Mutant Farmer in The Apocalypse

Chapter 57 - A Sad Struggle (2)

"Oh my god… URK—" Yang Zhang puked his breakfast this morning upon seeing the scene.

Because what he saw was absolutely horrific. It was a dark corridor full of human remains. And there was a zombie at the end of the corridor, looking straight at Yang Zhang and rushing to bite him.




Spicy Wing and Chestnut killed the zombie easily when Yang Zhang was recovering from the shock.

He was reacting like this because he had never seen something so tragic right in front of his eyes.

There were probably more than 20 skeletal remains here, judging from the size of their skull. At least half of them were kids or young teenagers. It wasn't difficult to make up the scene of what was happening inside this dark corridor.

They were probably tried to hide from the zombie attack, but they didn't know that one of them was mutated into a zombie. They had nowhere to run and became a feast for that single zombie that was killed by Spicy Wing and Chestnut's attack just now.

Yang Zhang was just too shocked to react, nor did he wants to think more about this. It was traumatizing, to say the least.

"Poor kids, why do they have to meet such gruesome end?" Yang Zhang mourned their deaths. Deaths in the apocalypse were a daily occurrence. At some point, it didn't faze anyone at all.

But it was still pretty sad and disturbing when it was a child's death. Because they had a long way to go but got cut short because of the situation.

Yang Zhang bowed his head slowly to pay respect. But in the end, he still had to bypass the course because he needed to see what awaited him at the end of this dark corridor.

He had a feeling there was something more sinister yet important for him to discover when he opened the door at the other side.

So he took a deep breath to brace himself and walked past the line of bones heading to the door at the end of the corridor.

Even though it was already more than one year after this incident, the heavy air and smell of blood were still very strong here.

Yang Zhang reached the door and found that it was actually barred from inside with a plank.

Yang Zhang lifted the plank and slowly opened the door.

It made a creaky nose, so he just opened it a bit and peeked at what happened behind the door.

Yang Zhang saw an office destroyed and a skull lying near the window. There were no more bones except the skull, though. The death of that person must've been very gruesome.

After ensuring that everything was safe, Yang Zhang opened the door and entered the office. He looked around to see if there was a zombie hiding, but after making sure that everything was alright, he observed the office that had been completely destroyed from the desk that had been flipped, the cupboard that had been destroyed, and the hospital bed that was full of deep scratches.

"This is… a doctor's examination office," Yang Zhang commented. "There must've been a really terrible fight here."

Yang Zhang decided to look around for a clue, knowing what had happened. Since everything had been destroyed, all he could do right now was to check inside the desk's drawer.

He checked the flipped desk and slid the drawer.

He found many doctor's notes that he didn't understand, but there was one that caught his eyes. It had a title in front.

[Doctor Jun's Daily Examination.]

Yang Zhang decided to start reading the exam book to see what Doctor Jun wrote.

Luckily, he wrote in normal handwriting in this book.

June 12:

There was a patient that came late at night. He said that he was feeling really sick. I asked what happened, and he said that his body felt so weak, and he couldn't eat anything.

No matter what he ate, he always threw it up. The only thing he could do right now drink a lot to keep his energy. He said that he had been feeling this for at least three days.

I checked his mouth and stomach, but I saw no other symptoms. I thought it was just regular stomach acid, so I just gave him medicine, and I told him to return in three days.

June 15:

The same patient returned, saying that he still feels the same. It's even worse now, and he also felt very lightheaded. He couldn't think of anything, seemingly lost in his own empty thought.

He is worried he will die because he can't eat anything.

I've never seen something like this. At least, it's not within my range of knowledge. It seems that he has a severe case of GERD.

I told him to go to the city to check his health, but he was too poor.

So I gave him money. He needs to be treated ASAP.

June 16:

There are three more patients with similar illnesses coming today. They couldn't eat anything because they'd always throw it up. They also felt lightheaded, saying that they had empty thoughts. Whatever they were doing something, they felt like a walking corpses because they did everything by instinct. Everything felt like a dream for them.

I don't know what is happening with them. It sounds very serious, so I used my savings to send them to the city. They really need to be treated with better equipment and a professional.

June 18:

There are 8 patients today with the same symptoms. Now I'm starting to suspect there might be a new virus that hasn't been discovered yet. Because something that could spread so quickly like this meant that it was caused by a virus.

I checked the water in the public well and the river, but there didn't seem any different. It was still clean and hasn't been contained as well.

It makes me wonder if there is something wrong going on.

June 20:

I had a call with my friend from the city, and they said they also experienced the same thing. In fact, the hospital was filled with hundreds of people feeling sick over the same mysterious illness.

What I can do right now is keep track of our patients and just try to calm them down because there is no medicine for this illness.


June 22:

The clinic is crowded today. There are more than 30 people that have the same illness. People have been asking what is going on, and there is still no answer from the government.

They are hiding something, but we're just regular citizens. All we can do right now is to survive.

June 23:

A patient went rogue today. He acts like a wild dog that wants to pounce on people and eat their brains out. We had to tie him on his bed to ensure that he wouldn't hurt anyone.

He also refused to listen, nor do I think he has any way of understanding human language anymore.

Judging from his behavior, I have to admit that he looks like a zombie from this typical zombie apocalypse movie.

June 24:

Three more people went rogue today. They act more like a wild dog infected with rabies or zombies straight out of movies. Their skin also turned really ashy, and they couldn't communicate anymore.

At this point, I really doubt that they still have any way to think because their action seems to be instinct-driven.

One of them actually attacked her husband for no apparent reason. He has been treated, but he also felt lightheaded after the bite for some reason.

June 25:

I don't know if things will get worse after this. Since I also start having a weird feeling inside my body. I can feel my body burning up from inside, but I can still eat normally.

I feel dizzy, but it's not empty-headed kind of dizzy. In fact, my head felt very heavy, and I could feel something was growing in my head.

It's a terrible feeling, but at least I can still survive to treat anyone who has been attacked by their loved ones that had gone crazy.

June 27:

The government finally announced that there is a dangerous virus called Z-20 Virus. It will turn people into a mindless, hostile zombies that will attack any human by their instinct.

When a human has turned into a zombie, there is no way to cure them. The only way to stop them is to put a bullet in their heads.

I have personally killed the rest of the zombies under my care, and I try to save as many living humans as possible.

We will be staying inside this clinic to defend ourselves from the zombie attack. Hopefully, the government will save us since we're trapped here.

I just hope that I have enough good in my fridge to feed the remaining group around me.

Anyone, please save us.

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