Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 38: Monthly exam

   On the second day of the monthly test, the assessment site is in the medical building. There are three items to be assessed. The first item: Pokémon Nursing Massage. The second item: the operation and use of medical equipment. The third item: Develop a treatment plan for the injury Pokémon.

  . . . . . . .

  "The candidates are asked to take the test admission ticket to pick up their Poke Balls. The Pokémon they need to take care of is inside. The passing scores are also assessed by them and the patrol teacher.

   If in the early stage of the release of Pokémon, because of improper communication, Pokémon is disgusted by Pokémon, and the grade is unqualified.

   Pokémon did not cooperate during the operation, and the results were unqualified.

   Bad behavior during operation and unqualified results.

   Pay attention to these unqualified situations. If you were asked to leave the examination room directly by the teacher, think about whether you have these situations.

  Okay, it will start now. The test time is 45 minutes. After five minutes, the test will not start normally. Please leave the venue by yourself. "

As the invigilator finished speaking, on the 20 basic nursing beds, the white light was dazzling and dazzling. When the white light dissipated, a small and medium-sized Pokémon appeared on each nursing bed. Some were gentle, some were calm, and some were calm. Some are looking around, and some are irritable.

Those who had drawn the first two breathed a sigh of relief, because the ability to have this kind of performance is either a rich experience, and has been adapted to this situation after many times of experience, or it is not so resistant to humans, so as long as the technique is appropriate, Passing is completely fine.

   And looking around shows that the personality is more lively, plus the first experience of this kind of situation, as long as it can be comforted, there is no big problem.

   The manic and restless Pokémon, but be careful, maybe a word, an action will make him feel that you are releasing hostility, so if he attacks or flees or refuses to cooperate, your assessment will fail.

It's very unfortunate that Musashi got a monkey monster, her temper is notoriously bad, and it's just a little bit. If you follow him, your bad temper will make you angry again, but if it's true To get his affirmation, then it is quite reliable, such as Xiaozhi's hot monkey.

   But Musashi is not familiar with monkey monsters, two people? It was the first time I met. After seeing the monkey monsters, I couldn't help the bad thoughts of the teacher who asked the question. In order to get a reasonable number of people, I really used a lot of tricks and did everything.

   Just like yesterday’s exam questions, I asked which sacred beasts can’t fly? , What a ghost question, are you not afraid of the sword of the cliff directly falling down! !

   But when I met Musashi, it was not a problem. The monkey monster stood on the nursing bed and saw Musashi's gorgeous red hair, and wanted to rush to grab it violently.

   Fortunately, Musashi didn't notice his intentions. He only thought that the monkey monster was going to attack her, so he directly reached out and grabbed the monkey monster's paw and pulled it with skillful strength.

   is as gentle as an old mother's embrace, gently stroking the monkey monster and immediately settled down. As for other candidates who encounter sprites, Nitorino and other Pokémon, Musashi can only say that he is asking for good luck.

   With a scream, they were asked to leave the examination room. As for the pokémon who were making noise, they were quickly subdued by the invigilator and patrolling Pokémon and put in the poke ball.

   "What a bad luck..." This is the common voice of all the candidates who are still present.

   glanced at the smiling invigilator, Musashi thought, maybe it was the teacher's attention.

   The farce is over, the invigilator looked at his watch and said very badly: "There is less than one minute left before the five-minute preparation time. Please take care of the time."

   With the ringing of a bell, two more candidates who could not start normally were asked to leave. There are now 15 candidates left in the examination room.

   The invigilator looked at the remaining 15 candidates with satisfaction, and suddenly felt that the burden on him was a lot lighter, if only a little less...

   I can see Musashi and Fufutie's pleasant monkey monsters can not help but feel a little surprised, it is not the first batch of candidates to leave the field, it seems a bit of strength.

   When we look at Musashi again, we see Musashi talking to the monkey monsters babblingly, making the monkey monsters keep raising question marks.

   "Monkey monster, anger hurts the liver, irritability shows that the anger is strong. Found it, it's here."

After Musashi said this sentence, facing the first and second phalanges of the instep of the monkey monster's left foot (he seems to be chicken paws~~~), the crevices moved back one finger and there was an acupuncture path above them, and he pressed them down heavily. Slowly pressing and rubbing, the original monkey monster's head swelling caused by irritability began to ease. After pressing for three minutes, he changed his foot.

After the instep was over, Musashi began to press on a depression of the three fingers on the inside of the monkey monster’s ankle, which was also an acupuncture point. With the right strength, it can accelerate the monkey monster’s blood circulation and make it no longer irritable on the head, and then under the knees. After a few minutes, transfer to the ankle on the outside of the calf and press it up. This place helps to stimulate the feminine power in the monkey monster's body to further ease his irritability.

After the end, Musashi let the monkey monster lie on its back, put his hands into the monkey monster’s furry body, and fumbled to the shoulders to find the acupuncture points that need to be pressed. Converge, pull down to the tail vertebrae.

   Repeat the operation 10 times, and the whole monkey said that he was going to ascend into the sky in a comfortable way. The relaxed and happy feeling I really want to lie here for a lifetime.

   But... it's impossible. I am a monkey with lofty ambitions, it is impossible to indulge in it...

   "Ao Jia~~" The uncontrollable whispered softly and exhausted the theorem that the monkey monster is really sweet at this time.

   Follow the spine up, eh? No neck? Forget the monkey monster’s back alarm, and fumble upwards until his small ear tips come out. There are two corresponding acupuncture points that can reduce the monkey monster’s previous congestion and redness s eyes.


   A long hiccup has attracted the attention of many people, including the invigilator. Under the gaze of so many eyes, the monkey monster who is not stinky, rarely shows a shy expression.

   "It's okay, this is just a normal phenomenon." Musashi smiled and said.


After    acupuncture massage is completed, the regular relaxing massage starts. After everything is completed, Musashi raises his hand to signal the invigilator to complete it himself.

   "What's the matter with you?"

   "I finished the exam."

   "Take out the admission ticket."

   Musashi handed out his admission ticket. After receiving it, the invigilator took a look at Musashi's information, nodded and said nothing. I just found Musashi’s assessment form on my clipboard and sketched it out. Finally, he covered the information on it and handed it to the monkey monster and asked, “Is this examinee’s massage technique satisfying you?”

   "Aga~Aga!" There was joy in the triangular eyes, and I looked at Musashi from time to time, looking forward to the next opportunity to experience it.

   "Well, let's put a handprint here."

   The invigilator took out a box of ink ink and made gestures for the monkey monster to do it.

   The monkey monster is still very capable of learning as a Pokémon and a primate, and he immediately comprehend it and pressed a satisfactory fingerprint.

   "Okay, you can leave now."

   "Well, thank you teacher."

   Musashi said goodbye to the monkey monster again, took it back to the poke ball, handed it back to the invigilator and left.

   There are still seven or eight candidates in the examination room at this time.

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