Chapter 29: Chapter 029 – As Long As He’s Not Guest-Starring as God, Everything Is Fine

Translator: Exodus Tales

Editor: Exodus Tales

The suicidal explosions of the rats had left the Textile Mill in tatters. Although the main structure was still fine, the load-bearing walls still holding, the electric lines and internet lines had all been cut. There were no lights to illuminate the vast factory floor, and dust filled the air. Anyone farther than five meters out was hard to see.

The surviving assassins were like startled birds. As groans of pain entered their ringing ears, their faces were stricken with fear and panic, making them little different from ordinary people.

Fox and Wesley charged in through the window. After somewhat accustoming themselves to their surroundings, they repeatedly fired, their accurate shots instantly ending the lives of ten assassins.

The assassins in the factory began to return fire, using the looms as cover as they formed a defensive line.

The two sides began to exchange fire!

Wesley leaned against a concrete pillar, his heart beating more than four hundred times per minute. Rather than causing him to panic, the continuous gunfire allowed him to determine where his enemies were.

There were still quite a few assassins. As long as they had a gun, they were lethal existences who could not be underestimated, but Wesley was not panicked. The gap between him and them was too large, and they were practically moving in slow motion. They weren’t on the same frequency.

Wesley swung his arm, and a bullet arced through the air and struck an assassin hiding behind a loom. Fox was just as good, swinging out with both her guns. And when she heard footsteps approaching, she took out a grenade and tossed it along the ground.


With a scream, the assassins who were trying to get close retreated.

In the end, assassins were assassins. Given how they usually worked alone, there was little hope of them implementing tacitly understood tactics. If they were given a chance to strike from the shadows, they could take down an entire squad of special forces soldiers, but in a direct clash, they would be beaten so badly that they wouldn’t even have a chance to shout for their daddies.

At times, an advantage in numbers could not be taken as a reliable indicator of victory!

The Repairman gasped for breath as he lay prone by a loom. While this was a rather embarrassing stance, it was what was necessary to keep him alive. The two invaders were armed to the teeth, dressed up like S.W.A.T., but the Repairman had instantly recognized one of them as Wesley. There was an eighty percent chance that the other person was Fox.

The Repairman didn’t understand why Fox would betray the Fraternity, but now was not the time to think about such things. He was well aware that these two could curve bullets, so he couldn’t risk raising his head to open fire.

The Repairman messed around with his revolver and looked around at the bodies as he began to consider how feasible it was to keep going. But at this time, an object rolled in front of him, instantly striking him dumb.



These were the Repairman’s last words. Surviving a grenade that blew up right in your face was a treatment that only the main characters and cheaters enjoyed. He was merely a side character with a few lines, so he died on the spot.

The sudden explosion alarmed the others. There had been quite a few people around the Repairman, and the one grenade had essentially wiped them out. Those who hadn’t died had lost any ability to keep fighting.

As the assassins were wondering where the grenade had come from, a flashbang appeared in front of them…


The dust and the large space reduced the explosive power of the flashbang, but it was enough to blind them all.

The assassins covered their heads and dropped to the ground in pain. Tears and snot covered their faces, and their ears had temporarily gone deaf. They were completely incapable of fighting.

Luo Su strode forward with the M4A1 and swept it across the assassins rolling around on the ground. He didn’t even try to aim, simply holding the trigger until he was out of ammo.


Once he had emptied his magazine, Luo Su waved his hand at Wesley. Suddenly, alarm bells went off in his head. His sense of danger that was on the verge of becoming a skill warned him that there was someone behind him.

Luo Su dropped to the ground without a second thought, and then a bullet whizzed over his head.

An assassin who had been shot in the leg had managed to survive both explosions because he had been hiding in a corner.

The moment Luo Su dropped to the ground, he took his Remington M870 from behind his back and fired, blasting the assassin backward.

The chances of surviving after being struck by a shotgun were nil. Not even the thickest bulletproof vest would help!

Luo Su didn’t even feel the need to double-tap. Patting the dust off his body, he once more signaled at Wesley. The assassins on the factory floor had basically been cleaned out. What they needed to do next was advance through the second and third floors like they were making their way to the final boss and get to Sloan in his office on the third floor.

As for the top floor, that was where the Loom of Fate was. The entire floor was meant to hold the Loom, and no one except Sloan was allowed to go there.

Wesley was about to walk over to Luo Su, but to his surprise, he had barely turned around when Fox ran up the stairs to the second floor. Wesley immediately chose to ignore Luo Su and followed Fox up the stairs like a good little boy.

Luo Su: “…”

The second floor was where the cafeteria and dorms were. The damage done by the rat explosives here was very low, and Luo Su suspected that there were many assassins hiding up there.

As expected, as soon as Fox and Wesley reached the second floor, the place exploded with gunfire.

The one leading the assassins was the Gunsmith, one of the core members of the Fraternity. He was the assassin most skilled with messing around with guns. Messing around meant modifying, and Fox’s M1911 had been his handiwork. He was capable of fulfilling almost any request a member of the Fraternity had when it came to modifying their handguns.

The Gunsmith was a master in this field. He was familiar with the traits and attributes of all guns, particularly handguns. This wasn’t something that could be gained from the effort and could only be called an astounding talent.

But God was fair. In opening one window, he closed another. Thus, while the Gunsmith was great when it came to messing around with guns, his talent in firing them was mediocre.

The Gunsmith’s favorite gun was the M1911 handgun, and he used one himself. It had been modified with an extended barrel and a scope to make up for his lack of shooting talent.

When the rats exploded, the Gunsmith had been organizing a team on the second floor specifically to wait for any intruders.

In the face of the semi-automatic fire from the assassins, Wesley and Fox elected to use their submachine guns over their handguns. In the rather narrow corridors of the second floor, the submachine gun was the true king.

Luo Su took the stairs to the second floor, and after hearing the fierce gunfire, he decided to head straight for the third floor. He was confident that Fox and Wesley were enough to take care of the enemy and that his presence wasn’t needed.

As he was heading up to the third floor, Luo Su opened up his system menu. He had heard a ‘ding’ earlier, but he hadn’t had the time to see what it was.

The system told him that he had encountered the plot character ‘The Repairman,’ triggering the lottery phase. He had one pull.

“How lucky! But when did I encounter the Repairman?”

Luo Su had no impression of the man, nor did he pull from the lottery. He still had Wesley’s Character Card and one ‘Bullet Time’ Skill Card. With his excellent equipment and ability to predict danger, he had enough to fight the next battle.

The end of the Fraternity was certain. Any hope of revival had been wiped out by the charging of the rat brigade. Luo Su only needed to kill Sloan to complete his mission, and he was supremely confident in his ability to do so.

“I’m on the third floor. Make sure that Sloan doesn’t run. If you discover him, don’t shoot. Leave him to me!”

He was speaking to Cross. Luo Su was worried that if Sloan sniped while trying to run, all his effort would have been for nothing.

Cross warned, “Be careful. While that old scoundrel’s getting on in the years and he’s weakened a lot, he can still curve bullets.”

“What is there to be afraid of about some old man with a reputation for sexual harassment and sat in prison for forty years, almost wearing out the prison floor!?” Luo Su made a joke only he could understand.


“What I mean is that as long as he’s not guest-starring as God, everything is fine!”

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