Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 66: Fight each one (1)

The new edition of the fourth grade, the first volume of the first language unit "Exercise 1 recommend a good place" composition 300 words 400 words

During the summer vacation, children must go to many fun places,

Beautifully landscaped natural park

The magnificent sea

Bustling metropolis

Wonderful museum

Let me tell you how to write this type of composition.

First, determine where to write

There are many places that children have visited, and there are many choices, but it is a kind of trouble for children. Therefore, when writing, choose a place that you are more familiar with.

In a natural park, it may be to climb a mountain;

Going to the magnificent sea may be to play in the water, build sand castles, or pick up shells;

Go shopping in a bustling metropolis;

When you go to a wonderful museum, you may see shipwrecks, fossils, and handicrafts;

When you go to the zoo, you may see ferocious eagles; lovely monkeys; beautiful peacocks; elegant fish...

Second, start writing the text, how can you write it?

Start from the place you choose, such as where to visit, such as traveling to Chaozhou. There are many places of interest in Chaozhou, and there are many delicious snacks. Choose one of the most distinctive and most attractive places to write.

1. Always write about this summer vacation, where I traveled with, and where I left a deep impression on you.

(1) This summer vacation, I will travel to Guangzhou, which is really a bustling metropolis. When you arrive in Guangzhou, there is one place you have to go, and that is the Guangzhou Museum, one of the earliest museums created in my country.

(2) A few days ago, my parents and I traveled to Chaozhou, a famous cultural city. When you arrive in Chaozhou, there is one place you have to go to, and that is Paifang Street.

(1) We first went to the exhibition hall of "Nanhai No. 1", which displayed a variety of porcelain, pottery, gold and tin ware... let me experience the superb handcraft art of the Song Dynasty; then we went to the Chaoshan Woodcarving Museum , There are various shrines and shrines... let me feel people’s awe of the power of nature; finally we arrived at the Natural History Museum. The huge dinosaur skeleton is more than three meters high, more than ten meters long, and it’s dark. Fossils record the initial form of life... let me feel the magic of life.

(2) We got off at the Hanjiang Bridge, and we arrived at Paifang Street after crossing the intersection. The archway street is named after the "Archway". The tall archways record their own stories.

3. Summarize what kind of feeling this place gives you, and what are the attractions of this place.

(1) If you have the opportunity to go to Chaozhou, you must come here to see the lively Paifang Street and taste delicious snacks!

(2) If you have the opportunity to visit Shantou, you must come here to see the magnificent sea and taste delicious hand-beaten beef balls!

A good place must have the following conditions:

There are delicious food, beautiful views, freshness...

Can increase knowledge, can exercise the body, can cultivate the body and mind, can broaden the horizon...

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