Chapter 41: Chapter 041 – Someone Looking Beautiful Has Absolutely Nothing to Do With You

Fengning Police Department!

In the interrogation room, the hoodlum sat in a daze on a chair, his hands in cuffs. Even now, he still couldn’t understand how he had been so unfortunate.

Cap Li, who was responsible for the interrogation, slapped a palm on the table and savagely said, “You’ve got some guts, kid! You even dared to rob the family of the riot squad captain! You don’t want to live anymore? And you even dared to assault an officer!!!”

Who the hell assaulted a police officer!?

The hoodlum scowled. When he learned who the office lady was, he had almost wet his pants. He had been unlucky as of late, but even misfortune had to have a limit. At his level, he would have had to desecrate an ancestral tomb.

The door opened, and Little Ma of the police force came in. “Cap Li, this kid has a criminal record. He’s not a local, and he’s suspected of being connected to a gang of thieves. The neighboring city has already gotten in touch with us and wants to take him away…”

Cap Li raised an eyebrow. “If they can just take him away because they say so, what are we then? If they had the skill, why didn’t they catch him themselves?”

Little Ma gave an awkward chuckle. There was no good way to reply, so he pretended not to hear.

Cap Li grunted. “Let them wait while I question this kid. They shouldn’t even think about getting him until I pry some useful knowledge out of his mouth!”

“Erm, then how do I reply…”

“Just say that we’ll do our utmost to work with them and then have them follow the procedure!”


“Right, remember to have them hand over the reward for Little Luo. Little Luo is our good comrade, and we can’t let him get a bad deal. Haaa, if it wasn’t for his parents’ accident being such a big blow to him…forget it, let’s not talk about it. Hurry up and get that matter settled!”

After closing the door, Cap Li turned on the hoodlum in displeasure. “Our Fengning City has been developing rather quickly over the last few years, but there are always outsiders like you coming in and causing trouble! Whenever I see you rats, I want to vomit! Talk! Say everything you know!”

The hoodlum lowered his head and said nothing. He understood the principle that confession would only get him a long term in jail.

“Hey, you’ve got some temper! It seems that if I don’t give you some eye drops, you won’t understand just how formidable my ‘Yama Hand’ is!”

As Cap Li began to roll up his sleeves, Little Liu, who was in charge of keeping the record for the case file, hurriedly pulled him back, “Captain, hold on for a second! We need to uphold the law in a civilized way nowadays.”

Cap Li glared. “The hell are you saying? How am I not being civilized?”

Little Li was speechless. He pointed at the security camera in the corner.

Cap Li waved his hand. “Turn off the camera for me. Say that there was a malfunction, and we need two days to repair it.”

Little Li really didn’t know what to say. “This isn’t legal…”

“The laws are dead while people are alive, and can a living person just allow themselves to choke on the piss?”

Little Liu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Treating Cap Li’s previous words as nonsense, he advised, “Cap Li, you can’t be serious. If this gets out, you’ll be disciplined.”

“What does it matter if I’m disciplined? How many times have I already been disciplined?” Cap Li was unconvinced and pointed at the cowering hoodlum. “These troublemakers disrupt the order of society from day tonight. I’m beating him up so that we can solve the case faster. The more we delay, the more victims there might be. Don’t you understand?”

“I understand! But it doesn’t matter if I understand!”

Little Liu pointed at his computer. There were too many keyboard warriors online who were more willing to believe in criminals than in the police. If the criminals were wrong, these people would immediately go after the police, so many eyes keeping watch on them that they could barely work.

Police officers were also people who had blood! When they saw heartless criminals, they couldn’t help but let the blood go to their heads. And the result? They were denounced and criticized! It was absurd!

“Forget those crazies who spend all day speaking up for criminals. If the criminals are pitiful, what about their victims? The victims don’t have money to stay in the hospital, but I don’t see anyone from that vanguard of law and justice standing up to donate money, do I?” Cap Li’s voice oozed contempt. “In the end, we’re the ones who have to donate money! The discussion ends here!”

Little Liu shrugged. He was really no match for Cap Li, so he could only ask, “So then how do I write up the case? I can’t write anything!”

Cap Li thought it over and then sternly said, “Say that the criminal was extremely uncooperative. While trying to break free of his cuffs, he kicked out and broke the camera. In the end, we had to use electric batons, riot shields, and pepper spray to finally suppress him.”

Little Liu was stunned. Are you serious?

“The hell are you looking at me for? Get on the phone and get those things I asked for!”

“Captain, are you for real?”

Cap Li replied in a matter-of-fact tone, “Of course! This is going on the record! You think I can just spout off nonsense?”

“Oh! Oh! I’ll make the call now…”

The hoodlum looked in panic at Cap Li, who was rolling up his sleeves, and Little Liu, who had just gotten on the phone, unable to tell if they were serious. If they were serious, if he wasn’t beaten to death, he would be close to it!

