Chapter 31: Chapter 031 – You Know Nothing of Power

Translator: Exodus Tales

Editor: Exodus Tales

Fox’s injuries were rather serious. Putting aside the shot in her shoulder, the chest shot alone had rendered her powerless. In Bullet Time, the pumping adrenaline made it so that she didn’t sense the pain, but once that time was over, her condition worsened.

Wesley’s trembling hands picked Fox up off the cold floor and softly carried her into his lap. He reached out with his hand and put pressure on the wound.

Fox faintly smiled a sad and beautiful smile. She placed an M1911 in Wesley’s hand and began to experience that signature of someone on the verge of death…the flashback!

“You didn’t have to do this…if you had done it like this, there would have been no problem…” Wesley’s voice was trembling with fear. As he pressed down on the wound, the striking warm blood poured out through the space between his fingers.

“That day at the train station, you asked if I had ever thought about living another life…I lied…” Fox looked at the ceiling as she muttered to herself. “I often dream about being an ordinary person with my own family and loved ones, but that’s just a dream. I can’t go back…”

Wesley hugged Fox tightly. “You can. The Fraternity is done for. You can survive this and start over!”

Fox tragically smiled. “Impossible. When I close my eyes, I can see so many faces. They were all innocent…I’m carrying too many crimes…I thought that I was the assassin of fate, but it was the exact opposite. I was one of those people spurned by fate…”

“Screw fate! You’re thinking too much! You just need to live for yourself!”

“Thank you for helping me kill Sloan…I’d like to have another dream. Can you not disturb me?”

After saying this, Fox closed her eyes. Wesley hugged her and softly sobbed, his face covered in snot and tears.

On the other side, the assassins who hadn’t been killed yet, realizing that the firing had stopped, cautiously began to emerge from their hiding spots and aim at the desk.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

Luo Su was the gunman. He had used the Bullet Time Skill Card to kill five people with three bullets, with two bullets taking two assassins each.

Sloan wasn’t in the office. Luo Su scanned the area, his sharp senses no longer sensing any extra heartbeats. Besides himself, there was only Wesley…and Fox.

As Wesley sobbed over his goddess, Luo Su walked over, squatted down, and placed a hand on her neck.

“Stop crying! She’s not dead yet!”

Wesley raised his snot-covered face and blew his nose. “Really!?”

“The bullet didn’t hit any organs, or else she wouldn’t have had any strength to talk nonsense with you!”

“But she…”

“Fell unconscious. If you don’t get her to a hospital, she’ll die of blood loss. Let me think…it seems to be 1000cc…”

Before Luo Su could finish speaking, Wesley took Fox up in a princess carry and flew out of the office, even throwing away the M1911. “Kill Sloan, please!”

Luo Su picked up the M1911 and commented, “Of course, or why did you think I was doing all this?!”

After checking to make sure that he had enough ammo, Luo Su circled around the office and discovered a half-hidden wooden door.

The door had been locked. Lockpicking was a delicate business, and for someone with no experience, it required quite a lot of luck. Luo Su was a rather lucky man, for he had a Remington M870. Boom! He blew the lock open.

Behind the door was a spiraling metal staircase. By following the stairs, one could reach the top floor, where the Loom of Fate was kept. When the Butcher was killed, Sloan had retreated there alone.

It wasn’t so that he could die together with the Loom. He hadn’t achieved that level of enlightenment. Rather, he had stored all the wealth he had gathered over the years in a hidden safe on that floor.

This was an extremely blasphemous act. If the other assassins had learned that a bloodstained fortune had been placed next to their hallowed Loom of Fate, Sloan would have been eaten alive.

Alas, nobody knew; the assassins had believed that Sloan was a diligent and responsible leader…one could only say that he was an excellent actor!

Was money important or life important?

Many people would say life. Without life, what use was money? But reality said otherwise. If you really gave people a choice, they would rather take their money over their life. Sloan was also this sort of man. Hadn’t he spent more than half his life trying to make money?

The Fraternity was no more. If he also lost his money, what reason did he have to keep living?

In the spacious room, the Loom of Fate was placed at the very center. Sloan was in front of the hidden compartment in the corner, trying his best to stuff his pockets with gold, silver, and jewels. Stacks of dollar bills were scattered around his feet.

He was wearing a backpack that was stuffed with valuables. He was preparing to flee with his treasures.

There was a secret passage here that only he knew about. It led to the river behind the Textile Mill. Sloan had a speedboat ready there for his escape. But because he valued his money more than his life, he had missed out on the best chance to run. The sound of the door being blasted open awakened him from his dream, and he began to feel some regret.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Sloan began to fire at the metal staircase, attempting to stop Luo Su from getting up. He shouted, “I know who you are. You’re Luo Su; a low-end assassin…it appears that there was a problem with my intelligence sources. You’re not bad.”

Luo Su pressed against a wall as he listened to the voice from the floor above. He really wanted to use a curved bullet to kill Sloan, but Sloan was constantly shifting positions. Any shot he fired would probably miss and just be a waste of ammo.

Luo Su raised his head and shouted up, “Sloan, you’ve got nowhere to run! Give up! I’ll ask Cross to be merciful. As long as you promise to settle down for the rest of your life and be a lonely old man in a retirement home, I’ll let you live…really, I swear!”


Sloan chuckled, not taking these words to heart. Despite being a priest, he was a firm materialist, convinced that money could solve everything.

“What did Cross offer you? I can give you double…no ten times!”

“He gave me an opportunity! An opportunity to kill you.”

“Don’t joke with me. There’s no grudge between us. You don’t have any reason to kill me.” Sloan continued to aim his gun at the stairs as he stubbornly persisted, “Luo Su, don’t be so naive. You shouldn’t so easily believe in Cross’s lies. You’re just being used by him. Do you really think he’s a good person?

“You’ve been tricked! He’s a cold-blooded and merciless killer, through and through. I don’t know what sort of contract you signed, but I’m certain that the second you leave the Textile Mill, a sniper will pop your head open! He’s an expert at betrayal!”

“That makes sense…”

“It’s the truth! If you work with me, we still have a chance…”

“But, I want to kill you now!”


“You might not believe me, but I’ve been selected by Fate. Because you were so brashly altering the decrees of Fate, the old man appeared in a dream and told me to kill you.”

After a moment of speechlessness, Sloan pleaded, “The times have changed. Have Fate go to hell! I’ve always been defying his orders, but I’m still doing just fine!”

Luo Su truly believed this to be the case. He didn’t understand the principle behind the binary codes created by the Loom of Fate, but if there was really some sort of Fate in this world, it was undoubtedly a piece of trash that only knew how to talk.

“I agree with what you say, but everything has its rules, no?

“The rules are only there to protect the weak, such shams that they would collapse with a single blow. This is an era where the strong eat the weak. As the strong ones, why should we be bound by rules? Moreover, even if there really are rules, it should be the strong who decide them. We have the right! We have the power!”

Luo Su laughed at this. “No, neither of us is strong! You know nothing of power!”

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