Mo Qingchen is right. Even Mo's mother can't say that she despises Yan's identity as a parent girl, but - is she going to marry Mo Qingchen just because of the so-called "match"?

The face as handsome as a knife, axe and chisel was right in front of her. Xia Zhian was bewitched for a moment. She wanted to nod her head and promise, but she woke up in this second.

Pulling out an awkward smile, Xia Zhian said tentatively, "Mr. Mo, this joke is not funny."

The straightforward refusal hurts too much. Xia Zhian hopes that Mo Qingchen can let her go and don't make her say so uncomfortable.

But Mo Qingchen stared at Xia Zhian, who dodged and escaped, and said word by word: "I'm not kidding."

Xia Zhian bowed her head and knew very well that she couldn't walk away without making it clear today.

"Mr. Mo, why do you do this?" Xia Zhian said. "You and I are not even lovers. How can we talk about marriage all of a sudden?"

"What's more, whether I am from the Yan Family and whether I will marry you are completely irrelevant. There is no need to confuse them."

Being rejected again, Mo Qingchen was not only very unhappy in his heart, but also very ugly on his face.

He stood up straight and changed the subject in time.

"Did you come back after you left?"

This sentence was asked for Mo Jintang and for himself.

Xia Zhian planned to leave at first. She wanted to go back to the rental house, but it's too late now. Maybe Xia Yifan has gone to bed, and she should come back when the holiday ends tomorrow.

As for the Yan Family... Xia Zhian hasn't figured out what to do. In that case, it's better to stay first.

"I won't go, I'll go back to the bedroom," Xia Zhian said.

Mo Qingchen was inexplicably relieved and said, "go."

The upper class society is a circle. Since there is a circle, no matter what happens, as long as you have enough status, it will naturally spread to your ears. Soon, some people in the circle will know about Xia Zhian's real identity, including the Mexican mother who has always been very unhappy with her.

"This girl film doesn't feel like she has become a Golden Phoenix and wants to perch on our Mohist family?" mother murmured.

No, the more she thought about it, the more she thought about it. But even if Xia Zhian's surname was Yan now, she would never agree to let her marry into the Mohist family. Therefore, Mo's mother immediately rushed to Mo Qingchen's villa.

"Why are you here?" asked Mo Qingchen.

"Hum -" mother Mo snorted coldly, looked disdainful and said sarcastically, "I'm not here to remind you that no matter what happened, I will never allow Xia Zhian to marry into our Mohist school!"

Mo's mother's words were resounding, but the expression on Mo Qingchen's face did not fluctuate at all.

"She refused my proposal." Mo Qingchen said faintly.

"What?" murmur exclaimed.

Mo's mother was shocked for two reasons. First, did Mo Qingchen propose so soon? Second, Xia Zhian is really not a good thing. As soon as she finds out that she is Yan's family, she even refuses ah Chen's proposal. It is clear that she is fishing for big fish or wants to climb to a higher place.

No matter which kind, it makes the mother of ink more unhappy. At the same time, she is more dissatisfied with Xia Zhian.

"You see, I'm right!" said Mo's mother, looking like a bamboo in her heart. "As soon as Xia Zhian knew that she had flown to the branches, her appetite and ambition expanded!"

"Ah Chen, even if she is the daughter of the Yan family, I won't agree with her to marry in. After all, she has been a surrogate for president Zhu before. You know this kind of thing doesn't sound good. Everyone is in the same circle. If someone knows it in the future, you can't poke your spine. I will never allow this kind of humiliating thing to happen!"

Mo's mother continued to talk incessantly. Basically, she was dissatisfied with Xia Zhian. Mo Qingchen had a headache and waved her hand, saying that she didn't want to talk any more.

After leaving the study, Mo's mother just went to the living room and saw Xia Zhian who was cleaning.

"Well, you are now the princess of the Yan family. Isn't it too unfair for you to do this kind of work?" said Mo mother. Although she said it politely, it was ironic.

Xia Zhian didn't expect this matter to spread so quickly. She didn't know how to react immediately and stood there.

"Come on, come and sit down. I'll talk to you." Mo said and patted the sofa around her.

Xia Zhian was flattered. When did mother Mo treat her so gently?

"Madam, if you have anything to say," Xia Zhian approached some, but still didn't dare to sit beside her.

"Xia Zhian, I want to remind you that even if you are from the Yan family now, I won't accept you marrying into our Mohist family."

It was still an old saying, but the tone was much more polite. Xia Zhian thought, is this the halo brought to her by the so-called "Yan Family"?

Even if Mo's mother is dissatisfied with her, she has to worry about the Yan Family's face?

Ironic and ridiculous!

