Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1744: Crystal nucleus

The sky is for the fourth thousand years.

The entire channel world has completely entered a new era.

Almost all of the passages are born, and all have been completely accustomed to and adapted to this life. Those who were born after the opening of the celestial calendar even thought that the world should be like this.

On this day, Chu Mo went out again. It was less than a hundred years since he retired last time.

Most of the people in the Chu family have been accustomed to Chu Mo once every thousand years of customs clearance, all did not expect this time, Chu Mo retreat, actually less than a hundred years.

Therefore, the entire Chu family is quiet. Almost everyone is in a state of retreat.

Even the lazy Xu Fufu people are all in a quiet retreat.

However, there are some people who choose to go out and travel.

For example, Miao Yi Niang, the group of high-rises in the past. After the years passed, they still have the same face. The realm of the world has entered the ancestral environment and become a real giant. It is almost impossible to continue to climb up.

Therefore, they are either on the main side of the Chu family. Or, choose to travel around.

Anyway, in the entire channel world, no one dares to disrespect the people who came out of the Chu family.

There are also many people now, calling Chu Mo as the "Chu King."

Knowing this, Chu Mo did not laugh at him, and turned around like a huge reincarnation. The title of Chu Wang actually fell back to him.

In these years, Miao Yi Niang and Shen Xingxue are all committed to finding and collecting the gods and the tokens.

Because these things are not completely eliminated in a day, in the distant future, it may endanger the safety of the universe below.

Although it is a bit unrealistic to want to completely find and destroy all the gods list, but at least, they also hope that the rest of the world, the less the gods and the **** tokens, the better. I hope that the ancient battlefield will never be opened again.

Miao Yi Niang and Shen Xingxue, passed through a dark area, and then there was light in front.

The two women smiled at each other.

Shen Xingxue whispered: "Sister, you said that he has worked hard over the years, what is it for? Really want to ask for eternity? Or is it that the crises he said can really happen at any time?" ”

Miao Yi Niang said: "I think so. For so many years, you are not a temper who does not know him and never lie. He said yes, that is naturally there."

Shen Xingxue smiled and nodded: "It is also, but, sister, over the years, there have been many people who like you, have you never been tempted?"

Miao Yi Niang smiled and shook her head and looked at Shen Xingxue: "Have you ever been?"

“Never!” Shen Xingxue’s voice was very light, but his attitude was surprisingly determined. Her fascinating and fascinating face showed a faint smile: "In fact, for so many years, the sisters have completely understood it. It is still the most happy with him. It is rare that he is still in that situation. Can remember us."

"Yeah, actually, this is quite good. The pursuit of the supreme way, the process is really wonderful. I used to think about it, I never thought that I would stand on this magical land one day. Master this. An incredible magical power." Miao Yi Niang's face, a bright smile.

Suddenly, the two sisters frowned at each other and then looked at each other and saw the doubt from the other's eyes.

"How did he go out at this time?"

"Yeah, it's a bit strange... I don't think it should be."

The news that the two women received Chu Mo’s clearance was handed down by Chu Mo. Calling them back.

"Is it... what happened?" Shen Xingxue looked a little dignified.

Although these years are very happy, but in their hearts, they have always remembered that Chu Mo had said before, the passage world, there may be a crisis of collapse at any time.

"It doesn't look like it." Miao Yi Niang smiled and said: "If there is something serious, he is not a voice."

"It is also." Shen Xingxue nodded.

Subsequently, the two women rushed back in the direction of the Chu family.

There are many people who are as mentally minded as they are. Although everyone is wondering why Chu Mo went out at this time and summoned them to return, there is nothing special in the heart.

For so many years, almost everyone has formed an inherent impression: there is Chu Mo, and there is no need to worry about everything.

But they did not know, the shock in Chu Mo’s heart at the moment.

He never thought that the crystal nucleus that Budong wanted to get was actually hidden in the deep underground of the Chu family, which is the core of the big array that sheltered the entire Chu family!

Although Budong was lost to memory by the ancient god, he was driven out of the passage world. But Chu Mo did not stop looking for the crystal nucleus. He doesn't want to get it, he wants to protect it!

