Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 65: Bait

Yinyu City, a well-known place of longevity and health and wellness in Fengyuan area, but this peaceful and peaceful place has never been peaceful and peaceful in recent years.

Six years ago, the Weather Shrine confirmed that it could no longer perceive Liekong's oracle and completely declined. So far, Yinyu Daoguan took the opportunity to become the protector of Yinyu City, but these two things are common to Yinyu City. For the people, there is not much influence. It is just that the people who guard the city have changed. The old traditions are still followed by the familiar old people, and the new order is passed on among the young people without interfering with each other.

Then there was the replacement of the Great Maiden of the Weather Shrine four years ago. Haruna was crowned as the ruler of the Weather Shrine, but the dead camel was bigger than a horse. It takes a long way for Haruna to truly take over the Weather Shrine. , But at that time the former great witch was still alive and could help a little bit, so nothing happened. Not long after the death of the former great witch, the gods, ghosts and snakes appeared one after another, and the originally peaceful city of Yinyu began to change. Peace and calm again.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters continue, especially the horrible beasts that the Lava team put out here that endangered the entire Yinyu City plus a small half Yinyu Forest. The problem was finally solved. The forest was restored to its original appearance with the help of Shirabi. Everyone can relax Take a breath and enjoy the past life.

But now it was shocked to see the lava team ambushing in the crowd, chaos and noisy, and the scene of each escaping is constantly intertwined in Yinyu Square.

In order to **** the huge coal turtles captured by Musashi and the others two days ago, Junsha in Yinyu City dispatched many police resources to maintain Yinyu City, including some powerful trainers in Yinyu Gymnasium. On the other hand, Mikari was in After the battle, he gained new insights and hurriedly went back to prepare for a breakthrough, so that if the large Yinyu City's defense force was unprecedentedly weak, the Lava Team could take advantage of it.

And in the current chaotic situation, there are still many people who have not left or are maintaining order, or are anxiously looking for their children, and some enthusiastic people are using their own strength to fight against some of the lava team's little friends. As for how many Lava team scouts are still inside, Yang Nai doesn't know, and there is no time to manage it.

He quickly raised his head and glanced at the direction of the rabbi. From a distance, he could only vaguely know that the rabbi under the protection of Hackron was not in serious trouble for the time being, and then Musashi had also led away the fire geese of the lava team.

Faced with such a chaotic scene, Yang Cai immediately dispatched her Pokémon Bombing Magneto to command: "The Bombing Magneto uses electromagnetic waves to construct an electromagnetic field. Let them calm down by the way!"


A part of the fragmented electric glow submerged into the moist ground and wandered around to form a net-like structure, but more electric glow spread to the surroundings. Both people and Pokémon were paralyzed for a moment. Finally, the entire square is surrounded.

Seeing that the chaos was temporarily calmed by her thunder method, Yang Nai said loudly: "Lava team, you have the ability to rush to me. What is the ability to bully the ordinary people here, or is your lava team a group of gangsters who can only bully and bully these defenseless. Half a hundred of you?" After that, regardless of the Lava team who was glaring at her, they just pretended to say, "Stone Forest, Daqiao, Feihe, Otani, and the heroes of Yinyu who I can’t name for the time being. Thank you for your kindness. Help, but it’s still too dangerous here. If you can, can you please help and the maidens to take the ordinary citizens away first.” After Yang Na finished speaking, she was a little touched by the group, and some of them were deeply touched by the proud young people. Bowed deeply.

"But we are gone, what do you do with the great witch? Can you deal with so much? Moreover, the **** of the forest is still weak and being bullied by bad guys. You can directly help the **** of the forest. You can't let him treat us in Yinyu City. Disappointed, we are here, and we will surely be able to get rid of these bad guys."

The young Shilin who was the first to name Yang Cai had already examined the strength of his opponents in the chaotic situation. He was not unmatched, and there were so many people on his side that he would surely be able to defeat them. But as Yang Na said, the scene was too chaotic, and the Yinyu City side was at a loss, while the Lava team did not have any scruples. It shows that these uncles and aunts, grandparents, and children who are looking for family members can leave first, and the next battle will definitely be much smoother.

"You bastards, say enough is not enough, don't look down on people, six tails, flame vortex!" No.1 said impatiently.

