Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1768: Xu Shizhen (fifth)

"Sure enough!" In the woman's eyes, she showed a bit of confusion, and she put this classical back slowly. Then she closed her eyes slightly, and soon, a golden inscription, like the golden thread, rose here.

This place, almost instantly, became golden. The classical that was put back, is also slowly adjusting the angle, and finally, back to the original position. At the same time, these golden threads will completely remove the woman's breath here and wipe it out.

Later, the woman came out from here and walked slowly toward her place of residence.

The delicate waitress waited outside, saw the woman's figure, and finally relieved, then accompanied the woman, said something, and left.

Among the vast gardens, there are only two of them, because here is the palace of the Lord of the Palace!

Except for the two of them, no one dares to step into it.

The outside guards, except the woman and her maid, will not put any creatures here. Because this woman is the daughter of the Lord of the Palace! It is the princess here. The princess loves flowers from a young age and will often come here to enjoy flowers, and this is also allowed by the palace owner.

But the palace owner does not allow the princess to enter his study at will, but this is not something that the guards can manage. They also don't perceive what's going on inside.

The only little girl who knows, of course, will not betray her own lady. In fact, she did not understand why the palace owner never let the lady enter his study. In the depths of my heart, I feel that this matter is no big deal.

After the woman returned to her bedroom, she beat the maid and then sat alone and sat there.

She knew from an early age that she was not the biological daughter of the palace. But the palace owner is very good to her, and it is almost in every possible way.

With the status of one of the three major powers of the Tiangong Palace, his daughter, all that she can enjoy, naturally needless to say, is the best in the world.

But one thing is that the palace owner never allowed her to go to his study.

When she was very young, she already had a very special ability. Her ability has never been told to anyone. Including the palace!

That is, she can communicate with the Heavenly Palace...

This ability is a bit too horrible!

Even in places like the eternal land, such power is also fearful. Because this is simply too ridiculous.

Are these inscriptions engraved on the walls, on the stones, on the eaves, even on the tiles and under the feet, actually living? Even a monk in the realm of the great ancestors would not think so.

They all know that these inscriptions are extraordinary and very extraordinary, because once the inscriptions are lit, even if they attack desperately, it is impossible to break up the power of these inscriptions.

After the inscription is lit, the defense is almost invincible! No, not near invincible, but truly invincible!

No one can break it!

I have to tell them that these inscriptions are all living, have their own thoughts, and have independent consciousness. They are not convinced. Some ancient, with a pattern of rules, how could it be alive? Isn't this a lie?

But Xu Shizhen is able to communicate with these inscriptions.

She didn't even know why she had this ability. Anyway, when she had just remembered and started to learn, she felt that these inscriptions were very kind, like my loved ones, calling her.

At the beginning, she was very scared and felt very scared. However, these inscriptions are trying to comfort her as much as possible, tell her, don't be afraid, we won't hurt you.

Gradually, Xu Shizhen became friends with these inscriptions, and later became good friends.

She can clearly know the temper and nature of each inscription, and she knows exactly what each inscription likes.

For example, the inscription on the wall outside her palace is very fond of listening to stories. A variety of stories are liked. Every time she holds a book and sits quietly on the wall reading the story, the inscriptions will be very pleasant.

For example, the inscription on the outside wall is very fond of listening to the song. Xu Shizhen tried to tell them stories, but they said that they didn't have much interest. On the contrary, Xu Shizhen’s scornful songs, the inscription on the wall will be especially happy.

As the little girl grew up, Xu Shizhen, who likes to read books, finally produced a kind of conjecture after reading countless classics.

"Is it... not in this world?"

“Why do I always feel that I have a feeling of incompatibility with this world?”

In this regard, she once asked her father, the palace owner of the Temple of Heaven. But the palace owner directly tempered, it was the first and only time of the palace, in front of Xu Shizhen fire.

He scolded Xu Shizhen and said that she was cranky, it was simply nonsense!

