After Yan Fu's announcement, there was a great sensation among the guests.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is my eldest daughter."

In the bursts of discussion, Xia Zhian tried to make herself look calm. She walked to the stage with her skirt.

There is a simple light chasing on the stage, which has been following Xia Zhian's figure. There is no doubt that she is the focus of the audience at the moment. Yan Fu watched her walk to his side with loving eyes.

Most of the audience are melon eaters. What they care about is the circle. Since then, there has been another celebrity daughter, and this woman seems to have a close relationship with Mo Qingchen.

However, the group of guests who had just "witnessed" the verbal insult of the three Sun family to Xia Zhian now looked at the three people who had startled off their chin.

Some of them knew Sun Hua and asked, "President sun, what's going on? Why is it completely different from what you just said?"

Sun Hua doesn't know what the situation is. The fishing girl who was trampled by them one second ago turned into a famous daughter the next second. Who can stand it?

Although she knew that Xia Zhian was not as unbearable as she said, the child born to her husband and ex-wife still happened that year. She must have hated it!

Feeling very humiliated, Sun Hua said angrily, "who knows what this little bitch is doing?"

"Isn't it appropriate for you to say that?" the man said. "After all, he is the daughter of Yan's parents and the companion of Mo Shao. You still talk --"

The man was just a kind reminder. After all, this is the Yan family. It's a party of others, but Sun Mingzhu couldn't listen. She went back directly and said, "who knows what's fishy in here?"

"Hey..." the man sighed and felt that the family was too ignorant, so he had to say, "now it's clear that it's the home of others. You still have some virtue in your mouth."

The three were in a very complicated mood, but they didn't talk back.

Especially Sun Zhen, he stared at the dazzling Xia Zhian on the stage, completely unable to understand.

How did his daughter become a member of the Yan Family!

Xia Zhian stood next to Yan Fu, facing the eyes with unknown meaning under the stage. She felt a little flustered. She searched for Mo Qingchen's eyes and found that when Fang Zheng encouraged her, her heart beat unexpectedly stabilized.

After knowing Xia Zhian's identity on the stage, Yan Fu pulled her out of the stage, walked to several important people, and solemnly introduced her again.

"Hello!" Xia Zhian followed Yan Fu and smiled sweetly. She couldn't say anything except hello.

This atmosphere soon made her feel uncomfortable, so before long, she said to Yan Fu, "Dad, can I go and have a rest?"

Considering that Xia Zhian had experienced such an occasion for the first time, her strict father agreed.

Xia Zhian breathed a sigh of relief and quickly hid to one side, but before she had time to relax her tight nerves, she kept staring at her sun Mingzhu and appeared beside her unconsciously.

"What do you want to do?" Xia Zhian asked angrily. She was not afraid of sun Mingzhu, but the man went crazy and hurt the Yan Family's face. She didn't want to announce her identity, so it was too ugly.

After all, she still doesn't know how to get along with the Yan family. If something happens today and the Yan Family loses face, I'm afraid the Yan family won't want to see her.

"Xia Zhian, what's going on?" Sun Mingzhu asked with a cocky appearance. Until now, she still didn't want to believe that the "local chicken" in front of her had become a "phoenix".

"That's what you see."

"Don't fool me!" Sun Mingzhu said excitedly, "you are Sun Zhen's daughter. How did you become Yan's parent daughter? Is there any conspiracy behind this?"

Sun Mingzhu suspects that Xia Zhian kicked Yan Xinger out by some means, and then replaced him.

Xia Zhian was afraid of her making trouble, so she could only explain calmly: "Dad said that I held Yan Xinger wrong at birth, that's all."

Sun Mingzhu thought so. To the extent that Yan Xinger was favored in the Yan family, this matter must have been investigated repeatedly. It should not be false. Otherwise, wouldn't Yan Xinger be wronged?

However, the more true it is, the more jealous sun Mingzhu is!

The status of the Yan family is much higher than that of the sun family. Why can this little bitch climb on her head now?

