Chapter 42: Chapter 042 – How Strong Was Kobe At His Prime?

Seeing that the young police officer was unconvinced, Cap Li began to speak with sincerity. “I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with you. Kid, you can’t just start developing romantic feelings for someone just because she looks pretty. Did you see the symbol on her shoulder?”

The officer shook his head. He had been so entranced by her face that he hadn’t noticed anything else.

Cap Li gestured with his fingers, “Two bars and one star! You think you can match her?”

The young police officer looked at his shoulder and saw that he didn’t even have a bar, only two flowers. This immense gap left him astonished. “Cap Li, how did she get promoted so quickly? Did she not have to work the required number of years?”

Cap Li said in disdain, “That’s why I said you were a toad lusting for the flesh of a swan. She’s a Ph.D., so the moment she enters the police force, she’s a Sergeant First Class.”

(TN: Two bars and one star puts Inspector Shen at the rank of Inspector Third Class. The young police officer would be a Constable First Class, who would promote to Sergeant Third Class. Normally, an officer has to wait four years with no misconduct to be promoted one rank.)

The police officer swayed like he was blown about by a storm. The words ‘ Ph.D.’ put enormous pressure on him. Just this alone meant that they probably couldn’t even hold a conversation.

“Don’t just take her for a simple Ph.D. She could take down three or five of you easily. That person’s accomplishments, tsk, tsk…you’ve got no chance!”

Cap Li had slain the young police officer in a single blow, not giving him the slightest chance of recovery. He had heard about Inspector Shen’s background. She wasn’t a flower who just sat in the office but had risen based on her own efforts. Of course, she also had an extraordinary background. Old Wang of the riot squad had been trained by her father.

It wasn’t that Cap Li was looking down on the young police officer. The gap was just too great. It was best to dispel the notion at once.

The river can flow east thirty years, and the river can flow east thirty years, so you can’t look down on youth…this saying wasn’t false, but you had to take note of who you were talking about.

Cap Li was confident in his judgment of people. With this young police officer’s brain and skills, it would be quite good if he retired as an Inspector Second Class. Thus, it was best not to waste his time on delusions and better to think about something more practical, like what he was having for dinner.

Cap Li pushed open the door to the chief’s office and immediately spotted his new co-worker. He understood why the young police officer had seemed possessed.

She truly was very beautiful!

She had bright eyes and regular teeth, a properly proportioned face, and slightly sharp eyebrows that added a capable and heroic spirit to her soft and beautiful face. Even without make-up, her face was good enough to strike dead anyone in the office.

“Captain Li, Inspector Third Class Shen Menghan reporting for duty!”

She also had a very pleasant voice, like that of a fairy. But it was a little cold!

Cap Li nodded. “Inspector Shen is too polite. We’re all co-workers, and everyone is the same here. Just call me Cap Li.”

The chief said a few words and then had Cap Li take Shen Menghan around to introduce her to the work environment. As the two were walking back to the office, quite a few people glanced at their new and beautiful co-worker.

“Little Shen…you don’t mind if I call you that do you? We’ll all be working together, so it’s very awkward if I keep calling you Inspector Shen!”

“That’s fine. I also want to become a part of the team as quickly as possible.”

“Right, you’ve just arrived at Fengning City, and your transfer papers were only finished today. Have you thought about where to stay? Are you living in the dorms or renting a room? If renting, I know someone. Do you want me to introduce you?”

Shen Menghan gave a thought-provoking smile upon hearing this. “Cap Li, there’s no need for you to go through the trouble. I know a landlord who owns an apartment building. He’s called Luo Su. You should know him!”

Cap Li blinked his eyes in astonishment. “What a coincidence! This was the person I was going to introduce you to.”

“Hehe, I haven’t seen him in a while, so I’ve meant to have a chat with him.”

Cap Li felt that there was something fishy going on here. “Um…if I could venture to ask a rather bold question, you and Little Luo…what’s your relationship?”

“We dated!”

Cap Li gasped. Holy hell, Luo Su, kid, you’re not as honest as you look! I can’t believe you were hiding something like this so well!

Lovers Apartment!

Luo Su returned to his apartment, feeling uneasy. His assassin girlfriend was coming, but he was completely unprepared. As they had broken up on good terms, forgetting each other was impossible. He still vividly recalled their time together, but this only made things worse. When they met, should he arrest her or just pretend that he farted…

In his consternation, Luo Su lit a cigarette to relax. At this moment, the cell phone next to the computer began to ring.

It wasn’t his phone, but his father, Luo Hantang’s phone!

Luo Su’s brow creased. It had been a long time since this phone had received a call. The group owner had kicked him, his assassin girlfriend had suddenly reappeared, and now he was getting a phone call. It was hard not to connect all these things together and take them as a sort of signal.

It was a strange phone number that he had not received before, and the note put it as an advertiser. It seemed very normal, but Luo Su knew that the caller was seeking Luo Hantang. Not Landlord Luo Hantang, but Assassin Luo Hantang.

Twenty-four people online said that this number was a real estate agent, but this was a secret signal used by the assassin chat group!

After a few moments of silence, Luo Su decided to deal with things as they came and see who had the better skill. Picking up the phone, he lowered his voice so that he sounded like his father and gave the secret phrase: “Please answer this. How strong was Kobe at his prime?”

A dead man answered the phone! Afraid yet?

“Uhhhh…good day! A shop at the subway entrance requiring 150,000 down payment. Would you like to know more?”

Luo Su: “…”

“Sir, Sir, why aren’t you talking? Are you still listening? The man, on the other end suddenly understood. “As for Kobe at his prime…I think that if Paul had gone to Los Angeles that year, he definitely could have taken his crown.”

When you didn’t know how to interact with a stranger, dragging Kobe couldn’t go wrong!


After a few moments of silence, Luo Su hung up. He pressed his finger on the screen, upon which 25 people now indicated that this phone number was that of a real estate agent.


[User, please note that the fourth Mission World is about to begin. The ten-minute countdown is now starting. Please make your preparations!]

Luo Su massaged his forehead. Was this really the time for this nonsense? Could it not wait until he had resolved his own problems?

Luo Su rudely said, “Stop using that mechanical voice. It makes me want to punch someone! And also, speak properly!”

“Uncle Daddy Luo, I just found a new world intersection point. I even made sure to give you ten minutes to prepare. We’re going to set sail soon!”

The system’s cute and lowly voice spoke up, and Luo Su’s creased brow relaxed. All these problems made him feel numb, and he could use this World Mission to relax and sort out his thoughts so that he could think of how to face his ex-girlfriend.

“Shen Xinrou…is this your real name or fake name…”

Ten minutes went by very quickly as Luo Su pondered. He only came back to his senses once his vision went black, and by then, the entire world had transformed.

Here was a long and straight highway that seemed to extend into the blue skies and white clouds. At the edge of the horizon was an undulating mountain range. The mountains weren’t very tall or very green, and the chilly breeze made them seem rather somber and lonely.

It was very desolate!


The roaring of engines could be heard. From Luo Su’s point of view, he was standing next to a gas station. Around him were youths of around seventeen or eighteen, all of them on motorcycles and whispering to each other.

Luo Su was also riding a mountain motorcycle. His Driving Proficiency skill made him unconsciously twist the handle, causing the motorcycle to roar and tremble.

“System, where is this?”

“Uncle Daddy Luo, if I tell you the truth, you can’t get angry! Until you trigger the World Mission, I also don’t know!”

Luo Su: “…”

Trash system!

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