"I, you are all born in the world of ancient gods, you do not belong to this world, where do you belong?"

After that time, Xu Shizhen was quiet, but the doubts in her heart were not reduced by her father's fire and reprimand. More is more.

She always wanted to go to her father's study, verify it, and want to solve the doubts in happiness. But the palace of the Heavenly Palace has never left a half step since the endless years. Stayed in the palace for the rest of the year.

This time, he finally went out. Perhaps, he felt that for such a long time, Xu Shizhen should have forgotten the little curiosity of his childhood. Therefore, he did not seal the study.

But he did not expect that Xu Shizhen not only entered his study, but also looked at his most important book. That classic, in the eyes of the Tiangong Palace, in this world, no one can understand except the eternal temple master and the king of the Bu's dynasty and the eternal Lord.

He cares great!

Xu Shizhen can easily read the inscriptions on the classics, and they can also communicate with them most.

That kind of ability is only owned by the top four creatures in the four major days.

The name of Xu Shizhen’s book is called the Four Great Heavens.

It looks very thin, only a little bit of content, but in fact, the inscription is all-inclusive. It is simply an encyclopedia of four days!

Therefore, Xu Shizhen received too much information.

Then she understood her own life.

She is a creature from four big days, specifically who her child, she does not know. But she is very clear that she is not a person. The blood, the **, the bones and muscles in the body are all condensed by the law!

It seems to be very vivid, with a knife to draw a finger, it will also bleed, it will also feel pain. That is because her body is sealed by a special law force!

"Who am I? My father... Why should he bring me here?"

"They are here, what do they want to do?"

Xu Shizhen was very confused and confused. She didn't even know what she should do.

She has lived here for too long, so much so that she also regards herself as a person with special skills. Never thought that she really has a fundamental gap with humans.

In the history of the four great days, she saw a lot of introductions about humans.

"Insidious, deceitful, dirty, filthy, low-level, bad, cruel..."

Almost all of the negative descriptions she can find in the history of the four great heavens, about human introductions.

According to the history of the four heavens, human beings should not exist in this world. When born, it should be destroyed.

"Why is this happening? Why are the humans that I come into contact with are not such people? Among them, there are indeed bad people. There are indeed some people who have such shortcomings. But is this not normal? Why? In the history of the four great heavens, the description of human beings is so unbearable? Can it be said that the so-called advanced creatures of the four great days are really not at all?"

Xu Shizhen was caught in a deep confusion, she was very confused.

Because in her opinion, her father, the Heavenly Palace, is not a perfect innocent creature.

Yes, according to the history of the four heavens, according to the inscriptions engraved everywhere in the Heavenly Palace, she already knows that her father is definitely not human!

"Since the creatures of the four great days are not truly perfect, why are they so hostile to humanity? They call themselves heavenly people... Isn't heaven a human being? No flesh and blood... it must be clean of?"

Xu Shizhen sat quietly there. She suddenly looked at the inscription on the wall. When she read the micro-microwave, she asked: "The old grandfather, human being, is that really bad?"

The inscription on this wall is the inscription that Xu Shizhen first came into contact with. She called it "the ancient grandfather."

The inscription on the wall was very strangely twisted, as if it suddenly came alive, directly from the plane image, and then, from there, went out of a villain composed entirely of inscriptions.

The villain only has the size of a finger, white must be white, and a face is kind. It seems that it is indeed the image of a grandfather.

"Child, why are you asking this?" The white-bearded old man with a finger size said with a smile: "Any creature in this world has both good and bad, and meaningful."

"That... then why is the history of the four great heavens as unspeakable to humans?" Xu Shizhen asked.

" went to see that thing?" The white-bearded old man seemed surprised and a little scared. Hesitated, he said: "Children, this matter, you must not let your father know. Otherwise, He will kill you!"

Xu Shizhen suddenly felt that her body was a little cold. She didn't understand that she just wanted to know more. Why did her father kill her? 8

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