Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 39: Auspicious egg

After finishing the assessment of Pokémon care and massage, Musashi came to the medical equipment operation room. There are several Pokémon treatment machines used for simulation assessment. The most basic function is to release nutrients to accelerate the recovery of Pokémon’s stamina and make it more powerful. Quickly join the next battle.

  There are other functions to neutralize toxins, relieve paralysis, eliminate burning, freezing, and wake up Pokémon that cannot be awake immediately due to sleep powder, hypnosis and other reasons.

  To treat these abnormal conditions, let me talk about poisoning first. You must first determine the depth of the toxins in the Pokémon, and the signs of poisoning caused by that type of toxin, and use different antidote for treatment.

The same is true for    paralysis, but the treatment of paralysis is relatively simple, as long as you know whether it is the paralysis caused by the powdered substance or the electric shock paralysis.

Burning and freezing are not very convenient when using the Pokémon treatment machine, especially burning, flame burning is easy to handle, if it is caused by the burning caused by strong acid materials, you need to configure additional healing potions. And in treatment.

   If it is frozen, it is necessary to judge whether it is only on the surface or deep inside the body. It would be fine if it is treated by a surface treatment machine. If you have gone deep inside, you need professional doctors to cooperate with the treatment.

   Pokémon falling into sleep is more convenient to treat. If it is a powder, it can be injected with medicine. If it is a drowsy caused by illusion, such as hypnosis, it can also be awakened by appropriate external stimulation.

   Having said so much, it is nothing more than wanting to express a central idea, that is, Musashi does not attach importance to this kind of machine, and has the time to judge that he has healed Pokémon.

   But it cannot be denied that the advantages of the Pokémon Healing Machine in terms of healing speed and recovery speed far exceed those of manual labor.

   Two Joeys with the same experience, one operating a Pokémon treatment machine, and the other relying only on auspicious eggs, both showed almost the same treatment speed when facing a small number of patients.

   But in the face of a huge number of patients, Joey and Geely Eggs alone cannot be completely cured, and the Pokémon Therapeutic Machine, as long as the disease is judged and put in the corresponding treatment medicine, it doesn't need to be bothered.

   "Hum, hum, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump)

   If you encounter a situation that requires emergency treatment, you can hand it over to Geely Egg at the front desk, and enter the medical care room yourself to focus on the treatment, without delaying other people's treatment time.

  So the progress of society is indispensable to the birth of this high-tech product. But having said so much, Musashi still doesn't pay much attention to it.

  One of the main reasons is that Musashi is not progressing towards the development of Pokémon Doctor or Pokémon Nurse, so he will not go to the Wizard Center to play with this kind of machine every day.

   Therefore, in Musashi's view, I only need to learn a few common usages taught in class. As for the in-depth study, it is fine.

   The assessment soon ended. After coming out, Musashi also met Yang Na. The two said hello and they separated. After all, there is no need for you to wait for me and I wait for you to go together.

   The last assessment item on the second day of the monthly exam is to treat a sick Pokémon.

   This illness may be caused by some changes in the body, or it may be an injury that has not healed. In short, it is a small illness and disaster. As for the intractable diseases, it is not the turn of Musashi to worry about it.

   This time the invigilator is a young Joey, with an auspicious egg pushing a trolley with a pixie ball next to him, and a group of pink and chubby cute things behind him.

   "These Poke Balls are filled with Pokémon cultivated by a breeding base of the Alliance, and they are all Ibrahimovic.

  Because of the sudden drop in temperature some time ago, a group of Ibrahimovic was sick, so at the request of the principal, he brought it over and used it as your exam question.

   And your partner is the medical Pokémon who studied at the Geely Egg Nurse Academy like you: Geely Egg, almost a baby, fat and cute.

   Next, you will make a free pairing and combination, and in the next assessment, you candidates will be the main force in the judgment of the condition, and your medical partner will cooperate with them to treat them through your judgment. The fruits, medicines, and herbs I need are on the cabinet next to me. You can report to me what you need to receive. "

   "Well, now you can start choosing your partner. Ten minutes."

   Joey turned his body sideways and asked the Auspicious Eggs, Almost Dolls and Fatty Dings to take a step forward.

  Musashi and these candidates also took a step forward. This is to observe each other, and eyesight is very important.

   Actually Musashi was wondering when he came to Geely Egg Nursing Academy, why didn't he see the medical partners who were studying together.

Later, after asking Joey Qingxue, I learned that they and Geely Egg are not in the same campus. Only after they advance to the advanced class and clearly choose to become a doctor and nurse will they choose their partner under the review of the teacher. Pokémon, after becoming a partner, the results of the two have been tied together since then, and both glory and loss will be lost.

Of course, some deviant medical Pokémons are not satisfied to be medical want to go out and go out, about the point Joey will also meet the requirements of these Pokémon, but they need to face the assessment It will also be more stringent. When choosing a travel partner, there are also difficulties and obstacles.

The reason for this is that each of these medical partners is a hard-won treasure. In addition to the breeding of auspicious eggs, it also requires the use of precious lucky incense as an auxiliary product. Only with these conditions can there be a certain degree Chance to give birth to lucky eggs or small blessed eggs.

  Although almost dolls are not only females like auspicious eggs, and the proportion of males and females in the population is almost the same. However, because the growth period is very slow and the maturity period is very short, it is also very rare to get a newborn.

   As for Fat Ding, nothing to say, every appearance of Fat Ding represents the disappearance of a moonstone, so the degree of preciousness can be imagined.

As far as Musashi knows, the only pair who succeeded in apostasy is the current student council president Muko Suzuki. She and her almost doll have passed a series of almost impossible tasks and have been recognized by the academy, and have since been separated from the rescue angel. In order to become a partner of justice.

Musashi looked at the cute pink thing in front of him, and his thoughts drifted unconsciously to the memory from another world, the Mahjri egg that successfully graduated under the care of'Musashi'. I don't know if she is in these Pokémon. .

But the possibility is too small, because in the memory of another world, Musashi and Auspicious Eggs met when Musashi was a teenager. Even if Auspicious Eggs could not graduate until they met Musashi, they could not appear four or five years earlier. The most likely thing is that the auspicious egg is still in the form of a small blessed egg, and it is living carefree in the cultivation garden waiting for evolution.

   Musashi is traveling in the sky, and a soft cry pulls him back to reality.

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