Chapter 40: Chapter 040 – Distressing News About the Ex-Girlfriend

It was now afternoon. Luo Su recalled the instructor saying that police officers would start coming in at this time. He didn’t want to meet anyone he knew, so he decided to take his leave.

Primarily because of his parents’ hidden profession, Luo Su felt uncomfortable all over when he saw his former colleagues. Even looking at a picture of himself in uniform gave him goosebumps.

The parking lot was on the first floor. On his way there, Luo Su saw three suspicious rascals who had stopped near a white Cayenne.

The three hoodlums weren’t that old in terms of age, but they were shrewd foxes when it came to experience. They weren’t frightened when they noticed that someone had seen them. Seeing that Luo Su was clean and scrawny, they viciously glared at him.

What are you looking at? If you dare to mess around in business that’s not yours, we’ll cut you!

Through their gazes, Luo Su confirmed that they were good people!

He shrugged his shoulders and turned to walk back to his van. The three hoodlums thought they had won and smugly laughed, not noticing that once Luo Su got back to his car, he took out his phone and started recording.

It was difficult for police to get things done in this day and age. Everything required evidence. If he just beat those three up, he might end up being falsely accused, but not if he had evidence.

The three had bad luck. Before they could unlock the car, they ran into its owner. The owner was a woman of around thirty years of age, dressed as an office worker and with a little girl of three or four years old.

When the woman saw what was going on, she was somewhat at a loss for what to do. In her panic, she decided to walk around wisely, but the little girl was not so tactful. Pointing at the three hoodlums, she blurted out, “Mommy, there are thieves breaking into our car…”

The office lady said nothing, simply pulled on the little girl’s hand and began walking faster. But the three hoodlums had overheard the girl and quickly went after the mother and daughter.

Luo Su dispassionately put down the phone and got out of his car. His hands suddenly felt itchy, and only working them on a few faces would do.

The office lady was surrounded by the three hoodlums, and her face paled. She took a spray can out of her bag and hugged her daughter close.

“There are security cameras in the parking lot. Don’t do anything rash!”

The three hoodlums glanced at each other. They only wanted to steal a bag from the car, and these words instantly made them hesitate. However, they had their dignity to consider, and while it was one thing if they were alone, there were two others watching, so leaving would just be too humiliating.

The office lady was rather sharp and immediately took out her wallet and threw it over. “Don’t hurt us, and I promise not to call the police.

A hoodlum picked up the wallet and threw the credit cards and IDs to the ground. There were around two thousand yuan in the wallet, and the three of them looked at each other in satisfaction.

Things should have ended there. The office lady was very cooperative, so the hoodlums didn’t plan to continue causing trouble. Alas, there was also a naive little girl present.

The reality was different from the lessons she had been taught. She asked in confusion, “Mommy, why are we giving them money? Daddy said before that this isn’t right and will only encourage them to commit more crimes. We should call the police!”

Office Lady: “…”

Didn’t your daddy also tell you to only call the police once you’re safe?

The three hoodlums had been planning to leave, but these words left them extremely unhappy, and they turned with the intent of teaching the girl a lesson. The office lady raised her spray can, sweat beading on her forehead in panic. She knew a few defensive techniques, which involved hitting the balls, hitting the balls again, and then thrice for good measure, but she was worried that her daughter might get injured.

The pepper spray was quite intimidating, and none of the three was willing to go first. One of them took out a switchblade, and the sound of it coming out caused the office lady to tense, her arm hugging her daughter.

The three hoodlums chuckled, and the one with the knife began to wave it around.


Luo Su grabbed the hoodlum’s wrist. As the hoodlum stared in shock, he declared, “According to the thirty-second article of the Public Security Punishment Act, it is illegal to carry around restricted items, punishable by up to five days in detention and a fine of five hundred yuan!”


“You’re under arrest!”

Shit, the cops!

The hoodlum swallowed and tried to break free, but the fingers around his wrist were like a vise, and even though he clenched his teeth and pulled, he couldn’t break free.

Luo Su roughly slapped away the switchblade and then gave the hoodlum an uppercut to the stomach, causing the fellow to drop to his knees and retch.

“Bro…brothers, run…”

The hoodlum spoke out of loyalty to his brothers, worried that the other two might lose themselves in emotion, but when he raised his head, he saw that his brothers had already run.


When danger came, it was everyone for themselves. Luo Su had seen this far too many times. He didn’t plan to chase them down. Once the one he caught was taken back to the police office for interrogation, the other two wouldn’t be able to escape.

