Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1769: God's bloodline (sixth)

At this time, the old man with white beard sighed: "You should know that you are not a human being in the ancient world?"

Xu Shizhen nodded: "Yes old grandfather, why? Who am I? Why was it brought here?"

The white-bearded old man was silent for a while and shook his head: "I only know that your coming is very big.?? But who you are, it is the biggest taboo. We are engraved here to protect you. But the child, there is one thing, I have to tell you."

Xu Shizhen looked up and looked at the old man with white beard: "Old grandfather, you said."

"You are not exactly the life of the four heavens." The white-bearded old man hesitated and said with a sigh of relief: "You have half of human blood in your body."

"Ah?" Xu Shizhen looked surprised. The depth of the cut water was not so unpleasant. Instead, it showed a hint of joy: "I have human blood?"

"Well, so your identity is a huge taboo! So, you will appear here. But you are born with the ability to communicate with the inscription, which shows that you are extraordinary. Because there are only the top four in the world. Only in this way. Even the palace owner... When he was born, he did not have such ability."

"But, what's the use?" Xu Shizhen sighed a little sighed: "I don't even know who I am, my father will never give me this opportunity."

The white-bearded old man thought about it and said, "Do you really want to know all about this?"

Xu Shizhen nodded, and a flash of hope in his eyes: "In this world, do you want to know the origins and origins of the creatures?"

The white-bearded old man smiled and shook his head: "No."

"So, of course, I want to know." Xu Shizhen said.

The old man with white beard said: "Let's go, find someone and help him. But don't ask anything, don't ask for anything. And... one day, even if your father is against him, you have to stand. He is here. Can you do it?"

"Ah? Why do you want to do this? I, how can I be an enemy of my father?" Xu Shizhen suddenly looked confused. Although she is very close to the old grandfather, when she is treated as her own grandfather, she can be enemies with her father, she really can't do it. And all the questions are in the mind, I don't understand why the old grandfather would give her such advice.

The white beard man looked at Xu Shizhen and sighed: "If he is not your father, or your enemy?"

"Impossible!" Xu Shizhen was a little angry, she frowned slightly: "Old grandfather, you can't say that!"

"Well, I know you won't believe it, but I can show you something."

The old man with white beard said, directly to the void, suddenly, there was a picture there.

In the picture, there is a man in a silver suit and a man in a gold war suit. Both of them were covered in light, and they could not see the appearance at all.

But Xu Shizhen recognized it at a glance. The man in the silver suit was her father, the lord of the palace. And the man in the gold suit, she also recognized that it is the eternal Lord!

In the picture, the two are talking.

"You brought her over like this?" asked the eternal Lord.

"What can I do? I can't handle her anymore?" said the head of the palace. "And she is just a child who doesn't understand anything."

"It’s funny, the lord of the world, actually said this. Or, do you think that human beings are not bad? A dirty thing with human blood, even though he is God..." Speaking of here, Eternal The Lord suddenly stopped talking, then faintly looked at Xu Shizhen in this direction.

Xu Shizhen was shocked and suddenly looked nervous.

The old man with white beard said: "Don't be afraid, the eternal Lord was in the inscription on the wall."

Xu Shizhen nodded palely and then continued to look at the picture.

In the picture, the Lord of the Palace Palace sighed a little, and suddenly said: "In fact, you and I know that human beings are not so abominable."

"Of course, all these reasons, you and I naturally know. But what about it? The overall environment of the four days, the nobles hate humans, think they are too greedy... Hey, actually, diligent, think To gain more, they must be diligent, but they are regarded as greed. People's seven passions and six desires are the most complete, they fear this power, so they hate it." The eternal Lord said faintly: "But this kind of thing, even if it is such a thing, You and me, even Buddy and the Eternal Lord, can't change."

The owner of the Temple of Heaven said: "If we, can we really open up a day?"

The eternal Lord smiled casually: "Impossible, this thing can't be done even by the ancient gods. Do you think we can do it?"

"Yeah... Pangu Great God, the best existence of mankind! The real unparalleled powerhouse. He can't do it. But I really want to try it." The Tiangong Palace owner said: "We are these people, though The confidants of God, but now here, what is the difference with exile?"

