them silently nodded, and then the Ford took the next exit off the highway and drove into a small town.

“Why is there still someone looking for us? Didn’t you say that they would hide the truth of that senator’s death?”

Smith shrugged. “We know the truth, don’t we?”

Luo Su had nothing to say to that. He, Smith, and Quintana really did not know the truth, and the strongest evidence was the baby in Quintana’s arms. This baby shared D.N.A. with Senator Rutledge, and if the baby’s identity was exposed, the truth would come out.

Smith was rather annoyed. “Who do you think it is? C.I.A. or Hammerson?”

If this was Hammerson, then even though this was a major player in the arms industry, Smith had a way to deal with the problem. But if it was the C.I.A., he would have to leave the United States to continue living a normal life.

“We just need to take a look to know…” Glancing at the car pursuing them through the rearview mirror, Luo Su suddenly turned the Ford into a narrow mountain road.

An hour later, more than ten cars had arrived. There were 70 gunmen in the cars, led by the short leader and the major shareholder of Hammerson.

The short leader angrily glared at the empty Ford in frustration and then had a military canine brought out to search the forest. He hated Smith to his bones and needed to personally kill him to sleep easily at night.

In truth, Smith needed to thank the short leader and the Hammerson shareholder. The two of them had used their connections to suppress the truth behind Senator Rutledge’s death. The senator had not died in the assassination, but because his plane had crashed, obliterating his corpse.

To these two, Smith’s group of four were the last witnesses. Once those four were dead, their crimes would be buried forever.

After experiencing Smith’s marksmanship once, the major shareholder had decided not to go up the mountain. He had the short leader go up while he would remain behind in an armored car to wait for the good news.

These 70 well-equipped gunmen were all retired soldiers. With a dog to aid in their hunt, they were probably more than enough to find four people, two who couldn’t even fight!

The sounds of gunfire quickly began to resound through the mountains. The major shareholder opened the sunroof, a cigar in one hand and a glass of red wine in the other, appearing to be in a state of complete relaxation. The death of Senator Rutledge was a good thing. With the threat of the gun ban gone, he would only get richer and richer.

Unbeknownst to him, Luo Su was staring at the major shareholder’s luxurious armored car from a bush. According to the plan he had made with Smith, Smith would deal with the gunmen while he would protect Quintana and the baby.

Thus, after strolling around the forest for a while, he secretly left with Quintana and the baby. To his surprise, he ran into the main architect behind the plot. After hiding Quintana and the baby, he had come back to kill the major shareholder. This was a rare opportunity that he was in no way guaranteed to get again.

Luo Su had never seen the major shareholder of Hammerson before, but that didn’t matter. The system knew!

[User has encountered plot character Hammerson, triggering the lottery phase. Would you like to pull now?]

The system was still a little useful!

Luo Su silently made his pull and obtained an Item Card.

[Item Card: A.T.M. Card (Has 500,000 USD inside. Unregistered, can’t be marked as lost, can’t be used to withdraw money. Although there are many restrictions, the smell of Franklins remains ever so intoxicating)]

It was a rather useless A.T.M. card. Luo Su glanced at it before putting it aside. Scanning the area, he imprinted the location of every gunman on his mind. Adding the major shareholder, there were eighteen people here, armed with handguns, assault rifles, submachine guns, and even shotguns. Meanwhile, his M9 could only fire fifteen bullets, and he had two extra ammo clips.

Luo Su squatted in the bush and pondered how to eliminate this group. In the end, he determined that he alone wasn’t enough.

The gunfire from the forest was intensifying, and he could occasionally hear a barking dog. Luo Su glanced at Smith’s Character Card but quickly ruled it out.

“System, use ‘Skill Card: Bullet Time’!”

[User has equipped ‘Skill Card: Bullet Time.’ This card can only be used once!]

Luo Su felt his heart beating incredibly fast, and everything around him slowed to a crawl. His sense became extremely sharp, and through his skin, he could even sense the flowing wind. The sounds coming through his ears were also being swiftly analyzed by his brain, providing him concise and clear information.

A sense of invincibility took root in Luo Su’s mind, and Luo Su followed this feeling and jumped out of the bush. He swung the M9 in front of him, bullets roaring out of its barrel.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Luo Su could see the smoke produced as the bullet left the chamber, and he could even see the trajectory of the bullets. This was a very strange feeling. His mind told him that all of this was taking place in a second, but his eyes fooled his brain into creating this incredibly authentic scene.

After firing off half a clip, Luo Su emptied the cartridge and reloaded. The gunmen on the other side were finally reacting, looking at the bodies of their comrades as they squatted down and tried to hide behind the car.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Luo Su raised his gun and fired, but this time, he swung around his arm. As the bullets left the barrel, they began to follow strange trajectories.

An arcing bullet struck the gunmen from the sides. After firing 15 bullets, Luo Su felt his heartbeat beginning to return to normal. His sensory organs were finding it hard to cope, and for a moment, he felt like the entire world was spinning. Dropping down, he hid behind a tree and gasped for air.

He had managed to hit all 17 gunmen, with the majority of the shots being fatal. Some of them hadn’t died, and Luo Su could hear their groans and screams.

The major shareholder almost spilled his glass of red wine. He was just about to move from the backseat to the driver’s seat when he remembered that he was in an armored car, upon which he chuckled and sat back down.

This old man’s car isn’t even afraid of landmines, so why would I fear a puny handgun?

Once Luo Su was done catching his breath, he walked out from the shrubbery. After finishing off the gunmen, he walked up to the armored car. The arrogant shareholder could be seen behind the window, and Luo Su really didn’t know what to say.

The shareholder waved around his glass of red wine, gave a toast to Luo Su, and drained the glass.

Luo Su said nothing. He took a grenade from his back, pulled off the safety trigger, and threw it in through the open sunroof, shattering the shareholder’s wine cup.

Shareholder: “…”

Jesus, who opened the sunroof?

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