Mo's mother continued, "I don't have high requirements for ah Chen's wife, either sun Mingzhu or an innocent girl, do you understand?"

The voice emphasizes the four words "innocence".

Can Xia Zhian not understand? Don't you just mind that she used to be a surrogate?

You're welcome, but Xia Zhian still feels uncomfortable. After all, she doesn't care about surrogacy at all, but would she choose to do so if she hadn't been desperate?

"Yes, I understand." Xia Zhian lowered her head and whispered, "madam, don't worry, I won't have undue expectations for Mr. mo."

"Well, that's good." Mo Mu nodded with satisfaction.

Nevertheless, the mother of ink was very unhappy with Xia Zhian. Her good attitude just now was just an affectation. Since all her warnings were in place, there was no need to stay here, so she asked the housekeeper to arrange someone to send her back.

After Mo's mother left, Xia Zhian was relieved. Until now, when facing Mo's mother, she always felt guilty unconsciously. Even she couldn't understand why.

Seeing that it's almost time for dinner, Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang should also come back from the kindergarten. Xia Zhian has to hurry up to cook dinner. The two children have been too tight on her recently.

As soon as she bent down and took out some food from the refrigerator, Xia Zhian didn't put it away. She saw Mo Qingchen entering the kitchen with a phone.

"Mr. Mo, what can I do for you?"

Mo Qingchen knocked on his cell phone and said, "Yan shaoting, he's looking for you."

After Mo's mother left the study, Mo Qingchen worked in the study all the time.

Suddenly, the phone rang. It turned out to be Yan shaoting.


There came a chuckle over the phone and jokingly said, "Mo Shao, why are you so impatient to answer the phone?"

Mo Qingchen's mood was not very good after chatting with Mo's mother. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yan shaoting. At that time, he asked, "what's up?"

"Look what you said, I can't call you if I have nothing to do?"

Mo Qingchen tried to hang up. The talent over there was serious and said, "don't hang up. I really have something serious to find you. Is Zhi'an in your house?"

"Yes, what do you want to do?" asked Mo Qingchen.

"You've made it clear. It's not what I want to do. It's my old man. He hopes Zhi'an can move to the Yan family."

Mo Qingchen looked down and said, "this is her business. You ask her."

"Hey, I don't have her contact information!"

Mo Qingchen won't give Xia Zhian's mobile phone number to Yan shaoting. After thinking about it, he directly took his mobile phone downstairs and found Xia Zhian who was preparing to cook in the kitchen.

After Mo Qingchen explained, Xia Zhian didn't mean to take over the mobile phone. She doesn't want to face the Yan family now. She always feels strange.

So Mo Qingchen explained, "Yan shaoting asked you if you want to go back to Yan's house?"

This scene is a little funny. Xia Zhian communicates with Yan shaoting, but Mo Qingchen acts as a microphone.

Xia Zhian suddenly remembered the experience of being taken to Yan's house that day. The hall was full of people. From the blood relationship, those were her relatives, but she couldn't get used to that atmosphere for a while.

"I don't want to go back," Xia Zhian said.

Mo Qingchen was probably tired of repeating their words. He directly turned on the loudspeaker and asked, "did you hear it?"

Yan shaoting can't force Xia Zhian. He can only step back and say, "well, there will be a dinner at home tomorrow. It's about to announce your identity, so anyway, you're the protagonist. You must be there at that time, okay?"

Speaking of this, Xia Zhian can't refuse.

"OK, I see."

"OK," said Yan shaoting, who was on the phone with a sigh of relief, "I've finally completed the task assigned by the old man. In that case, I don't dare to disturb you two --"

Seeing that Yan shaoting said more and more, Mo Qingchen directly cut off the phone.

But he didn't leave the kitchen.

Xia Zhian thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Mo, please inform me, but I'm going to prepare dinner now. Why don't you wait upstairs first, and I'll call --"

Mo Qingchen interrupted Xia Zhian at this time and asked, "are you staying for me?"

Mo Qingchen stared at Xia Zhian very seriously and didn't give her a chance to avoid. Xia Zhian was "tortured" by his sight, and almost immediately felt her cheeks hot.

How can this man talk at the first chance?

"No, no," Xia Zhian explained, "you think too much. I stayed for years and Tangtang."

Mo Qingchen looked at her crimson face and knew that she didn't tell the truth, or didn't tell the whole truth, but he didn't force her. He humed and smiled jokingly and left the kitchen.

Xia Zhian leaned against the refrigerator and patted her hot cheek. She felt ashamed of her performance just now.