"Perhaps, Gods... have ideas, and want to see a new big heaven appear?" said the eternal Lord. Said, he looked at the palace of the Temple of Heaven: "But that child, you better deal with it quickly. She is a real taboo, and strictly speaking, you are also her enemy, after all, you personally killed his mother. You are not afraid that one day, when she grows up, she will know the truth of all this... Can you take revenge?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Xu Shizhen’s body suddenly shook a little, and her eyes showed an unbelievable look. She can't believe it is true.

"How could this be?" Xu Shizhen whispered, and then her eyes were red.

In the picture.

The Lord of Heaven Palace is also a look of hesitation, and then bitterly said: "God, let me deal with the woman, my heart, I have shaken, but I... I dare not resist! Then, God He also said that the poem is his flesh and blood, he can't bear it... I wiped out my flesh and blood in the four days, let me bring her to the Pangu world, and fend for herself. But this child, I still like it very much. She is very Spirituality..."

The words of the Lord of Heaven Palace were interrupted by the eternal Lord. He said coldly: "Don't forget, she has half the blood of God, and part of her soul is passed down from God. What kind of power does God have? Don't you? do you know?"

At the end of the day, the Lord of Eternal is even more vocal. He looked at the palace of the Temple of Heaven: "Our residence is full of inscriptions on the four heavens. They are all thoughtful, all living creatures with independent character and emotion! You can guarantee that this little girl will not really Awakening? Do you dare to guarantee that these inscriptions will not betray you?"

The head of the Temple of Heaven shook his head and glanced at the direction of Xu Shizhen. No, it should be said that the inscription is in the direction of the inscription. "Don't dare, these inscriptions are printed by ourselves. But in some respects, they are not. We are in control."

"That's not finished?" The eternal Lord sneered: "Take up your meaningless kindness, we are all four heavenly creatures, even in the human world for a long time, it is not human, after all, we are Heaven and Man! It is the top creature that does not need the flesh, blood and bones!"

"This matter, you let me think about it again, she is always under my gaze, she has not awakened everything about heaven and man..." said the head of the palace, looked up, looked at the eternal Lord, looked serious He said: "Although the great God who made the heavens can not interfere with you, but he... is God, and he only said it in the past, and he could not bear to see his bones die in the four days. Didn't let me kill her."

The Lord of Eternity heard this and could not help but silence. He knew that the other party was not threatening him. Instead, tell him a fact.

Xu Shizhen... After all, it is the flesh and blood of the great creation!

This identity, if not because her mother is human, if not because of the human blood flowing in her body. Throughout the four days, it is called the top princess!

It should be the most noble existence of the whole heaven!

Even if they are the landlords, they must also bow down on one knee!

Although the Lord is honorable, although powerful and unmatched. But the whole four days, there are more than 10,000 circles!

And how many of these princesses or emperors have a total of?

The four days add up, I am afraid that this person will not have a hundred!

If you really want to kill Xu Shizhen, one day in the future, the **** of the great creation will think that he has a daughter who is living outside. When they ask, they are really dumbfounded.

"If you can't kill, just blind her eyes." After the Lord of Eternity finished, the figure disappeared. He did not even wait until the Tiangong Palace Lord answered.

The Lord of the Palace is watching the place where he disappeared, and sighed: "Of course you must be blinded..."

The picture ends here too.

Xu Shizhen's powerless squatting on the incomparably gorgeous carpet, tears in pairs paired across her stunningly delicate face.

She couldn’t think of her identity, it was like this.

"This matter, it should not be told to you. In fact, the picture you saw is already a picture before the ages." The old man with white beard said.

"Before the ages? I, I am not less than twenty years old?" Xu Shiyan tears his eyes and looked at the old man with white beard.

The old man with white beard said: "He sealed you, until recently, when you unveiled your seal. At the same time, he used a lot of means on your body. So, you can't cultivate. But he has no I thought that you have inherited the ability of your biological father perfectly. Since childhood, you have awakened the ability to communicate with our inscriptions. What he did not expect is that you hide this secret in your heart when you are so young. There is no flaw at all."

"I... I... what should I do?" Xu Shizhen looked like a wounded kitten at the moment, curled up there, very poor. (To be continued.) 8

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