Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 7: Fengyuan

At the top of the tower, the battle between Rika and Musashi is about to come to an end. In addition to the two of them, there is also a person watching the battle, that is, Kojiro, and an unmanned camera aircraft.

Although it is a battle between the two sisters, in order to expand the momentum of the battle tower, it is necessary to record and save the battle, and make it into a promotional video for fixed-point broadcast. After all, the high-end and wonderful battle will be enough to attract many people. Welcomed by the trainers who came to challenge, Musashi can also use this to select talents who are interested in joining his subordinates to serve Yuhong City, as well as to deal with disasters that do not know when.

"Bump!" The already non-powerful whipping flopped weakly on the Qingteng Snake, taking away her last trace of physical strength, and her eyes fell silently on the severely damaged battlefield.

On the other side of the Miao Frog Flower, his situation is not optimistic, his body is full of scars, and the palm-shaped plants on his back stand strayly. It is very appropriate to describe it as a broken flower and a leaf. Anyway, there is no careful maintenance. It is impossible to recover from the original pomp, and the damage of the plants on the back will weaken the power of the grass skills of the frog flower, so it is impossible to continue to participate in the battle before it is fully restored.

The red eyes revealed deep exhaustion, but the thick limbs still stubbornly supported his growing body, and did not let himself fall.

A short and long ten seconds, with a harsh whistle, ended today's battle.

"Congratulations to challenger Li Jia for successfully breaking through the level and defeating the tower master Musashi! Be the first to pass the level." The referee waved the flags with both hands heavily and said loudly.

But is it true that such a straightforward pleaser Lijia is not afraid that Musashi will wear small shoes to him? Kojiro looked at the referee and thought silently.

Miao Frog Flower, who had learned of his victory, finally relaxed, and her slightly trembling limbs could no longer hold her back and limp. Before she could say hello to Li Jia, she stepped into the footsteps of the Qingteng Snake and lost the ability to fight.

Li Jia received the first Battle Tower badge from Musashi, and was about to celebrate the glorious moment of victory with the Frog Flower, but the Frog Flower fell in the next second...

"Hahaha!!!" Musashi smiled heartily when he saw this scene, and the little depression who lost to Li Jia also cleared up with the scene in front of him.

This time it was Li Jia's turn to be depressed, and the joy of victory in the battle was dissipated, and he glared at Musashi in a bad mood, and said, "Laughing! Help them get healed!!!"

"Okay, hahaha." After responding happily, but thinking of Lijia's previous expression, she couldn't help but laughed again, but seeing Lijia's expression gradually becoming dangerous, she decided to save her life, stopped the smile, and pulled over. Xiao Jiro, who was watching the play, said: "Xiao Jiro, you also come to help, just to check the results of your stealing the teacher during this time."

Xiao Jiro, who was dragged into the water, explained helplessly: "Senior Sister, I went to study with an open mind, and I paid for it, so it can be said to be stealing a teacher."

"It's all the same, don't talk nonsense, I have not forgotten what I taught you when I traveled."

"of course not!"

"That way, they will leave it to you, and Fan He Mianyue will be there to help."

"Eh?!!! Well, why is it different from what Senior Sister Li Jia said."

"Stop talking nonsense, let you do it, just do it, let's talk about the situation of Jun and Miao Frog Flower, don't look at the appearance of such a tragic, in fact, it did not hurt the origin, it is all skin trauma, it is very simple, so, come on. Rika, let’s go and rest, just leave it to Kojiro here."

"Is it okay?" Li Jia asked worriedly.

"Of course, you don’t believe in Junior Brother Kojiro, don’t you believe me, let’s go.” Musashi packed his tickets and took Rika towards the sun-lit coffee table, leaving Kojiro with a messy expression secretly hurting himself, but Sadness is useless. It is rare that Musashi asked him to help, and he believed that he did so. He decisively turned sorrow into motivation, rolled up his sleeves and worked hard!