Sun Mingzhu didn't want to see Xia Zhian's proud face. She snorted and said disdainfully, "even if you really climb the Yan family now, you don't have to be too arrogant. You're just a double. Don't imagine that the Yan family will be sincere to you!"


Xia Zhian is full of questions. Does her daughter need a double as well? Is it difficult that someone wants the Yan Family's daughter to marry, and the Yan family doesn't want Yan Xinger to go, so they design this one and want her to replace Yan Xinger?

"What do you mean?" Xia Zhian asked. There have been all kinds of marisu dog blood dramas in the cerebellar bag melon.

If so, she will never marry instead of Yan Xinger!

Seeing that Xia Zhian had taken the bait, sun Mingzhu proudly explained, "do you think ah Chen will be with you now that your surname is Yan? Ridiculous!"

"Do you know who ah Chen really likes?"

Xia Zhian looked at Sun Mingzhu unidentified. She just felt that what she said was more and more puzzling.

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

"Ha ha... Ah Chen would take you as her substitute if you weren't a little similar to Yan Xier, otherwise - do you think ah Chen would look at you more?" Sun Mingzhu held her arm, stared at Xia Zhian unkindly, and continued, "you don't know who Yan Xier is? She is the second daughter of the Yan family, the white moonlight in ah Chen's heart!"

Sun Mingzhu doesn't know much about Yan Xier and Mo Qingchen, but she has heard some faintly. But now, in order to stimulate Xia Zhian, sun Mingzhu doesn't mind making it harder.

Sure enough, after hearing sun Mingzhu's "stand in theory", Xia Zhian's expression changed slightly.

As soon as sun Mingzhu saw Xia Zhian's reaction, the anger in her heart dissipated a lot. She just wanted to block Xia Zhian.

Xia Zhian didn't continue to ask. Sun Mingzhu turned and left, but she unconsciously recalled some things in her mind.

As Mo Qingchen said, sun Mingzhu did use some means to "have" Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang.

However, sun Mingzhu himself had no reproductive function due to physical reasons, so even if he had done something to Mo Qingchen at that time, it was not sun Mingzhu who really gave birth to him, but Xia Zhian.

One of the most important factors why Xia Zhi'an is found is that Xia Zhi'an looks similar to Yan Xier, the second daughter of the Yan family. Therefore, Mo Qingchen will easily have a relationship with Xia Zhi'an after being drunk.

Of course, these truths will always be buried in time. Sun Mingzhu will never let Xia Zhian or Mo Qingchen know.

As for the biological mother of Mo Jinnian and Mo Jintang, she can only be sun Mingzhu forever!

"Really?" Xia Zhian murmured. She couldn't help thinking of the subtle little pink between herself and Mo Qingchen, and his proposal after knowing his identity.

But since this is the case, why doesn't Mo Qingchen directly find Yan Xier?

After all, Yan Xier is the second young lady of Mohism. Whether from the perspective of status or Mo Qingchen's own wishes, should Mo's mother object?

Xia Zhian had to admit that no matter how Sun Mingzhu told her these things, she was really affected, otherwise she wouldn't have been thinking about it all the time.

When sun Mingzhu approached Xia Zhian, Mo Qingchen noticed it.

"Why, worried about her being bullied?" Yan shaoting joked. He knew something about Mo Qingchen and sun Mingzhu.

Mo Qingchen neither admitted nor denied it, but his eyes kept paying attention there. He was a little relieved when he saw sun Mingzhu gone.

"Is there anything else to discuss?" Mo Qingchen said, "I'll go if it's all right."

"Go? Where are you going? Isn't the banquet just beginning?" Yan shaoting asked in surprise.

Mo Qingchen didn't answer and went straight to Xia Zhian.

Yan shaoting looked at it and took back his sight bitterly. Is it so aboveboard to sprinkle dog food now?

Mo Qingchen walked a few steps to Xia Zhian. Seeing that she was staring at a place, she wondered what she was thinking and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Hmm?" Xia Zhi'an was stunned for a moment. Then she reacted and someone spoke to her.