The last time I went to the Yan family banquet, I went to celebrate the birthday of the two brothers of the Yan family as Mo Qingchen's female companion. This time, although Mo Qingchen took Xia Zhian, she has changed from a guest to a host.

Mo Qingchen doesn't like to talk nonsense, but doing things makes people feel very relieved.

Since it is the dinner to announce Xia Zhian's identity, she must dress up to attend, which is not only the face of the Yan family, but also related to Xia Zhian's own image.

It was the last modeling room. When the stylist saw Xia Zhian coming, he was familiar with the road, but Mo Qingchen opened his mouth to stop each other.

"Change the style this time and be more formal." Mo Qingchen was concise and comprehensive.

The last time the shape was a little sexy, and it was a birthday party at that time, which was not so formal. However, this time, many elders should be present and introduce Xia Zhian to everyone. It must be much more formal, so it would be more suitable to dress up in an atmosphere.

Tony understood very well. He made a "received" gesture and took Xia Zhian away.

When she came out, Mo Qingchen saw Xia Zhian in a water blue dress coming out. The lines of her neck, shoulders and collarbone were smooth and beautiful. The place to be covered was also covered tightly. The dress outlined a slim waist that was not full of a grip. Mo Qingchen felt that she could be surrounded by one arm

Although the diamond necklace on his neck was shiny enough, the texture was not high enough. After all, it was something prepared by the modeling room. Mo Qingchen coughed, picked up a gift box from the desktop and said, "change this one."

Xia Zhian was stunned. They set out together. When did he prepare it?

The stylist has been quick eyed and quick to take it. After opening it, he looks blind and exclaims, "Wow, the latest diamond necklace of Brand X has little ink. It's really good to know the goods!"

Then, he immediately enlisted his assistant to help Xia Zhian change the necklace.

Like Barbie doll, Xia Zhian, who was dressed up, stared at the mirror. This necklace is really a good thing. Even if she knows little about luxury goods, she can see that it is valuable in quality.

When they left the modeling room together, Xia Zhian whispered, "thank you for your necklace. I'll put it away and give it back to you."

Mo Qingchen did not comment on this.

When I took the bus to Yan's house, a group of people had gathered in the house. The music and noise were very lively.

When getting off, Xia Zhian subconsciously clenched Mo Qingchen's arm.

"Nervous?" Mo Qingchen whispered in Xia Zhian's ear.

"Well." Xia Zhian whispered, holding Mo Qingchen's arm tighter.

Aware of Xia Zhian's action, Mo Qingchen slightly drew a smile from the corners of his mouth and comforted: "don't be afraid, you are the protagonist tonight, be natural."

Mo Qingchen's voice was low and deep. Obviously, it was just an ordinary comfort, but Xia Zhian was inexplicably relieved.

The guests still don't know the real purpose of the party. At present, their attention to Xia Zhian is only because she is mo Qingchen's girlfriend.

Mo Qingchen brought people to attend, which can be regarded as big news in the circle.

In the crowd, Xia Zhian keenly found that Sun Zhen also came. Not only that, he was also followed by sun Mingzhu and her biological mother Sun Hua.

At that moment, Xia Zhian saw the three people coming towards her with a provocative look on their faces.

As soon as Mo Qingchen came, he was pulled by the Yan brothers to chat. At this moment, Xia Zhian was the only one left.

After being expelled from the Mohist school, sun Mingzhu's dissatisfaction with Xia Zhian became more serious. As soon as she saw her, she said to her mother Sun Hua, "Mom, look, this little fox spirit has come!"

Sun Hua is very enterprising. She always hopes to marry sun Mingzhu into the Mohist school to bind the two families together. At this moment, hearing sun Mingzhu's words, she is naturally very dissatisfied with Xia Zhian.

"It's really your good daughter!" Sun Hua said to Sun Zhen with a dissatisfied tone.

A man who has entered the woman's family has no status to speak of. Sun Zhen can only laugh awkwardly. Moreover, he was already dissatisfied with Xia Zhian. Now when he saw her, he just felt that this oil bottle was more eye-catching.

"Mom, she must have pestered ah Chen to act like a spoiled child, so that ah Chen brought her." Sun Mingzhu said wrongfully.

"Good daughter, mom will help you clean up her now." Sun Hua said proudly.

Xia Zhian was doing nothing. She didn't know the people here. She just wanted to adjust her mood before Yan Fu announced. She didn't want to make a fool of herself later.

But when she found the three of the sun family coming towards her, she knew that things were not very good.

Xia Zhian wants to go. There are guests everywhere in the hall. These three people are fierce and will not let her go.

But before she could leave, the man had arrived in front of her.

