Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 53: The birth of the mystery

The evolution of Ibrahimovic seemed to have opened the key to the evolution of Pippi, and began to burst out with dazzling light of evolution one after another.

   Xiaofudan's original attention was all on Kiraqi who was floating in the sky, and then he was attracted by the light of evolution, full of curiosity.

   But Kiraqi seems not interested in this rare collective evolution, but has a hint of curiosity about Xiao Fudan in the Pippi team.


   But curiosity returns to curiosity, it is rare to wake up once, to complete one's own task, and then put his gaze on the second wishing note, which is exactly Musashi's wish.

The blue wishing paper first appeared beside Musashi under Kiraji's intention, and after going around it, it seemed to have sensed something, and disappeared in front of Musashi out of thin air. There was nothing for Musashi, but he prayed faithfully. The wish in the heart.

   The last wishing note, the wish on it was made by the moon, Kiraqi looked at the wish on the wishing note, her brows furrowed.

Because the realization of this wish is not easy, if it is like the first two wishes, Kiraqi does not need to consume much energy to achieve it, and then it is a happy and long play time, until you are tired of playing, find a place at will Continue to rest, this is how you did it before the last time you fell asleep.

But this third wish is to build a space for the Pippi clan to live their lives. This wish can be large or small, but after being worshipped by the Pippi clan for so long, Kiraqi, the **** of wishing, is not easy to be casual. It's not like fooling them. If it's a big deal, I will sleep for thousands of years. Sleeping is one of his few hobbies anyway.

   Thinking of this, the real eyes in the abdomen slowly opened, watching the last wishing note, and then projecting a brilliant light, carrying the wishing note into the moon rock in the center of Luna Lake.

   After absorbing this energy, the moonstone projected layers of strange ripples. The first ripple slowly expanded until it expanded to the edge of the mountain wall of this temporary clan land, and then it was attached to the mountain wall and fixed.

   The second layer of corrugation is then superimposed on the first layer of corrugation. The overlap of the corrugations is like a huge protective cover covering the entire valley.

   The protective cover was constructed, and after flashing twice, the gorgeous protective cover was slowly hidden in the void, and it was hard to see a trace of strangeness.

   The Pixi people who had been watching the changes in the situation knelt down in excitement, and respectfully prayed to Kira for a bow, because this protective cover can basically block the invasion of foreign enemies.

   But everything is not over, the moon rock suddenly rises and guides the light of evolution into the protective cover hidden in the void.

   Finally, the moon stone statue completed its historical mission and burst open to form countless large and small fragments embedded in the inner wall of the protective cover.

   The Pikexi people were shocked by this picture for a long time and couldn't speak for a long time. This is the **** of their Pippi clan, and they exploded when they said it was bombed?

   But no one gave him an explanation.

   The fragments of the moon stone are like stars, slowly absorbing and storing the moonlight scattered in the night sky, and condensing it on the dome.

   When the moonlight converges to a certain level, the moon dew will drop in the Moon God Lake, replacing the role of the moon stone to assist the Pipi to complete the evolution.

   And the moon rock fragments embedded in the protective cover can also enhance the protective capacity of the protective cover and provide energy for its endurance.

   Kiraqi who finished all this, wearily closed the real eyes in his abdomen.

   But the sudden movement of Xiaofudan caught Kiraji's attention again, wave his finger?

   This is... the power of secret!

Yes, the power of the secret, as long as the power of the secret is guided to the entire temporary residence, this area can be completely isolated, forming a secret realm belonging to the Pippi family only, so that I will not be disturbed when I sleep here. Up.

   is worthy of being an elf with the characteristics of grace, inadvertent small actions are the guidance of the world to her.

   Kira looked at Xiaofudan with admiration, and groaned softly.

   "Pray ~" Overlord Flower, you also use the power of secret to listen to my command when the time comes, and you quickly use the wave of your finger to gather the energy of the finger to the little blessed egg.

   The moon, who had already evolved into Pikexi, obeyed Kiraqi's orders and directed all the tribesmen to use their **** skills.

   Although Kiraqi's intention is not clear, Yue can hear a hint of excitement in his tone.

   can make the gods show a touch of excitement, then this move will definitely bring unexpected benefits to their ethnic group.

   Bawang Hana is noncommittal, glances at Musashi, and sees Musashi nodding, only then uses the power of secret to cooperate with Kiraqi's instructions.

   "Ku 咿."

   Moon Elf finally completed its evolution, shaking his body with the mysterious purple-black short hair like the night, and the ring pattern representing the moon glowed charmingly in the night.

   was a slightly unfamiliar cry, and there was no noticeable spray in Pippi’s group calls.

And her charming appearance was not paid attention to at this time, including Musashi. At this time, their attention was focused on Xiaofudan, Kiraqi and Overlord Flower. As for Pippi and Pikesi, they are just a huge number. Tool man, rechargeable battery that provides energy.

  Kiraqi, as the core of the entire command, would not fail to notice the moon elf, which can be said to be a strange little guy, and used the miracle eye to send the moon elf to Musashi to prevent her from interfering with the operation of the entire ceremony.

   For the moon elves who suddenly appeared next to him, Musashi naturally took them, took them in his arms and stroked them slowly, but his attention did not move a little bit, and they were still on Kiraqi's body.

   Moon Elf squinted comfortably by Musashi, enjoying the endless sense of security that the embrace brought her.

it has started!

   Musashi murmured in his heart when he saw Kiraji's movements.

Pippies and stopped waving their fingers at the same time, and concentrated all the energy of their fingertips on Xiaofudan, but this energy is not something Xiaofudan can bear. Kirachi stretched out his hand One cue, gather this energy into the palm of your hand

   After another finger, he sent Xiaofudan to the position of the protective cover, and then nodded to Bawang, indicating that he could start.

   Bawang patted the ground with one hand, and the energy of the secret power poured into the ground continuously.

   As for Xiaofudan, he doesn't understand this knowledge at all, ignorant and strangely waving his finger, but Kiraqi is here, he understands.

   uses superpowers to directly replace the mind of Xiaofudan, and releases the secret power of the **** skills randomly to the protective cover.

  Finally, that huge wave of finger energy was divided into two parts, corresponding to the secret power used by the Overlord Flower and Xiaofudan.

   A miracle happened.

   The two points infested by the energy of the secret power expand after receiving the power of the finger swing, and become two semicircles, one up and down, and merge into one ball in the void, and merge on the protective cover in mysterious waves.

   So far, the Mysterious Land. Moon Garden was born, and Kiraki, who became the Lord of the Mystery Land, did not explain anything to the creatures present.

   nodded tiredly, the yellow feather clothes on his back instantly enlarged and wrapped Kiraqi's body into a sleeping cocoon again and slowly fell into the Moon God Lake.

   Musashi and Pippi looked at each other, watching Kiraqi fall asleep, and the surrounding environment without any change, what did he accomplish with such a big momentum?

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