Xia Zhian was still thinking about what sun Mingzhu had just said. As soon as she saw Mo Qingchen, she was more curious about Yan Xier.

Although she knew she shouldn't ask, Xia Zhian thought it would be better to ask, so that she wouldn't have anything to do.

"That..." Xia Zhian was a little shy and hesitated. She asked for a long time, "do I look like Yan Xier?"

Well, why do you ask such a question?

Mo Qingchen thought a little lower, guessed the reason, and asked, "what did sun Mingzhu say to you?"

Xia Zhian didn't expect that he would be so sharp. She only asked one question. He guessed the root of the matter. Based on the IQ of others, she'd better be honest.

Xia Zhian looked like she had accepted her fate and said, "she said, I look like Yan Xier. I'm just a double."

It was vague enough, but Mo Qingchen understood it in an instant.

Mo Qingchen narrowed his eyes slightly, but there was only a flash of light, which made people suspect that he was wrong. When he had to be carefully screened, there were no waves in his eyes.

"You really look like Yan Xier," Mo Qingchen said. After a few seconds of pause, he continued to add, "she has helped me before, but I don't like her."

Well, is that an explanation? Xia Zhian thought that she had no time to think more, but heard Mo Qingchen speak again.

"Xia Zhian, you are jealous." what Mo Qingchen said was not a question.

Xia Zhian was like a cat whose tail was trampled on, and immediately exploded her hair. She naturally heard whether Mo Qingchen was talking about interrogative sentences or declarative sentences.

"No!" she denied excitedly. "What are you talking about?"

The more intense the reaction was, the more ghosts there were. Mo Qingchen stared at Xia Zhian and smiled without saying anything.

Xia Zhian is very guilty. She lowers her head to escape from Mo Qingchen's eyes, but the thoughts in her head can't be controlled at all.

What's the difference between this and those overbearing CEO romance novels? She's just being used as a double!

Xia Zhian felt that she must see Yan Xier with her own eyes, but she must not let Mo Qingchen notice.

"Don't follow me," Xia Zhian said. "I want to stay alone for a while."

Mo Qingchen really didn't follow Xia Zhian. He was the favorite at the party. After a while, he was held and went to one side to chat.

But Xia Zhian didn't know where Yan Xier was. Even on such an occasion today, she didn't appear. After searching in the hall for a long time, Xia Zhian finally found Yan shaoting's figure, so she walked towards him.

"Er Shao, can I ask you a question?" Xia Zhian said.

Yan shaoting smiled and asked, "you still call me Er Shao. Shouldn't you change your name?"

Yes, with their current relationship, Xia Zhian should call "brother". Er Shao was called by outsiders. She was divided in this way, but Xia Zhian couldn't change her mouth for a while.

Yan shaoting saw Xia Zhian's face was slightly shy and didn't want to force her. He said, "come on, what's the matter?"

"I heard... I still have a sister," Xia Zhian said with a slightly unnatural expression and a stick around her neck. "It's Yan Xier, but why didn't I see her?"

Yan shaoting has a thick nerve. He thinks there is something strange, but he can't say it.

"You say sorry for your son..." Yan shaoting sighed, and then continued, "she's not in good health. Basically, she won't appear on such occasions. If you want to see her, you can go to the Yan family. She lives in an independent building to recover from illness and is separated from us."

"Is she not in good health to this extent?" Xia Zhian asked with concern. She had only heard about it before. Unexpectedly, it was such a serious situation.

Yan shaoting's face became more serious and said, "she was like this since she was a child..."

"Oh." Xia Zhi'an answered and didn't know how to continue.

When Yan shaoting was dragged away to chat, Xia Zhian finally walked through the hall full of guests and walked towards the Yan Family according to the geographical location described by Yan shaoting.

Sure enough, the independent building was very obvious. There was almost no need to look for it. Xia Zhian found it.

However, would it be strange to appear so rashly?

Xia Zhian thought it over and over again and decided to quietly wait and see. After all, Yan Xier was not in good health, and she didn't want to disturb others too much.