Because that nucleus is related to the life and death of the infinite life of the whole channel world.

Over the years, Chu Mozun has been retreating, but the number of avatars has been countless and has been searching.

Through a variety of classics, ancient relics, and even some myths and legends in the passage world!

Yes, the channel world has the same myths and legends.

What is happening is called the fact; when it happens for a while, it is called a story; for a long time, it is called a legend. But the legend has been a long time to be able to test, it became a myth.

Chu Mo carries out all kinds of all-round deductions through some of the world's oldest myths. At the end, I was surprised to find out. The crystal nucleus that has been searching for many years is very likely, and it has been under his eyelids!

This result makes Chu Mo very speechless.

He went deep into the depths of the royal family of the Chu family and came to the core of the circle. Found to support the entire array of operations, it really is related to the crystal nucleus!

But it is not the nucleus itself, but a little faint fluctuation released from the nucleus, which has created the eternal decline of this ruling.

Chu Mo used the gods to feel the power in this nucleus. He was really shocked. That feeling is really amazing. With his current realm, he couldn’t really feel the vast power of this nucleus.

However, while Chu Mo felt the nucleus, he actually saw a picture of his fear from this nucleus!

He actually saw the scene where the other four crystal nucleus were taken away!

It was a sly figure, and it was covered in black air. I can't see his appearance at all. But the momentum that emanated from him can be felt, that person is very powerful!

Everyone who has seen Chu Momo must be strong.

Like Budong, for Chu Mo, it is already very powerful. In the face of the momentum emanating from the black-eyed figure, Budong’s power is really nothing.

The man took four crystal nuclei in succession. The whole process is simply to the extreme!

Then, Chu Mo saw four vast spaces like the world of the passage, and began to show signs of decline. Some places have lost their vitality.

When I saw this scene, Chu Mo’s whole heart... was completely cold!

The boundless fear, instantly enveloped the body of Chu Mo. Even though he is a very high realm of Taishang, at this moment, he can't help but give birth to a despair.

"The four crystal nuclei have been taken away... The body of the Pangu Great God is going to collapse!" Chu Mo whispered.

This is a real big event. Chu Mo does not know if anyone in the eternal land is aware of it. But obviously, this kind of thing can't last long. Maybe, people in the eternal land will soon make various reactions and various measures.

Without the nucleus, the collapse of the physical world is already irreversible. Unless these nucleus can be put back again.

But this incident, for Chu Mo, is something that is impossible to do.

The only thing he can do is to make sure that this piece is in front of his eyes!

Since that person has taken away four crystal nuclei, there is no reason not to take the fifth piece. Therefore, what can be done to make the other party fail, and the fifth nucleus cannot be obtained. At the same time, we must also guard against the people in the eternal land to seize the Pangu hunting knife!

Because only this knife can truly break through all the barriers in the physical world and completely rush out.

These two things, for Chu Mo, whichever thing, can let him encounter the disaster in an instant.

Over the years, his cultivation has been improving. But if you want to break through this realm and enter a higher field, it is still in the foreseeable future.

Those who have lived countless times and experienced countless reincarnations can't break through this ambiguity. How old is Chu Mo?

The road has reached a certain level, and it is extremely difficult to upgrade one step. It seems as if the mortal is in the sky, as if the mortal face the Scorpio. This is almost no way to pass.

This is not because Chu Mo has got a lot of top-level cultivation resources, and he can pile up talented people into the holy place and even the great holy place, and put the talents into the ancestral land.

If he wants to go further, no one can help him.

It is imperative that all of these relatives around us be brought together. Of course, there are those in the elite league, and in the world of passages, countless creatures.

Chu Mo never felt that he was great, but he wanted him to watch the passage world collapse and perish, watch the endless creatures, wait for the death in the painful suffering, and he could not do it.

He believes that no matter whether it is a supreme or a Buddha, it is certainly not willing to see them guarding the world of endless years and become like this.

The world of the sky is still too small!

In fact, it is already very big. There are sun, moon and stars, rivers and rivers, and even rivers, lakes and seas. It is already a real big world. But relative to the entire channel world and the thousands of universes below. It is still too small!


Yes, you need refining! (To be continued.)

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