“Captain, the things you wanted will be here soon. This case record…what do we do about the details?”

Cap Li impatiently said, “Don’t think I don’t know about the articles you read. Kid, you’re moonlighting as a lazy writer! Just write it up like a Bruce Lee movie. I’m Bruce Lee, and he’s that guy who plays basketball. The fight should be as intense as possible, and you should emphasize the criminal’s arrogance and Cap Li’s martial arts prowess.”

“Uh, Captain, I’ve never watched any Bruce Lee movies.”

“Youth these days! There’s nothing good to be said about you! You haven’t even watched the movies starring the pride of China…then what have you watched?”

“Dragon Ball and One Piece!”

“What nonsense is that? Forget it; just write something similar to those two.”

“Captain, then…have you watched those two shows?”

“No, what about it? Are the fights not intense enough?”

“No, the fights are very intense. The main character will always get back up after being pushed down and will always barely manage to defeat the enemy.”

“It’s fine as long as the fights are intense. Just write it like one of the main character’s fights and enter it into the case record.”


Little Liu cracked his fingers and began to tap on the keyboard. His mind was overflowing with ideas. At this moment, he was no longer a slacker writer.

The criminal roared, his hands thrusting forward as he tried to use his star-destroying blast to turn both Cap Li and the earth into dust.

Cap Li paled. This criminal had a terrifying aura, and he knew that he couldn’t take his bow. Although he could use Instant Movement and escape from Marie Geoise, the Earth on which humanity lived, the red earth and the countless beautiful families that lived upon it were here…

He couldn’t run! Couldn’t dodge!

I bear the heavy-duty of protecting humanity! Even if I die, I have to block this attack!

Cap Li’s eyes changed. He ignored the fatal side effects it would have on his body and unlocked the tenth gear, Super Saiyan 4, and unleashed his final Kamehameha!


The criminal was pushed into the sun by the Kamehameha and turned into history!

As Little Liu wrote, he thought to himself, if I was a reader and read this novel; I would immediately give it my five monthly tickets.

Hasn’t it gone on the bookshelf?

No problem! Bookmark it, give it my daily ten recommendation tickets, and wait for it to be put on the shelf.

Little Liu read out loud what he was typing, and the hoodlum wet himself. As Cap Li walked over with a savage expression, he began to hastily shout.

“Captain, I’ll confess to anything!”

“Now you call me, captain? Too late! Do you know what the words on the wall say?”

“Confession means lenience!”

Cap Li grunted. “That’s right! It’s all to eliminate things that could trouble the people!”

Someone knocked on the door and opened it. “Captain, the electric baton and riot shield you wanted is here…”

“Give it here. Today, I’ll open your eyes and let you all experience the power of ‘Three-Footed Li’ who got the top three in the provincial wrestling competition.”

The police officer who had come in kindly reminded, “Captain Li, Three-footed Li didn’t use an electric baton. He used nunchucks!”

(TN: Three-footed Li seems to be another name for Bruce Lee, as ‘Lee’s Three Feet’ in Chinese is a name for Bruce Lee’s footwork technique.)

“You think you’re all that with your little facts? You think I don’t know how to tie two electric batons together?”

The police officer shrank back and was pushed out the door by Cap Li.

“The hoodlum saw that Cap Li was really using his belt to tie the electric batons together and began to cry. “Captain, don’t hit me! I’ll confess! Our gang wanders around, and…

“Blah blah…yadda yadda…”

Before Cap Li could start making strange ‘Hyah’ and ‘Ooooh’ sounds, the hoodlum confessed everything, even that he had a tattoo of Spongebob Squarepants on his butt.

Upon seeing this, Cap Li and Little Liu exchanged an understanding smile. With a resolve like this, this kid was trying to play the fearless loyal brother to death? Even in a civilized world, I still have ways of dealing with you!

After the interrogation, Little Liu uploaded the case record, feeling a sense of both personal and team accomplishment.

Cap Li was stopped at the door to the interrogation room. It was a rather absentminded police officer who even swayed as he walked.

The police officer’s face was dazed like he was in a dream. “Cap Li, the Inspector Shen sent over by the provincial department, has arrived. The chief wants you to go over!”

Cap Li mentally cursed. He hated dealing with these people sent from above. Realizing that the police officer was still in a daze, he gave him a swift kick.

“What are you doing? Did you lose your soul?”

The police officer got back up, but he wasn’t angry. Blushing, he said, “That Inspector Shen…she’s beautiful!”

Cap Li rolled his eyes. “Yes, she’s beautiful, as pretty as a fairy, and marrying her would probably make your ancestors furious, but…what the hell does it have to do with you? Did you finish recording today’s confessions?”

Police Officer: “…”

Damn it! If you didn’t work out, I would have already beaten you up!

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