"Can you see her?" Xia Zhian whispered, and then cautiously approached the small building.

Maybe even God was helping Xia Zhian. She came closer and found a woman sitting on the terrace over there. Her steps gently hid behind the green plants next to her, and then looked at the woman.

Under the bright moonlight, Xia Zhian finally saw Yan Xier's face.

He is indeed a very beautiful person, but there is a fragile beauty in his pale face, as if it would break when touched. Indeed, he is very lovable.

But -- no matter what Xia Zhian thinks, even if she is preconceived, she doesn't feel half similar to her.

Xia Zhian wanted to leave when she had seen enough. She always felt that her peeping behavior was a little obscene, but she was careless. She stepped on the dead branch under her feet and made a light sound of breaking. Xia Zhian breathed a screen.

Almost instantly, Yan Xier on the terrace noticed the subtle movement.

"Who is it?" Yan Xier asked, "who is hiding over there? Come out quickly!"

Xia Zhian frowned slightly, but it was really unlucky. If she slipped away like this, it would seem that she had a ghost in her heart.

No way, since it has been found, Xia Zhian can only stand up and say hello.

"Hello." Xia Zhian said awkwardly, and then came out from behind the green plant.

The two sisters, one sitting on the deck chair and the other standing under the terrace, looked at each other in the night.

"Who are you?" Yan Xier asked, with a trace of precaution in his tone.

Xia Zhian smiled and tried to make herself look natural. She said, "I'm Xia Zhian, just --"

It's embarrassing. Xia Zhian didn't expect to meet her head-on, so she didn't prepare her lines at all.

But Yan Xier, after hearing Xia Zhian's name, smiled on his face. The previous sense of preparedness suddenly dissipated and said, "Xia Zhian, I know you."

"You know me?"

"Well, I've heard," Yan Xier said gently, "they say you are my sister who has been separated for many years."

This made Xia Zhian's situation less embarrassing. She pulled out a little smile and said, "well."

The scene seemed a little awkward, but Yan Xier didn't intend to find the topic by force.

She was natural and generous on the terrace, but she was embarrassed and cramped under the terrace.

Xia Zhi thought that she was really ashamed tonight. She didn't know why she was curious and came to peep. As a result, she fell to such an embarrassing point.

But there was a place in her heart telling her that the reason why she stood here was not just to "see" Yan Xier.

Driven by some force, Xia Zhian suddenly said, "in fact, I still have a heavy identity."

"Hmm?" Yan Xier looked at her puzzled.

"I'm Mo Qingchen's girlfriend." Xia Zhian heard herself say so.

Then she blushed and felt ashamed.

What's the matter with her? While refusing Mo Qingchen, he cared about him. After hearing what sun Mingzhu said, he couldn't help asking Mo Qingchen and testing Yan Xier again.

She knows that she really cares about the relationship between the two.

But Yan Xier just glanced at Xia Zhian lightly after hearing this sentence, and then calmly explained, "there is no special relationship between me and brother ah Chen. You don't have to think about it or be jealous."

See through?

Xia Zhian suddenly rejoiced that it was night. At least she could cover her crimson and hot face. It was a shame.

"You misunderstood," Xia Zhian said eagerly, "I don't mean that. I... I'm not jealous."

In this regard, Yan Xier was noncommittal and didn't seem to plan to make any response. She seemed a little tired and shouted to the inside, "ah Feng."

A tall man soon came out and stood beside Yan Xier.

"I'm tired, take me back." as soon as Yan Xier's voice fell, Mu Lanfeng bent down to pick up her Princess and walked towards the inner room.

Xia Zhian could see everything clearly, including Yan Xier's subtle movements of hanging his arms on his neck and leaning his head slightly against his chest after being held up by Mu Lanfeng.

The details won't deceive people. It can be seen that Yan Xier depends on this man very much.

Also at this moment, Xia Zhian completely understood what Yan shaoting meant by Yan Xier's poor health. It turned out that she couldn't walk with both legs.

Xia Zhian always felt that she was rash to come to Yan Xier, but if she was given another choice, she thought she would still come.

