Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 8: Meeting (1)

After a brief negotiation, Musashi put down the phone, and the two people who were a little confused, waited quietly for someone to come.

As for Miss Joey from the Elf Center, even though she didn't get angry, she couldn't be happy to be honest, but thinking that the person who came may be the eldest son of the German company, she understood her difficulty.

But she also felt that her food on the Joey family's side didn't seem to be open in Fengyuan area.

In the Guandu area, Musashi does not say that all Miss Joey knows him, but as long as he hears his name, he will more or less help him in the face of Joey Qingxue. It's totally different from here. It is completely unfamiliar to Joey, and it is even less likely to get some small help from Fengyuan Joey.

"Boom boom."

"I'll open the door." Musashi stood up and said to Kojiro who wanted to get up.

Opening the door, a fresh, handsome, and extraordinary man stood at the door.

"You take the liberty to excuse me, you must be Ms. Miyamoto Musashi. I didn't expect the real person to be more beautiful and cute than the photo." Dago looked at Musashi a little lost, but he recovered very much. He put his left hand on the right shoulder and leaned slightly, carrying Three points apologize, seven points praised.

Seeing that Dawu’s attitude was fairly acceptable, he didn’t have the posture of being superior everywhere like the nobleman. Musashi’s attitude was a little relaxed, and the smile on his face became a little more sincere. He said, "Thank you for the compliment, presumably you are Zifu. Qi Dawu, I can find the room where my door is in the first time. The influence of the German company in Fengyuan area is much greater than I imagined."

"Let you laugh, I learned from Mikoli that you have already arrived. As the initiator of this operation, I think it is necessary to come and visit as soon as possible. Without prior notice, you are shocked. "

"Maybe something." Musashi said generously. Then, as if thinking of something, he smiled apologetically at Dago, turned his body to allow Dago to enter the room, and pointed to Rika and Kojiro in the room and said, "Yes. Yes, please come in. I think you should know who they are, but I think it is necessary to introduce it formally. She is Yuhong Lijia, the trainer of the quasi-ten king, my good sister, he is Sasaki Kojiro, an elite class Trainer, our younger brother."

Then Musashi pointed to Daigo and introduced to Rika and Kojiro: "He is Daigo Zvuki, the eldest son of the German company, and the initiator of this exploration of the cave of the stone."

"Hello, just call me Dawu, quasi-tianwang-level trainer, please give me your advice."

"Hello, call me Li Jia, and please give me your advice." Li Jia said to Dawu with a smile on her lips.

In this era where the Three Views follow the five senses, certain details are directly ignored by Li Jia. It is not that Li Jia was overwhelmed by Dawu's appearance.

Of course, it is undeniable that Dawu's appearance and temperament are among the many young talents that Li Jia has seen, and he is among the best.

But seeing that Musashi agreed to let him in, I also know that Musashi probably forgave him for this offense, so there is no need to hold on to it, and he is still a local snake here, so he has to give a three-pointed face. It's a little more comfortable to be able to spend time in Fengyuan.

"Please enlighten me, call me Kojiro, too." Kojiro reached out and said.

Because they are all boys, the handshake ceremony is the same as the lady's ceremony of girls, which can be regarded as a social etiquette to bring relationships closer.

"Please advise." Dago smiled and stretched out his hand and gently shook Kojiro, so that everyone knew each other.

After a few conversations, Dawu got up and invited the three of Musashi: “As the host and the initiator of this expedition, you have travelled all the way to Fengyuan. There is no reception banquet and it’s hard to make sense. The banquet is ready. Please move to my house as a guest, and introduce other companions to you by the way. By the way, Mikari is already on the way here, and I also agreed with him to meet at my house, so don’t worry about him not finding it back. you guys."

When the three of Musashi saw that Dawu had already arranged everything, he would inevitably refute his face if he didn't go. After thinking about it, Musashi nodded and smiled: "Then it's better to be respectful."

"Miss Musashi is really refreshing, everyone please."

Ogo smiled heartily and walked straight ahead to lead the way for Musashi and the others.

Lijia pulled La Musashi's hand and whispered, "As expected, he is a direct descendant made in German. His ability to receive people and things is really strong."

"I heard that he has already started to take over some of the business of the German company, and he has done a lot of things in all aspects. Learn a little, Li Jia, you are also the eldest daughter of the Yuhong family, and the burden of the Yuhong family will definitely fall on your shoulders in the future. If you don’t have a little wrist, then the huge Yuhong family might fall apart.” Musashi said to Lijia in a somewhat alarmist manner. After all, managing a huge family, without any wrists, no chance, no matter how strong it is, it will still be There is not much left to be eaten, so it is necessary for Lijia to grow up early, and the future great changes, no one can say that it will fall on everyone's After talking about Lijia, see Musashi Xiang Xiaojiro said, "The same is true for you. The Sasaki family is prosperous in your father's hands. Even if you don’t care about these, you still have to hold on to your foundation. So don’t be heartless, learn more and see, no matter it’s a dago. , Qiu Ri Rui Ana, or Micheli, they all have something worthy of you to learn from, don’t be silly thinking that we let you steal the teacher to learn the knowledge of nurturers, and let you participate in this expedition. It’s just for you to get in touch with this thing, and the most important thing is to take care of others and live in the world, you know."

Kojiro is accustomed to being educated by Musashi. He nodded solemnly, saying that he knew it. Rika would not eat this set. Although she knew what Musashi said was reasonable, she also listened to it in her heart. Don’t show your head in front of me, and immediately said: “The Yuhong family also has a copy of you, as if you don’t care about it. I told you that there is no way. If something really happens in the future, you will definitely not be able to escape the relationship. , Hum."

After listening to Musashi, he froze for a moment, and said nothing. After all, what Lijia is talking about now touches the fundamental interests of most people in the Yuhong family. Not to mention that Lijia is only the eldest daughter, even if she is already in charge of the Yuhong family. , I can’t count, so I think I haven’t heard it.

"Don't say it, don't say it, let's do it for now." Musashi interrupted the conversation in a timely manner.

Li Jia was relieved to see Musashi not answering the question, because she also knew what she had said on her mind this time. If Musashi really took it seriously, the consequences would be disastrous. Fortunately, Musashi didn't take it seriously, otherwise their sisters might not be able to do it for long.

In Dawu's car, the Musashi trio drove all the way to the villa under the name of Zvoqi.

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