Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 52: The Star of Wishing and the Little Fortune Egg

The selected Pipis surround this small lake that they renamed Luna Lake. Some of the Pipis hold moonstones, and some don’t, but they all share a common look, that is, the emotion of expectation. Revealing the slightest tension.

Pippi without moonstones is only a minority. It was Pippi who had enough strength deliberately selected by the Overlord Flower, but lacked an evolutionary opportunity to participate in this experiment. However, this experiment was not an arbitrary idea of ​​Overlord Flower. It was the acquiescence that was obtained in discussions with Yue and the Pixi clan without interfering with the growth of the Pipi clan.

Their role is to verify whether Luna Lake can really promote the evolution of Pipi without moonstones. After evolution, it will be different from Pipi with moonstones participating in the evolution.

If everything is normal, then the role of Moon God Lake can really be called a holy land for Pokémon who needs Moon Stone.

However, with the birth of Moon God Lake, greedy eyes will follow one after another. Whether it can be grasped depends on the good luck of the Pippi clan.


The pink elf egg held by Musashi gave a dazzling white light while preparing for the Moon God Festival.

This brilliance attracted everyone's attention, including the Overlord Flower when looking up at the sky.


The light of evolution was condensed, and a petite and lovely little blessed egg made the first cry of coming into the world in Musashi's arms.

The whole pink egg-shaped body has two eyes that look like black pearls. Below the face of the puff puff are two tender and tender hands. The pink-purple egg shell has not completely faded away, but has become a piece of enveloping the lower part of Xiaofu's egg. With the white stripes as the dividing line, the upper and lower parts of Xiaofudan's body are separated.

The three small drum kits on the forehead are like cute bangs, neatly arranged, and the joint between the vertically upward small tugging and the top of the head also has a pink-purple eggshell as a decoration, and the echoes from the end to the end are just right.

However, the originally happy expression began to give rise to bursts of unhappiness because of the little hands that were nowhere to be placed.

"Look at Karen, what is this."

Musashi took out the round stone and gently swayed in front of Xiaofudan's eyes, which directly attracted all the attention of Xiaofudan, and a warm little sun appeared on his cloudy expression.

He opened his little hand and wanted to hold this round stone in his arms, and Musashi didn't tease her too much, and gently put the round stone in her arms.

Xiaofudan hugged the round stone, adjusted its position appropriately, and stuck it into his pocket cloth. An oval dent naturally appeared on his body to fix the round stone.


The little blessed egg who finished all of this made a pleasant sound again, but as she continued to observe the surrounding environment, her attention was again attracted by the Pippi who was about to hold the moon **** ceremony, and her eyes flashed with curiosity and expectation. Looking straight at Musashi, he almost said that he wanted to join in.

"Old Pixi, look."

Musashi pointed to the little blessed egg who said ‘If you disagree, I’d cry’, and asked with a look of embarrassment to the Pixi elder beside him.

"Pi." Just let her join in, the little blessed egg with grace is rare, and when the Moon God Festival is about to be held, let her join in.

"Karen quickly thanked Grandpa Picsy, and then you are not allowed to disrupt the order of the Moon God Sacrifice. Just watch it on the side to know."

"Lucky~, lucky."

Xiaofudan nodded repeatedly, and after being put down, he bought small steps, protected the round stone in front of him with his small hands, and stumbled towards the direction of Moon God Lake.

Then "plop, gurgling. Boom~"

Xiaofudan hit her head on the stone steps. Musashi thought she would cry because of pain, but she stood up and found that she was clucking, and the distance she traveled was shortened directly because of the rolling. However, she relied on her as the hurdle of the stone steps. His little short legs can't get up.

Being distressed about how the little blessed egg was suddenly wrapped in a group of spiritual power, she was placed in the team of the moon **** sacrifice, and the help was not the elder of the Pixi clan, but the patriarch of the Pipi clan.


Just one second after Xiaofudan joined the Moon God Festival team, the moon moved to the top of the Moon God Lake, and the Overlord Flower gave a soft drink to signal that the Moon God Festival had officially begun, and then slowly jumped up and inherited the Moon God in the blood of the walking grass. Under the leadership of the Overlord Flower, the Pippies surrounding the Moon God Lake began to dance the Moon Seed Dance that belonged to the Pippi clan.

With each jump, the Pipis made a rhythmic sound of "pi, Pi, Pi", loud and solemn at the high pitch, soft and gentle at the low pitch, composing a hymn to the moon.

Once again, the Overlord Flower that volleyed in the Moon God Lake was dancing a mysterious moon dance. After hearing this hymn to the moon, Fu Lingxin chanted a lucky spell that was not working at all times in a low voice.

With the emergence of singing, the moon rocks in the center of the lake have gradually changed.

The strands of moonlight in the sky began to fall and continued to increase, like drizzle and heavy rain, until it converged into a beam of moonlight and poured into the Moon Lake. The moonstone that was the first to receive the moonlight shined brightly, and the whole body was bright and printed. In the end, the sleeping cocoon of the heart swallowed countless moonlight in one breath.

However, this scene was not discovered by Musashi, who was looking for Kiraji. The lake water reflected the moon-blue brilliance under the penetration of moonlight, and then the lake water seemed to be unable to bear more moonlight, gradually overflowing, and rising up a faint mist. The Pippi around the Moon Lake, as well as Ibrahimovic and Xiaofudan who danced with emotion.

Ibrahimovic and Xiaofudan joined in the moon dance performed by the Pippies without any hindrance. Although the moon dance of the Pippies is only a simple circle jumping action, the mastery of the force technique is not enough. It is not easy, and the control of the landing place and timing, combined with the high and low sounds, is a complete Moon Seed Dance.

Ibrahimovic's perfect participation benefited from the coordination of the body, and although Xiaofudan didn't jump high, but it was surprisingly in line with the team's rhythm, and there was no abnormality.

As the Moonlight Dance arrived at the end, the pour of moonlight was slowly diminishing. The color of the mist completely enveloped the Pippis, and Musashi could no longer see the details of the vicinity of Luna Lake.


With the last ray of moonlight submerged in the lake, the Moon God Festival also ended.

The sleeping cocoon in the moon stone seemed to be unobstructed, and the protection that penetrated the moon stone appeared in the thick fog, slowly stretching his body.

The pale yellow dress, the fluffy hair...have been strung, come on again.

The yellow star hood and the two yellow ribbon-like feathers extending from the back constitute a five-pointed star. The corresponding wishes on the three corners of the hood have not been filled in with the corresponding wishes. The feather coat is a milky white body, and there are organs on the abdomen that resemble eyes. There is a blue-green triangle pattern under the closed eyes, which is mysterious and beautiful.

This figure is Kiraqi, the star of prayer.

But soon blurred handwriting began to appear on the wishing pad on the left, and the handwriting gradually became clear.

I hope that the Pippi family can have a living space that is not disturbed.

The wishing note on the right also showed faint writing, the letter: I want to evolve into the most beautiful moon elf.

However, the wishing paper at the tip has not seen any movement.

And Musashi finally found Kiraqi lying flat on the dense fog, and immediately changed his sitting posture, kneeled on the grass, folded his hands and ten fingers on his chest, and prayed silently in his heart: I hope Master Yingu's body can return to normal.

Kiraqi seemed to have received Musashi's prayer, and the corresponding words appeared on the top of the wishing note, and then the three wishing notes were removed from the hood and surrounded Kiraqi in an orderly manner.

Kiraqi slowly opened her black eyes, staring at the first wishing note in front of her.


The blue wishing note fell into the thick fog and slowly merged into Ibrahimovic's body, and the light of evolution slowly lit up.

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