After some bitterly returned to the banquet hall, they found that Yan Fu and Mo Qingchen were looking for her.

After the previous kidnapping, Mo Qingchen was very sensitive to Xia Zhian's disappearance. His expression was a little ugly and his tone was not very good. He asked, "where have you been?"

Xia Zhian was so fierce by him, and thought of her embarrassment in front of Yan Xier just now. She immediately felt more wronged, lowered her head and looked like a silent passive resistance.

Mo Qingchen felt it necessary to break her habit of running around without saying a word, but before he could speak, Yan Fu came over.

"Zhi'an, where did you go just now? Dad has been looking for you." Yan Fu's tone is much better.

Xia Zhian didn't want Mo Qingchen to know that she had just gone to find Yan Xier, so she said, "I think it's too boring here, so I went outside."

The strict father nodded and said, "I guess you're not used to such an occasion. However, you should go out to breathe in the future. Remember to take some people with you, you know?"

"Yes." Xia Zhi an replied.

Mo Qingchen looked at her and frowned slightly. What's the matter with this woman? She came back angry. How did she look angry?

However, because Yan Fu was present, Mo Qingchen didn't ask much.

"Zhi'an, it's too late for the party to end, or... You'll stay at Yan's house tonight?" Yan's father asked tentatively. He didn't dare to force his long lost daughter too hard, and he knew that she refused to move into Yan's house last time.

Because of what just happened in the small building, Xia Zhian doesn't want to face Mo Qingchen now. If she doesn't stay, she can only go back to the Mohist family with Mo Qingchen. Thinking of this, she nodded and said, "OK."

Yan Fu's old face immediately smiled and said excitedly, "OK, OK! I've already asked the servant to prepare your room and let someone take you later!"

"Thank you, Dad." Xia Zhian's attitude is still strange and polite. She needs time to adapt to all this.

Mo Qingchen said to Yan Fu at this time: "uncle, I drank wine tonight and didn't let the driver wait outside when I came..."

Yan Fu immediately understood. He also knew that Mo Qingchen had a very good relationship with his two sons. He took care of him like a younger generation and said, "it's all right, then stay for one night! I'll ask the servant to arrange a room for you!"

"Thank you, uncle." Mo Qingchen said, staring at Xia Zhian.

Xia Zhian was stared at by him, and suddenly gave birth to a bad premonition, but this is the Yan family after all. Even if Mo Qingchen is crazy, he has to worry about it?

You don't have to sleep with her, do you?

Yan's servant arranged a guest room for Mo Qingchen, but he didn't rest there. When the corridor was quiet, he directly touched Xia Zhian's room.

Xia Zhian, who was lying well in bed, immediately propped up her body when she heard the sound of opening the door and asked, "who?"

After seeing the visitor, Xia Zhian only felt that her temples were jumping. She should lock the door!

"Mr. Mo, what are you doing here?"

"Sleep." Mo Qingchen calmly spit out two words, and then lift Xia Zhian's quilt. After going to bed, he conveniently took her into his arms.

"You --"

Xia Zhian's face turned red with anger. This is in the Yan family, not in the Mohist family. Why should Mo Qingchen do whatever he wants?

In the Mohist family, she is just a little nanny and can't resist her employer Mo Qingchen. However, here, she is at least half the master. With confidence, she feels that she can't let Mo Qingchen go so freely.

"Get out of here --"

Mo Qingchen turned over and directly pressed Xia Zhian, sealed it with a kiss, and blocked the words she didn't finish.

"Well... What are you doing?"

Xia Zhian tried her best to resist, but she couldn't push the people on her, and the broken syllables were more pitiful.

When Mo Qingchen kissed enough, he let go of the man.

"You've gone too far. If you don't go out again, I'll call someone in!" Xia Zhian said angrily.

Regardless of Xia Zhian's resistance, Mo Qingchen's forehead was close to his forehead, and their breathing was intertwined. His low voice said, "well, if you want people to see me kiss you, just call people in."

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