Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1743: Three thousand years

Fortunately, Chu Mo thought of this matter, let the avatar go so badly, otherwise, maybe it will actually have more trouble in the future. Because some of the six ancient ancestors of the ice family left behind in the universe, they have not only fully awakened, but they have really grown up. They are not only highly advanced, but also unmatched in their combat power. In that universe, it is the top young arrogance.

When I saw the first time of Chu Mo's avatar, I recognized the origin of Chu Mo. These avatars are obviously the means by which the six ice-cold families are too ancient ancestors to arrange after the rise of Chu Mo. Therefore, those people remembered the hatred and vigilance against Chu Mo.

If Chu Mo went this way, I cleaned up the already awakened backs left by the ancient ancestors of the Thirteen Ancients. Maybe it will take a few years, and there will be a large group of top monks, once again. To the channel world.

They may have difficulty threatening Chu Mo, but it is still a big threat to the entire Chu family.

The ancient ancestors who were on the sidelines did not disperse, and they all looked at this scene in a complex look. I couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

They are all not stupid, and naturally they can analyze a lot of information from Chu Mo. It is clear that the thirteen ancients who are too ancient ancestors, the backhands left in every corner of the world, are estimated to have been destroyed.

Chu Mo is indeed tyrannical to the point where they are stunned. Such a person, as long as he lives in the world of passage, no one wants to provoke.

The thirteen ancients planted the cause of the greatness of the past, and until now, they finally came up with the bitter fruit that they could not dream of in those days.

This is self-seeking, no one will sympathize.

But the fear of Chu Mo is equally inevitable.

Therefore, these are too many ancient ancestors, all quietly retreat. They didn't even come out and say hello to Chu Mo.

Chu Mo did not pay attention to those people. He had long known that those people were watching in secret, but they did not care. Let them see it, lest you look back and look for trouble.

After a little recovery, Chu Mo left here. Return to the Chu family again. At this point, the grievances of the Chu family were destroyed in the past.

As for the heads of the ancient ancestors hanging above the flagpoles, Chu Mo did not pay attention to them. It’s not so easy to want to die, let them grow up with the Chu family.

Subsequently, Chu Mo began to retreat.

This time, the retreat is 3,000 channels a year!

Time is like water, especially for practitioners, this kind of time, except for a little relationship with Shouyuan, has no meaning at all.

For three thousand years, almost everyone is retreating.

The passage world has not changed much.

The elite league is still strong, and the Chu family is still invincible. The dark sky is still high above the sky.

Under the scorpio of many places, the territory that has been hoisted by the sun is bright all the year round. Where the sun does not shine, it is dark all year round.

The world has become more and more quiet.

Of course, there are also many new generations. For example, on the side of the Chu family, there are many monks who have been in the holy place and the great sacred place, and they have stepped into the ancestral world.

Even the lazy man, who is floating, has become a great saint.

The sky is for the fourth thousand and thirty-two years.

Xu floated in the crowd with the old people to sit and drink. That is the year.

These relatives and friends around Chu Mo are, in general, very united. They are very friendly to each other.

However, in private, in fact, there are more or less small circles.

For example, the group of people in the world, the relative relationship between them is better.

For example, the ancient friends of the world of Chu Mo, who are in the past, have more time to gather together on weekdays.

Like 萱萱, 萱儿, Ziyan, Chuqing, and Huanghuang... They are the young Tianjiao of the past heavens, and the purple smoke is actually the genius of the younger generation. The relationship between them is closer.

The Red Moon is more intimate with the floating women, their group of people who have come back from the resurrection.

Birds of a feather flock together.

But overall, everyone's relationship is very good.

Jin Ming’s relationship with Xu Fufu is quite good. He followed Chu Mo’s departure from Luo Tian’s universe and came to the passage world. The whole person’s change was quite large.

Many times, it is really the eye to decide the chest and the pattern.

When a person fights higher and can see farther scenery, his chest and pattern will undergo fundamental changes.

The big **** has no image sitting on the chair. It can actually be adult-shaped, but it doesn't like it. Just like the old yellow dog. It has long been possible to transform the adult shape, but it would rather sit in a chair and hold the wine glass with two claws, too lazy to become adult.

In the words of the big cock, it is: old yellow, even if you are adult, it is also a human model dog.

After the big **** said this, it was a burst of chicken and dog jumping.

Anyway, these two guys, the relationship is really good.