"Xia Zhian, do you want to go?" Sun Mingzhu stared at her with full contempt in her eyes and said, "it's not easy to coax ah Chen to bring you here and go like this. Are you willing?"

"I didn't coax him." Xia Zhian explained, but it didn't help.

"Tut tut..." Sun Hua made a very indecent voice, stared at Xia Zhian, looked at her from head to foot, and said, "yes, Mingzhu is also the biological mother of Mohist children. You can coax ah Chen to be so infatuated with you. He is really a professional fox spirit and won the true biography of your mother." Sun Hua said viciously.

Although Xia Zhian already knew that it was not her biological mother, her mother who had been with her for so many years was so insulted by Sun Hua. Of course, she couldn't keep silent.

"You should pay attention to you and this man -" Xia Zhian looked at Sun Zhen and said, "you're sorry for my mother. Don't confuse black and white here."

Sun Zhen dared to answer back when he saw Xia Zhian. If there were not too many guests here, he would slap him in the face.

"What do you know?" Sun angrily said, "if you didn't know what's good or bad, I could bring Yifan here today. Do you know what you missed for your brother? Do you think you have the opportunity to enter the upper class society at any time?"

Xia Zhian looked at Sun Zhen and was surprised that the man could say such shameless words in front of Sun Hua!

"Yes," said Sun Hua, with a sarcastic and disdainful expression on her face. "You have the means to seduce men by selling yourself, and you also have the opportunity to show your face at this kind of party, but you are too cruel. You really don't care about your brother at all. It's rare for a selfish woman like you!"

"Mom ~" Sun Mingzhu said in a charming tone next to her, "she used all her strength to hook up with ah Chen. How can she be willing to share the benefits with her brother?"

Xia Zhian clenched her teeth. She was not good at tearing with people. What's more, there were three people who were full of prejudice and malice against her?

"Have you said enough?" Xia Zhian said impatiently.

"Not enough!" Sun Mingzhu roared. The expression on her face was fierce. Looking at Xia Zhian, she wanted to strip her skin and cramp. She said reluctantly, "Xia Zhian, you are a bitch who depends on men. Even if you are fascinated by ah Chen for the time being, do you really think the Mohist school will let you in?"

"I tell you, you are delusional!" Sun Mingzhu said. "When ah Chen sees your true face, he will kick you away. A woman like you is only fit to roll in the mud and can never become a white swan!"

Sun Hua smiled at this time, put on a rich lady's posture, and said proudly, "little girl, I advise you that a dirty woman like you can only win for a while by playing tricks. The upper class society is not a dirty person like you. You can cross the class gap by playing tricks. You can only be someone else's plaything all your life!"

The three of the sun family are still brazenly humiliating Xia Zhian in words. The movement is so loud that even the nearby guests noticed them.

At the beginning, Xia Zhian will have ups and downs because of their words, but later, she only feels absurd and ridiculous, and won't feel insulted at all.

These three people are really snobbish. They are really a family!

Unfortunately, she came to the dinner party today because the Yan family wanted to announce her identity.

Therefore, now the people of the sun family humiliate her so much that they can only lose face later!

The voice of pointing was getting louder and louder. Someone said, "yes, I saw this woman come in with President Mo just now."

"Just... Didn't the sun's daughter give birth to a pair of children to Mo Qingchen?"

"Yes, she can be superior. It seems not easy!"

"Such people dare to come to the Yan Family's dinner openly. They have great ambition."

"What can I do? If someone stands beside Mo Qingchen, what dare you say?"

"Dare not..."

These funny sounds hovered in Xia Zhian's ears. Sun Mingzhu smiled at this time, took two steps in front of her, pasted them in Xia Zhian's ears, and whispered word by word: "Xia Zhian, this is the curse you have to bear to seduce ah Chen. Enjoy it, little bitch."

In the boundless sarcasm, Xia Zhian calmed down. She looked at the three of the sun family and the guests who watched the good play. The corners of her mouth were cold smiles.

At this time, Yan's banquet officially began, and Yan's father stepped onto the stage in the sound of music.

Mo Qingchen knew what would happen next and could guess the reaction of these guests. He knew that this was Xia Zhian's moment. Looking at Xia Zhian's figure from a distance, he didn't approach.

"Hello, everyone. Welcome to take time out of your busy schedule to attend tonight's banquet."

"In fact, I just want to share a great joy of the Yan family."

"Because of some misunderstandings, our eldest daughter of the Yan family has been separated for many years, but God is beautiful. Recently, I found my daughter who has been separated for many years, so I specially introduced her to you today, Zhi'an, to my father."

With the gesture of Yan Fu, countless eyes fell on Xia Zhian.

"What?" the three of the sun family were shocked!

Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

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