The hoodlum was in great pain and began to plead, “Big Bro, give me a chance! This was your little brother’s first time! And besides, I didn’t do anything!”

Luo Su glanced at him and recited, “Wielding a knife to commit robbery! Attempted assault! Resisting arrest! Assaulting a police officer!”

Hoodlum: “…”

Who the hell are you talking about!?

The hoodlum mentally cursed. His eyes looked all around as he massaged his aching belly, and then he tried to roll away and escape. But he had barely raised his foot when Luo Su tripped him, causing him to hit the door of the Cayenne and fall unconscious.

“You see, I wasn’t trying to frame you! You were clearly resisting arrest!”

On the other side, the office lady had already called the police. The dangerous scene from just now still had her heart racing.

“I really have to thank you. Without you…” the office lady gratefully said, but when he saw Luo Su’s face, she froze. Hesitantly, she asked, “You’re…Little Luo from the police force, right?”

Luo Su nodded. “That’s me. Might I ask your name?”

The office lady stopped being polite now that she knew it was an acquaintance. Giggling, she said, “We only met last year. You didn’t forget me already, did you?”

“Last year…oh, right, right, right, I remember now!” Luo Su blushed in shame. He really did find the office lady somewhat familiar, but he couldn’t remember who she was.

The office lady chuckled, not taking it to heart, and very tactfully chose to change the subject. But at this time, the little girl spoke again. “Mommy, this uncle is lying. He definitely forgot!”

Luo Su: “…”

Office Lady: “…”

One couldn’t hope for children to understand the ways of the world. The two shared an awkward laugh, then the office lady asked, “Last year, when the city organized an excursion for police families, we met on the tour bus. You helped me with my luggage. Old Wang…you might have forgotten him, but Old Wang is a member of the riot squad!”

These words finally triggered Luo Su’s memories. He really had met this office lady before, but while he had forgotten that helping hand he had offered, she had remembered. He gave the unconscious hoodlum a sympathetic glance. If he recalled correctly, Old Wang was the captain of the riot squad.

Tsk, tsk, no hope for you. Just wait for death!

Luo Su didn’t know Old Wang very well, but his legendary story had caused a sensation. It was said that he had a temper as foul as a stone in a cesspit, smelly and hard. When he was in his thirties, he had failed to find a wife, and everyone thought that he would be unmarried for the rest of his life. But later, he acted heroically in saving a rich young lady, and though they were separated by ten years, that girl bizarrely took a liking to him.

Old Wang got married, and the story of how he was pursued by a beauty ten years younger than him caused a sensation in the Fengning Police Department because when he married this wife, he instantly became rich!

“Today was truly a coincidence. If not for your help, who knows what would have happened.” The office lady was the rich young woman who had taken a liking to Old Wang, and she had a very refreshing and easygoing personality. After chatting with Luo Su for a bit, she learned that Luo Su had come here to work out, so she immediately made a solemn declaration.

“I was the one who opened that wrestling club. From now on, you have a lifetime free membership!”

Luo Su: “…”

This was the connection the instructor had spoken of. All those beasts in the riot squad really were bursting with energy. Each day they didn’t work out would leave them restless and fidgety.

“Little Luo! Have you gotten married yet? You’re getting on in the years, and it’s best not to be like Old Wang. I saw that girlfriend of yours. She’s quite pretty…”

Hearing this standard question gave Luo Su a headache. What should he say? That they had already broken up?

Luo Su could only smile and nod. It wasn’t long before the police arrived, allowing him to finally relax. He called out to a colleague that he recognized. Though he was no longer working as a police officer, he still knew these people. After explaining the situation and sending over the video he had taken, he felt that he had done his duty.

The hoodlum was taken into the police car, and the office lady and the little girl got in their car and followed the police car. As they left, the little girl waved goodbye to Luo Su.

Luo Su got onto his van, and as he put the key into the ignition, he suddenly realized something that made his face sink. The office lady said that she had met his girlfriend, but…Luo Su didn’t recall such a meeting…

His ex-girlfriend was a member of the ‘industry’ and had been out of the country for almost a year. Recalling how he had been kicked out of the assassination chat group, Luo Su suddenly had a bad feeling. He was being investigated!

“Was my lurking discovered…did that dumb girl take the mission to assassinate me!?”

Luo Su scowled. To tell the truth, he still had feelings for his girlfriend. If he really needed to do the deed, he wouldn’t be able to harden his heart…

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