Xu Fufu looked at the big **** and said: "I don't think about it anyway, I don't think that I will have this day. Really, I can't think of dreaming. At that time, the biggest wish is to be able to marry Liu Mei. Then, I can be a good brother with Chu Mo for a lifetime. In Yanhuangcheng, I left my own name. Now think about it, it is like a dream! I am already alive... I have lived thousands of years old. Haha And also cultivated into a great saint."

Jin Ming said: "This is called one person, the chicken and the dog rise to heaven."

The big **** and the old yellow both squinted at Jin Ming. The big **** said: "Kid, look at your drunkenness, don't have a general knowledge of you, talk carefully and be careful. Chicken... It's Chu Mo's life tutor! Do you know what a life tutor is?"

Jin Ming licked his mouth: "I know that he is my life mentor."

The big **** looks smug: "At random, the chicken is your life leader... I cough, I feel a bit awkward. Anyway, the chicken is watching the kid grow up."

The big **** is quite respected throughout the Chu family. Everyone is very respectful when they see it. Because the words about life mentor are actually not what they said at first. But Chu Mo said it!

At that time, Chu Mo once said that these realms around him were not so deep in the relatives and friends, one by one, seriously introduced to the group of souls of the Chu family. Because Chu Mo didn't want to have one day, the relatives and friends around him were despised by others.

In his mind, these people are the people most qualified to appear here. He will not let these people around him be wronged because of anyone else.

Because here, the biggest difference with other forces is that Chu Mo does not need them to sell their lives!

Fan Wudi also came to drink with them at this time, and the old man has lived so old now. The whole person is a bit more lively and younger. In fact, when he was in the human world, he looked like an old man. It is a real elder. But in fact, throughout the practice world, his age is absolutely very young.

It’s just that the qualifications of the old man are limited. Although he was resurrected in the past when he was resurrected by Chu Mo, the foundation played quite well. But a monk, to a certain degree of cultivation, relies on wisdom and comprehension. This is not to say that things can be easily solved the day after tomorrow. So nowadays, it just barely rushed into the great holy place. This is still a lot of the best cultivation resources that Chu Mo consumes.

Chu Mo is a bit regrettable. He wants to bring all the people around him to the ancestral world!

This kind of thinking seems to be somewhat unreliable and almost impossible to achieve. But for Chu Mo, this is his inner portrayal.

He doesn't like loneliness.

But for this matter, the father is very open, he is quite satisfied!

He and his wife, Long Qiu Shui, are now monks of the Great Holy Land. I am happy and happy here, and I am like a fairy monk.

The comprehension ability of his son Fan Zhiyuan is even higher. With the help of Chu Mo, there should be a great chance to rush into the ancestral land. Become a true young giant.

Fan Zhiyuan is very stable and very mature. He never does anything as a little uncle Chu Mo. Because from an early age, from the time he was sensible, he already knew what had happened to him. He is very clear how lucky he is.

Just like the tall and stupid people, they feel that they are "one person has a good way to get to the sky."

Therefore, the mentality of these people is very good, especially peaceful.

Occasionally retired for a few years, and then after the customs clearance, everyone meets together to taste tea, drink and drink. For them, this kind of day is really the life of the gods.

The other people are almost the same. From a few years to a few decades, at most it will not exceed one hundred years. Always come together to get together.

And the one who really retreats for more than a thousand years, in the entire Chu family, is only Chu Mo!

For more than three thousand years, Chu Mo has only been out three times.

Every time, after he went out, he was accompanying his two wives for a while and gathered together with everyone. Then, you will enter the re-entry state again. Every time he leaves the customs, it usually does not exceed two years.

In other words, for more than three thousand years, the time for Chu and Mo to go out is more than six years!

This is a bit incomprehensible to many people. Nowadays, the channel world has risen to the top of the world, and the title of the king of the Chu ink channel is more than just a simple name. But all channels are recognized by the soul!

In this case, what exactly is it that drives Chu Mo to work so hard to cultivate?

There are only a few people who really know this truth.

These people are all the same, and each time they retreat, they are at least five hundred years old.

For example, the monkeys and their brothers, the seven great saints of the past, have now entered the ancestral world.

For example, the sky ancestors and other groups of gods on the list of gods.

Another example is the devil, Chu Lao, and the floating female emperor. Although they entered the passage world late, they still have a lot of mastery of the truth.

When they first came to the Chu family, Chu Mo had already told them some real secrets.

In addition, Chu Mo's two wives, Yu Yu and Yi Yiyi's retreat time is also quite long. Their talents are top-notch, and they are cultivating resources, not to mention. Therefore, among the entire Chu family, it is very likely that a new batch of new monks will soon appear.

This kind of thing has never happened in the ancient history of the entire passage. (To be continued.)

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