"Derruby, Fang of Fire." Hello No.2.

"Lights and ghosts, ghosts." Hello on the number three.

When No. 4 was about to speak to direct her Pokémon, she was interrupted by Yang Cai's angry voice: "Noisy!"

"Self-detonating magneto, electromagnetic bomb."

As if responding to Yang Na’s anger, seven or eight metal **** instantly condensed from the side of the self-detonating magnetic monster and floated up and down on the electrical field. The delicate electric current continued to flow between the metal balls, forming a circle of electromagnetic fields. Under the repulsion of the ground magnetic field, it began to spin and accelerate, only listening to a piercing metal sound, seven or eight metal **** separated from the side of the self-detonating magneto, and penetrated several fire attribute skills directly hitting the Lava team’s Pokémon. .

With a sudden heavy hammer, the few Pokémon of the Lava Team lost their combat ability directly, and they all stunned in place, staring at each other.

"Hhoo! Shilin, you guys go up and tie them all up. If you don't obey and resist, then you will deal with it fiercely. Remember to confiscate all the Elf Balls around them, send them to the police station and hand them over to Junsha. Miss deal with it. The rest of the people organize the people to go home first, here, just leave it to me." Yang Nai, who was furious, let out a sigh of relief, and finally took advantage of this opportunity to release some of her depressed heart. Said to these young people who stayed spontaneously in a fairly calm tone.


Yang Na’s King Kong glared really scared the people who were still in the square, and they finally realized that the little girl in front of them was not a girl who only brought smiles and sunshine, but a great witch who could take charge of the weather shrine. The gentle breeze and the drizzle or the rising sun are all within her thoughts.

Before gathering and leaving, the people looked at Yang Nai standing on the square for the last time. For a moment, Yang Nai's figure resembled the former great witch, and a little sense of awe slowly spread. Rooted and sprouted in the hearts of the people.

Soon, Yang Cai was left in Ruoda Yinyu Square. He looked up at the sky and carefully observed the battle in the sky. When he was about to command the Bomb Magneto to help the God of the Forest, a sudden applause interrupted Yang Cai's decision. .


Yang Nai looked around on alert, and the self-explosive Magneto quickly fell to guard him. The eyes on both sides of her body constantly scanned everything around her. He quickly fixed his gaze on a woman wearing a red windbreaker and standing on her shoulders. On the long-haired man with an arrow eagle.

This man has shoulder-to-shoulder black long hair, slightly curly, full of the rock style of the previous era, handsome sword eyebrows ~ ~ a pair of sharp eyes, a straight nose, thin lips, The man's chin that attracted Yangnai's attention most was different from the roundness of ordinary people. There was a ditch mark in the middle of the man's chin, just like the English letter W.

I vaguely remember that this type of chin seems to be called Meirengou chin or Omega chin.

But now is not the time to discuss this, Yang Cai looked at the man on alert and asked aloud, "Who are you?"

"In Xia Huo, Tim is one of the three cadres of the Lava Team. Please take care of the Great Miko when you meet for the first time." Huo Bingbing said politely, full of gentleman's demeanor, but his behavior does not have the etiquette rules that a gentleman should have , On the contrary, he looked up and down Yang Cai very frivolously, seeming to be examining something.

Faced with the aggressive gaze of the other party, Yang Na unconsciously hides her body behind the Magneto Blast, and then thinks that it is not appropriate for her to do so, but she can only make mistakes. After all, protecting her own safety is the most important thing. The first position.

"Stop talking nonsense, what is the purpose of your Lava team coming here!" Yang Cai's voice will inevitably wear a trace of hatred, because the good Yinyu City is getting farther and farther away from restoring the peace of the past under the interference of the Lava team. .

"Of course it's for Him, but I am very interested in you now, but Sri Rabbi's capture can be delayed by one or two."

The frivolous words made Yang Cai, who had not yet entered the world, deeply felt uncomfortable, and immediately commanded the self-explosive magneto to launch an attack on it. Anyway, it was the enemy, and there was no need to follow the trainer's rules.

"Self-explosive magneto, electromagnetic bomb!"

"Haha, it's interesting, Arrow Eagle, Flame Steel Wing."

Daily routine, ask for it.

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