Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 55: parting

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The light of evolution is revealed in the cracks of the broken eggshell, and then envelops the entire elven egg.

Musashi put the egg on the ground, and the dazzling white light was blocked by the eyelids. With the sound of the big rock snake, the bloodline of the snake girl rose again, 12%, 13%, 14%, 15%, and finally fixed at the value of 15%.

The reason for closing the eyes is that the increase in blood concentration will break through the original seal irresistibly, frightening others, but there seems to be something to grow on the cheeks, but the seal is not able to fully reveal it, Musashi quietly breathed a sigh of relief .

When the white light was no longer dazzling, Musashi opened his eyes and watched the slender outline slowly emerging from the center of the white light. Musashi knew that the big rock snake was really breaking out of its shell and was born in this world.

The whole body of the big rock snake is made of gray rock. The head and the following one, two and four sections are the largest, the third section is slightly smaller, and the fourth section starts to become smaller and smaller until the tail tip.

The single horn on the head is a symbol of the age of the big rock snake. Because the big rock snake was born, the single horn is not very obvious. It can be vaguely seen that there is a small bulge. When it reaches adulthood, this bulge will become a sharp horn. In the following years, with the gradual deposition of minerals, the unicornus began to diamondize, which indicates that the age of the rock snake is more than one hundred years old.

According to legend, there is a crystal rock snake, or diamond rock snake, that has survived more than a thousand years in the crystal cave of Ponkan Island.

Not afraid of water, instead of fear of fire. It is not that he has become an ice element, but the diamond itself is an isotope of carbon, of course, I am afraid of fire. As for why silicon-based organisms have become carbon-based organisms, this may be the power of time.

Pokémon: Big Rock Snake

Rock snake Pokémon, mineral group

Attributes: rock, 0.9 meters in length on the ground, 8.0 kg in weight

Level: lv10%, gender: ♂

Feature 1: Hard head

Feature 2: Strong

Status: Childhood, healthy.

Age: 0 years old.

Character: Introverted

Hobbies: Being able to be with Musashi

Intimacy: 90

Trust value: 80

Carrying things:

Race value: HP: 35, attack, 45, defense: 160, special attack: 30, special defense: 45, speed, 70, total: 385

Skills: play mud, tie tight, harden, hit, sleep

Genetic skills: rounding, invisible rock, dragon's fury

Evaluation: The combination of two exceptionally talented Pokémons gives birth to treasures with extraordinary talents. If you are about to compare, the original Aber Snake is even inferior to him.

"Roar~~!" Da Yan Snake let out a naive roar and swore that he had come into this world.

After the big rock snake screamed, his face turned red, but his face was so gray that he couldn't tell. Being stared at by so many eyes, it was inevitable to be nervous.

After seeing Musashi, he immediately had the backbone, swimming his body made of rocks nestled in Musashi's arms, carefully watching the outside world and other creatures.

"Roar~" I am not afraid of you~|w`)

Feeling nothing terrible, he gave a tentative call, and immediately retracted into Musashi's arms after the call, and secretly looked at the reaction of others.ヾBrother, please call sister.

Abogua stretched his head to the big rock snake and shouted.

"Roar~!" ヾMom! The monster is about to eat a snake, the master will save me soon.

"You know that he is still young, and you scared him, you are not competent at all as a sister. You bit me at the beginning, and you see it right here." Musashi silently pushed Abokai's big snake head away, and said angrily. He also gave birth to his pale index finger and said.

"Just right~" ┐┌Don't mention the magnificent deeds of this queen, let the big rock snake call my sister.

"Who the **** you rascal learned from! It's a brilliant deed, I think you are looking for a fight~" The culprit rolls up his sleeves angrily and is about to have a real-life PK with Abbot, but he can't take care of you, rascal Snake.

"Just right~~" So what, the weather is really good today, little man, hurry up and clean up, sister will take you out to play.

Abo blames a good snake not to eat the immediate loss. If he admits it, he admits it. He immediately shrinks his body and is only a little larger than the big rock snake. He manipulates his tail to drag it out, and he has to go to Lada.

"Hey... wait a minute." Musashi sighed, this sly snake is getting harder and harder to carry.

"Just right?" What else, my dear sister.

"How do you take the big rock snake away, do you know what you want him to do?"

"Just right~!" After eating and going to bed, I went to bed and ate.

"That's pig raising! Just listen to me. Every time Dayan Snake eats the ore, he will take him to a place where the temperature is relatively high, focusing on practicing his basic skills. Even though all skills are basic skills, Among them, hardening, rounding, and playing with mud are the most important things. I must train me to the full level. He should have mastered the idea of ​​meditation. You can practice while sleeping, and you can arrange it yourself at other times, but you don’t get out of the big rock snake. You can’t take him to the battle in childhood, you know. She is too fragile at this time. After you leave the childhood, you can do whatever you want, as long as you come back safely."

"Just right~" I received it and promised to complete the task.

"Just right~" Little brother, let's go. Hey, I will let you call my sister.

"Roar~" Master~~ Come and save me~~

"Big Rock Snake, you have to grow up quickly, so you can become as strong as your mother."

The sadness of parting is not completely diluted by Abo's weirdness. Musashi touched the big rock snake's head without horns at this time, and said softly.

After finishing speaking, he stood up and said to Lada on the side: "Leader Lada, I beg you for giving directions."


Lada nodded, and after greeted the little brothers, respectfully took the Abo Monster and the dragged Big Rock Snake and left.

"It's gone. By the way, just laugh if you want to, and hold back your hard work. The last bit of image is also lost by this shameless snake." Musashi looked helplessly at Yoshimi, who was holding his mouth and holding back his smile, and tried to express himself. Said Yangna who didn't smile, and Yuko who had a twisted face.

As for Yin Gu, seeing Musashi's madness, without showing off his expression, Hibiscus had already ran out and laughed wildly, and he could hear clearly through the wooden door.

"Hahahahaha. Musashi, hahahaha, it's so interesting, hahaha, crazy. I've never seen it before, it's worth the fare, it's more interesting than watching the birth of a big rock snake. Hahahahaha" Jigme was completely laughing. , Smiled and said while pointing at Musashi.

"Hahaha." Yangcai and Yuzi stopped pretending to be a lady, and laughed loudly.

"It's better for Master, I'm already immune. Master hugs." Musashi looked tired and opened his arms to Yingu.

"You child, cry if you feel uncomfortable. Who knows if you hold back." Yin Gu walked out of the room holding Musashi and looked at Hibiscus, and said with a little bit of Musashi's nose.

"Don't you want to be sad even for the strange Abo. It would be nice to go out and practice for a while. Right, Master." Musashi was already crying with rain in Ewha's eyes.

" OK, then the master will hold you for a while." Yin Gu helplessly touched Musashi's hair, and gave Mujin a look to signal her to be quiet.


. . . . . .

Abogua stopped, the big rock snake held by the tip of the tail loosened the moisture in his eyes, and said to the big rock snake: "You will live with me in the next year. How did my sister teach me back then? , I will also teach you how, do you know if you want to study hard."

"Got it." Da Yan Snake nodded obediently.

"Queen, you will reach the destination after a long walk, but wild Pokémon will also start to appear. Do we need to drive it away?"

"No." Abbott glanced at Lada who wanted to show his courtesy and said coldly.

"Brother, the first lesson will start later, you follow Lada and see how I do it."


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