Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 54: King, overlord

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The car was stable in the parking lot of the school, and Musashi and his party came to the principal's office building.

Mujin opened the door all the way until he reached the place where Lada was once held, and then transformed by the Ladas into an important place to communicate with Joey Qingxue.

Speaking of it, it has been more than a month since the last time I left, and I don't know what changes have taken place here.

Musashi thought a little expectantly, but when he thought that he was about to be separated from Oiwa snake, his expression was inevitably depressed.

"Musashi, where are we going?" Jigme asked, holding Musashi's hand.

"You'll know when you get there, but don't be surprised." Musashi said to Jigme with a frustrated smile on his face.

"Shocked? Why?"



When Hibiscus stopped in front of a door, Jigme and the others guessed that they were there.

Turning the handle, there is a cave behind the wooden door. The original concrete floor is covered with mud. Under the sunny day, the green grass is abundant, and a few ladas are stationed at the edge of the cave.

In fact, when someone was approaching, a Lada ran towards the underground kingdom and reported the situation.

The other Ladas sniffed the scents and screened them, and found that there were three familiar smells, one of which was the benefactor of their ethnic group. But there are three other smells that are relatively unfamiliar, but they should all be school students.

"It's so beautiful, there are dirt and lawns here, and a sunny day! Oh my god, who made this place? The principal?"

"No, look, it's them."

"Lada? How come there is Rada here?"

"This is the intelligence station of the Ladas. The entire school is under their gaze, but most of them are looking out, so there is no need to worry about your privacy being violated." Mujin explained.

"Why let Lada be the headmaster's eyes and ears?"

"You are about to ask Musashi, she is the one who made the idea."

"Musashi? How come?"

"There are so many little secrets of Musashi, remember to dig out a little more for me, and there will be prizes in the report~" Mujin looked at Musashi with a smile and said.

"Teacher Mujin~~~"

"Haha, it's useless to be acting like a baby."

"Musashi, please tell me, how did you let the lads listen to the principal?"

Ji Mei asked excitedly.

"La Da!" A Lada that was twice the size of other Ladas appeared respectfully and shouted at Musashi from the entrance of the cave.

"It's you, Lada, you should be called Chief Lada. How are you living here?"

"Lada~!" Lada patted his somewhat round belly, and everything said nothing.

"Haha, yes, once you become the leader of a clan, you will not treat yourself badly, but don't slacken your strength, because you are the first level of guarding the school. The more powerful you are, the safer the school will be."

"La da! La da~?"

Chief Rada nodded clearly, but tilted his head and looked at Musashi, wondering why they came.

"I came here today for this kid."

Musashi showed the Elf Egg to Rada.

"Lada~!" Leader Lada sniffed the smell of the elf egg and nodded, indicating that he knew it.

"After this child is born, he will go to a place rich in minerals and geothermal. Do you know any place that meets these two points?"

"Lada..." Leader Lada touched his double chin and thought about it humanely.

"Lada!" Leader Lada thought of a place that he accidentally discovered when he was young, where the rocks are particularly hard and the heat is constantly being transmitted from the ground.

"It's true, then I will ask you to take it."

"La Da..." Leader Lada gestured, saying where there is another Pokémon life, would it be too dangerous for this little guy to go by himself.

"I will let the monster Abo go with the big rock snake, so that the monster Abo can help me take care of it, and wait until when I will bring it back."

"La Da?" That little snake?

"Just right!" Who is the little snake, call me Lord Queen! !

Aboguai slipped from Musashi's shoulders, and his body quickly grew four meters long. The man stood up to two meters high, the pattern on the neck spread, and the queen's majesty exploded and began to put pressure on Lada.

And Lada is now the leader of the family, although Aboguai is his own natural enemy, he is still a Pokémon of his benefactor.

But as soon as they meet, they admit counsel, this is not something a qualified leader should do, but although he wants to show it in front of his own people.

But even if the power of a few clansmen was assembled, it was still difficult to offset the pressure from the bloodline and the pressure on the position.

After a while, he will be defeated. From this moment on, Abogua will be a mountain above the heads of the Ladas, a mountain that cannot be resisted.

If the Ladas hold on, then they will have the right to communicate with Abogua on an equal footing, but unfortunately, they have failed. Chief Lada never had a chance to become a rat king.

But there was no chance.

Position: It is a kind of cohesion of momentum, an invisible oppression.

Aboguai has realized a trace of the queen's aura, and in more popular terms it is the aura of the overlord.

And Lada still stays between the elite and the leader, and there is a leader between the king or the overlord.

Although Lada is now the leader of the Ladas, the cultivation of the status is not accomplished overnight, but is imperceptible.

In order to cultivate the aura and temperament of Abokai, Musashi constantly instilled all the information about the queen and gradually moved her closer to this aspect, which was subtle, but the effect was not high.

In the end, relying on the scales of the King Snake and feeling the real queen aura of the Happy Egg, only by accident, did he barely realize a little bit of carelessness, and the whole thing was empty. One can imagine the difficulty of this.

However, Lada still has the advantage, that is, Lada now has the entire ethnic group to help him cultivate his aura. The rank growth is still very fast, but it is impossible to reach the king or overlord level.

At the beginning, when Joey Qingxue planned to take over the Lada clan, he cut off the possibility of the entire Lada clan to produce a king. The highest achievement can only be the leader. If the king level appears, the whole clan will be destroyed.

It's not that Joey Qingxue is unkind.

Rather, the emergence of a king means that the original fixed number has become a variable, and the worm has become a dragon.

The little Auspicious Egg Nurses Academy will no longer be able to satisfy the ambition of being a king. Leaving may be the best result, but after leaving, all the surrounding forces will change, and then disaster will be inevitable~www.mtlnovel. com~ So Joey Qingxue pinched the source at the beginning, so that the Lada clan will not appear as a king and a hegemon.

"Let Aboguai go with him, then what do you do?" Yin Gu asked.

"You don't have to worry about safety at school. Besides, aren't there still stinky flowers. As a knight, he can also protect me. Besides, Master, you can still make me trouble at school?"

"You little slippery head, let Aboguai go with him. After all, the chance for Aboguai to stay by your side and improve quickly is not impossible, but there are more opportunities for the outside world. However, there is one thing after the monster Abo goes. , You may never come back again. Have you thought about this?"

"Well, if you want to transform into a real queen, a duel of life and death is inevitable."

"Just right!" Aboguai was also prepared in his heart, when he was planning to become a queen.

"Crack, crack."

The fairy egg was broken.

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