"Fan, Mianyue, please wait a while." Xiaojirou said politely, looking at the overlord flower and moon elves who were left behind.

"Dafu" "Kute" Overlord Flower and Moon Elf smiled and nodded. Even without Kojiro's words, they would not let Ivy Snake and Miao Frog Flower alone, so they are their own younger siblings. , Health is the most important thing, and such fierce battles have well tested their level of strength, so Bawanghua prepared a few drops of honeydew to reward them, and it can also speed up their recovery time.

As for how Kojiro will treat these two illnesses, let's skip it and talk about the Musashi sisters.

"How did you think about the things I told you before?" Musashi asked after adding a cup of Hundred Flower Tea to Li Jia.

"I have already told my mother that she agreed to our trip this time, and also prepared air tickets and ferry tickets for us. The time is set in three days, but one thing is that we have to be back within a month. "

"One month? Time should be enough, and we can also take advantage of our absence to allow the Battle Tower to ferment and ferment, and then come back to harvest the vigorously growing leeks."

Three days later.

The three of Musashi boarded a plane to Fengyuan area and aimed at Kanaz city.

The twelve-hour high-altitude journey, leaping across the borderless ocean, successfully arrived on the legendary continent of Fengyuan.

Legend has it that the Fengyuan continent was formed by the uplifting of the ground veins by Gulardo, but this move stimulated the deep seabed Gaoka. How could a continent appear on the surface of the sea, so the higher the ground, the higher the sea, until the big beasts meet This meeting turned upside down, and the newly-born continent was on the verge of fragmentation before it was solidified. Fortunately, the appearance of the rift pedestal saved the tragedy of the continent’s destruction, but there are still most of the land in the battle between Gulardo and Gaoka. At this time, Regisska appeared from the ground. The infinitely extended arms grasped the broken earth that was drifting further and further to fix it on the edge of the largest piece of earth, and used clay, ice, and lava to paste and fuse them one by one. . However, no matter how fast Regichska's movements were, there were still extraordinary continental fragments drifting farther and farther under the influence of ocean currents, becoming dotted islands in the ocean.

Reggie Ska looked at the remaining clay, ice, and lava in her hand, and simply imitated her own appearance to create the three Pokémon of Reggie Lok, Regis and Regis Chiru, and used her body. The three cores in the book give them magical powers to protect this poor continent born from disaster until this continent is completely formed.

After taking a short break in the wizard center, Musashi introduced the handed down mythology of Fengyuan Continent and sighed at the magnificence of the world and the wonders of the ancients.

"Buzz, buzz"

At this moment, the phone made a muffled noise on the bed, and Musashi picked it up, and saw it was a text message, and it was Mikolly.

After coming to Fengyuan, Musashi sent him a message as soon as he landed in Kanaz city, which happened to be the headquarters of the German company. The young master who wanted to come to Zvqi’s house might also be here, so Just a word of greetings, and by the way, confirm the future itinerary.

"Miss Musashi, I heard that you have arrived in Fengyuan. I only represent some of the people of Fengyuan to enthusiastically drink your arrival. It just so happens that your place is in Kanaz. It is necessary for Dawu to do my part as a landlord. I'll be fine afterwards, and we will discuss the future arrangements in detail after we meet."

After reading Mikari’s newsletter, the room service phone rang, and Rika glanced at Musashi and Kojiro, and answered with puzzlement: "Hello, hello."

"Sorry to interrupt your rest, hello, is Miss Musashi in the room?" Miss Joey's voice is very recognizable, and there is generally no fake situation, and it is still in the wizard center, Li Jia thought about it. I want to reply: "Excuse me, Miss Joey, what do you want to do with Musashi?"

After Li Jia finished speaking, she immediately looked at Musashi, pointed to the phone, and motioned for her to come.

"Very sorry." Miss Joey on the other side of the phone apologized sincerely, because this behavior was a bit out of compliance, but seeing the boy in front of her, there was no way, after all, even if it did not meet the regulations, she could only do it.

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