Chapter 30: Chapter 030 – After All, Everyone’s Had It Hard

Translator: Exodus Tales

Editor: Exodus Tales

Upon reaching the entrance to the third-floor corridor, Luo Su did not immediately go in. Cross’s notes said that all the windows of the third floor had been shut, with either the curtains being drawn or wooden boards nailed over them.

Cross hadn’t been completely useless. The information he had gathered, which had been corroborated by Fox and Wesley, indicated that one needed to pass through the Butcher’s slaughterhouse to reach Sloan’s office.

Why was the slaughterhouse on the third floor instead of being next to the cafeteria on the second floor? This was because the slaughterhouse was not providing meat for consumption, but bodies for the firing range next to it.

There were pig carcasses, and also human carcasses…

The Butcher was one of the few assassins of the Fraternity skilled with knives. He was extremely familiar with the construction of the human body and was an expert in torture and dissection. He was also one of the Fraternity’s core members.

The pungent stench of blood filled the air. Luo Su could also smell the formalin. He hated this smell, as it always made him think about glass vials and deathly pale tools.

There was little light in the corridor, and at the end of it was a pitch-black room that was the source of the smell.

Butcher’s slaughterhouse!

Luo Su pressed himself against the wall. After some thought, he took out three grenades and threw them into the room, and then he tossed in a flashbang.

Once the explosions had died away, he didn’t hear the expected screams. The system, however, had told him that he had encountered the plot character ‘The Butcher’ and won a pull from the lottery.

The Butcher was hiding in the pitch-black slaughterhouse!

“This really isn’t fair and makes it seem like I’m cheating…mm, feels great!”

Luo Su sighed as he strode into the silent darkness. The pitch-black room was like a giant maw that swallowed him up.

The room was very dark, but the faint light from the very back of the room allowed him to see pieces of pig meat suspended from hooks. The room was very cold and made it seem like he was in a horror movie.

Luo Su knew that not all of these pieces of meat were from pigs…

The Butcher was hidden in the darkness, lying on the ground, his obese body pressing against it, his heartbeat almost undetectable. The Butcher was a very large and fat man, but he was only fat on the surface. His limbs were bursting with power and muscle.

As a man who was approaching 300 pounds in weight but who had an almost divine mastery of the knife, the Butcher had a flexibility and reaction time that could make many other people blush in shame. This was also a kind of talent. Out of respect for his ancestors, he had grown up using a knife to eat.

The Butcher had been hiding in the slaughterhouse for some time, so he was accustomed to the darkness. He only needed the weak light from the two corridors to clearly determine the layout of the room. He knew where each piece of meat was, which hooks were empty and that Luo Su was getting closer.

He tightly gripped the stabbing knife and stared at the approaching figure. At a close enough distance, he could stab Luo Su through the heart before he could fire.

The Butcher’s talent was his body, his explosive strength. His jumping strength exceeded the limits of an ordinary human, and his thick layer of fat concealed a jaw-dropping group of muscles.

As Luo Su walked closer and closer, the Butcher’s body tensed, his eyes becoming like those of a snake waiting for the prey to walk into the trap. One second later, and its jaws would be around the prey’s neck, injecting its lethal venom.

Closer…one more step, and your body will be mine. I’ll pierce my hook through your shoulder and hang you up…


Luo Su stopped four meters from the Butcher and pressed the trigger of his M4A1. The flames from the gun illuminated the surrounding area, including the Butcher’s disbelieving face.

Why was it like this?

The bullets turned the Butcher into pulp. His dimming eyes soon found the reason. The tongues of flame from the gun illuminated the armored Luo Su, particularly that small tool on his helmet.

A thermal imager!!

The Butcher: “…”

Luo Su closed his thermal imager and stared speechlessly at the body on the ground. He had spotted the fatty on the ground not long after coming in, the ball of heat almost completely covering his screen.

Among the cold pieces of meat, the Butcher was the only heat source.

In truth, Luo Su had hesitated before firing, wondering if he should throw a flashbang to make things seem like a bigger deal. After all, the Butcher had had it hard hiding there for so long.

The Butcher hadn’t been wrong. He was a frank person with a stubborn mindset. He had expected Luo Su to come in with just a handgun.

Ahead of him was Sloan’s office, a room circled by numerous bookshelves. Considering the Fraternity’s history, the books stored here were all quite old. Alas, Sloan had not learned of any system of values from these books. He only understood the power of money.

Perhaps he had seen this man-eat-man society and gave up on his beliefs, becoming a hedonist who sought only money.

The mission objective was inside. Once he was dead, everything would be over, but Luo Su paused at the entrance. In the original movie, Wesley was surrounded by seven or eight assassins as soon as he walked in. If not for Fox’s suicidal fealty to her convictions, he would have been dead.

Luo Su thought that things would be pretty much the same for him. There was even a chance of him being obliterated by a shower of bullets the moment he walked in.

“I should have brought a few rats with me….”

But even if there were no rats to guide the way, he still had Wesley.

Luo Su decided to wait for Wesley and Fox. One reason was his own survival, but the other was to give a chance for Wesley to prove himself. The goddess he was after had very high standards. If he didn’t have a chance to act cool, how could he possibly win her heart?

Luo Su didn’t have to wait for Wesley for too long. After killing the assassins on the second floor and dealing with the Gunsmith, he arrived with Fox to the third floor.

Upon seeing how furtive and sneaky Luo Su was being, Fox snorted in derision and strode into the corridor and toward the office.

Wesley glanced at Luo Su, clearly understanding that charging right in had an eighty percent chance of getting shot. But his goddess could not go without some cannon fodder to block the bullets, and he righteously ran over.

Fox suddenly stopped right in front of the office. Wesley was following very closely and almost ran into her. But when he stopped, he instantly felt regret.

Why did I have to stop?

Wesley blamed himself for missing out on this excellent chance, little expecting Fox to turn around and kick his chest, forcing him flat on his back.

After pushing down Wesley, Fox gripped her two M1911s, her heart madly beating, and her eyes erupting with light and charged into the office.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

An ambush had been lying in wait in the office. The moment Fox entered, the eight waiting assassins fired.

Fox picked up speed, her body leaning backward. Her knees hit the marble floor, and she began to slide across it. Through a slow-motion lense, one could see the bullet piercing through the air, leaving straight lines in the air as they whizzed past her head.

Emerging unharmed was impossible. Fox had Bullet Time, but the eight assassins weren’t nobodies. Those two core members, in particular, had the ability to predict Bullet Time, and as Fox slid across the floor, they began to fire.

Fox used her bullets to stop the enemy bullets, but she was going one versus two. Her chest and shoulder were struck, and she clenched her teeth hard in pain. Flipping her body, she hid behind a desk.

The assassins raised their guns and aimed at the desk, and the two core members prepared to fire curved bullets to kill Fox. But at this moment, two gunshots rang out, and both of them dropped to the ground, bullets in their heads.

It was from Wesley!

In slow motion, one could see his face twist into a savage visage, his eyes burning with killing intent as he transformed into a man-eating beast.

After killing the two core members, he swung his hands and fired several more times. Not caring if the other assassins had been killed or not, he rushed to Fox’s side.

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