Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1745: The end of the ancient history of the passage

After convening the people around them, Chu Mo began to refine the internal world of the sky. He puts the things that belonged to him in one place. And here, the most stringent protection is set, turning this place into a forbidden place.

Other places are turned into an open world!

If the true end is coming, then how many souls can be saved and their own creations.

Chu Mo sighed, the passage world is still good. But what about the universe below? Do you want a universe to go through a universe and bring out all the creatures in them?

This is unrealistic. Even if the world of the sky is so capable of accommodating so many creatures, how many creatures are there to be willing to follow Chu Mo?

At that time, there will be countless events that you can't imagine.

"If you can put these universes into the world of the sky, and then take them with you, that's fine."

Chu Mo refining the world of the sky and the gods, while thinking in the heart.

At this time, Chu Mo’s mind came with a faint idea: “If the crystal nucleus enters the world of the sky, it will become a main world in an instant, and it can take away all other universes directly.”

The whole person of Chu Mo was a little shocked. Because the idea that was passed to him is exactly what it is!

But whether it is the spirit of the heavens, or the shadow of the ancient gods, Chu Mo can not tell. Because it is an idea, there is no sound, and naturally I can't feel that emotion.

The crystal nucleus of the channel world, Chu Mo is indeed going to take away. In any case, it cannot be left to the mysterious person.

In the following days, Chu Mo began to revive the world with the gods and madness. There are countless sun, moon and stars, thrown in by him. With the power of the supreme rule, it hangs above the sky of the sky. Then let them run autonomously.

The world of the sky is getting bigger and bigger!

Chu Mo even removed a lot of spiritual places from the channel world. In many places, it is thousands of miles. Even hundreds of millions of miles moved together.

During this time, Chu Mo was very busy.

The world of the sky is also vastly refining and growing. At the same time, the essence of the world has become more intense.

Finally, on the side of the Chu family, almost all the people who walked outside were all back.

On this day, Chu Mo also came back.

He gathered all of this group of people in a small world.

Then, he stood at the top, looked at the group, and said, "If the world is about to collapse, are you willing to live in a new world?"

Everyone looked at Chu Mo with a serious look. Many people even just woken up from the retreat and came here.

When I heard Chu Mo’s words, everyone couldn’t help but take a breath, and they knew that there might be a big event. But I did not expect that this incident was so serious.

"Is this world really going to collapse?" The monkey stared at Chu Mo with a pair of eyes and eyes, and his face was incredibly shocking.

Its combat power has been infinitely close to the realm of too much, but the roads and rules are slightly inferior. However, in Chu Mo's view, it is not difficult for monkeys to rush into this field in time. Because it belongs to the kind of true genius, as long as it gives it the right opportunity and the soil, it will be able to take root. And develop it.

Chu Mo nodded: "The collapse of this world, according to the current situation. It is irreversible. According to my estimation, under normal circumstances, we should be able to adhere to tens of thousands of years."

Before changing, these people will definitely think that tens of thousands of years have been too long!

Think about it, tens of thousands of years in the world of passage!

For the following universe, that time is longer.

But their current vision is much higher than in the past. Naturally, it’s clear that tens of thousands of years are just a snap. The status in the long river is not worth mentioning at all.

"Then, where are we going?" asked the old ancestors of the sky.

His cultivation as a realm has reached the level of the ancestral peak. The combat power and the road are similar. Very deep. But again, it is the last step. As long as that step can be taken out, then the sky ancestor will also become the true sky ancient ancestor.

"My world." Chu Mo directly opened the door to the world of the sky, and presented a vast and innocent world directly to everyone present.

Everyone was shocked. I couldn’t think of Chu Mo’s transformation into a space that could only be counted as a small world. This is really only the existence of the realm of Chu Mo, this can be done.

The sky ancestors said: "I have no opinion."

The monkey said: "I don't have it either."

Many of those other people still have not been able to escape from that shock.

From the day the astronomical calendar began, many people are privately swearing: Has the end of the passage world arrived?

But for four thousand years, it has been very stable, and people have gradually become accustomed to this kind of life. Even a little deliberately forget the idea that the world can be destroyed at any time, because no one is willing to live in the pressure of this fear.

Unexpectedly, this day, it is still coming. After all, I have to face it.

But fortunately, they still have Chu Mo!

Without this powerful leader, they really don't know where to go. With this in mind, almost all the people on the land of the Chu family have a feeling: in contrast, should we be the luckiest group?

Everyone in this matter certainly has no opinion, because this is not something that can be transferred by personal will. Even if you are reluctant in your heart, you can only promise it silently.

Not to mention, they all understand in their hearts. In fact, in this matter, the pressure that Chu Mo has to bear must be many times more than they think.

"Everyone is ready, just recently, I will move the entire Chu family to the world. After I settle down, I may also put in other creatures in the channel world. As for how many people can be saved I am not very clear. I hope more can be."

Chu Mo said quietly.

The people present were silent for a moment, and then they couldn’t help but scream out loud. This is the real heartfelt, the recognition of Chu Mo's contribution.


"Too great!"

"This kind of thing, not everyone can do it."

"Chu Gongzi, really is the whole channel world, the real big compassionate person."

"I thought that Chu Gongzi was kind to his own people and was very ruthless to the enemy. Now it seems that he is looking down on him. His chest and temperament, in the entire passage world, not many people can."

"What is not many people? Is it not good at all?"

Everyone is going out, everyone is preparing.

There are still some people in the Chu family who have not been able to come back in time, but they have all been notified.

At the same time, the entire Chu’s royal family, all of them have the most rigorous passwords, and they are forbidden to spread this news at this time.

Not that they are careful, they will not be human. But at this time, if the news spreads out. The entire order of the entire channel world is afraid that it will collapse between.

Chu Mo is still continuing to worship the world of the passage, and to expand the territory of the world of the world with his supreme lines and laws.

In theory, this territory can be infinite. As long as the road is adequately supported, the territory will continue to expand. At that time, just like filling, just move in a lot of land.

Even those stars that have been "caught" by Chu Mo have run their own trajectories above the high heavens of the passage world. There are also many on that, all of which can live.

Only those stars, the number of living creatures that can live is limited.

The biggest stars can only live in the hundreds of billions of people. If there is more, there is no guarantee that the species on that star will be balanced.

This amount, compared to the entire channel world plus thousands of universes, is simply a drop in the bucket.

Once the passage world has no crystal nucleus, it begins to deplete and decay, and slowly moves toward death. This will be a completely irreversible process, although the whole process will be extremely long. But in the end, it will be implicated in the entire physical world to collapse.

Therefore, Chu Mo also wants to think about their future development while saving the world of the passage.

It’s not that putting these creatures into the world of the sky, it’s all right.

In fact, that is only the first step!

The rest, the world that has to let the sky of the sky, can truly become a pure land. Let those creatures be in the world of the sky, and in the world of the passage, there is not much difference!

Otherwise, just for the competition for resources, you can trigger countless wars!

At that time, Chu Mo made another intervention, and his original intention changed his taste and lost his original meaning.

So, how many creatures can be saved, and then... what kind of life is saved, it is also a thing that makes Chu Mosi think.

But fortunately, at least the lives of the Chu family have always been unconditionally supported by Chu Mo’s decision.

They all know that Chu Mo is going to carry a world away from here. Therefore, even if there is a lot of disappointment in the heart, but they all perform particularly well.

The sky is 4,106, which is a day that is destined to be counted in the history of the passage.

Because this day is almost the end of the ancient history of the entire passage.

Chu Mo moved the entire Chu family to the world of the sky.

At this moment, the sky is no longer an artifact in the ordinary sense. It became a real heavy weapon! Was given an incredible status!

The ten **** months above, at this moment, instantly enlightenment -

Today, three more, tomorrow will start to burst! ! ! !

An outbreak broke out into 2017!

Is it cool?


Not happy?


Vote for the moon! (To be continued.)


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