Mutant Farmer in The Apocalypse

Chapter 59 - Bullet Rain!

He heard the zombie noises from upstairs again and firmed his decision, "Alright, let's go upstairs and kill those zombies one by one."



"Sshh! Don't be loud. We need to be stealthy because we're dead meat if they attack us in a horde," Yang Zhang warned his pets because he knew his pets had the tendency to go rash and loud.

"Time to go tactical and no scope 360 them one by one," Yang Zhang said as he grabbed a few pea bullets and slowly tiptoed. He stuck his head out in front of the staircase to see if there was a zombie on the stair.

Once he found one, Yang Zhang pouted his lips and put the pea bullet in front of his mouth. He blew the pea bullet, and it launched quickly.


"Hrrr! Urk!"

Again, Yang Zhang hit the back of the zombie's head and killed the zombie in one shot. The other zombies hadn't noticed him yet, much to his relief. He slowly ascended to the second floor and shot any zombies in front of him with the same method.

So far, Yang Zhang had killed around 5 zombies, and they died in one shot on the back of their head. Yang Zhang peeked before he climbed to the second floor and saw the second floor was already swarmed with zombies.

He tried to count it but lost count soon after.

'It should be more than 40. I don't know if I should just attack them in Rambo mode or not. I'm afraid using Spicy Wing and Chestnut would only harm me since this building is made mostly of wood. It's so easy to start a big fire with Spicy Wing or Chestnut's skill.'

'So it leaves everything to me and this newfound ability I got from Doctor Jun.'

Yang Zhang covered his mouth when he felt about to puke again. He realized that he couldn't keep this ability for so long because the moment he vomited the Mana bead out, his energy would be fully drained, and he couldn't move a finger.

So he had to be decisive.

Yang Zhang took a deep breath, cupped his hand in front of him, and made an 'O' shape with it. He didn't want to do a 360 no scope against them because he knew that he would only alert all of them once they realized their fellow zombies had fallen by a mysterious attack.

So Yang Zhang took a deep breath and threw as many pea bullets in his other hand to the air.

Yang Zhang blew the air from his mouth as hard as possible, creating a strong gust that launched all the bullets in a random direction, destroying anything they hit first.


Crack! Crack Crack!

The pea bullets started hitting the walls, making either a big crack or pierced straight through and made a hole. Many of the bullets also hit the zombies in a random spot. Yang Zhang could see at least the bullets killed 10 zombies simultaneously.



The rest of the surviving zombies looked in Yang Zhang's direction and then rushed towards Yang Zhang at the same time.


Yang Zhang quickly descended to the first floor, and the zombies tried to chase him.

After Yang Zhang went down, he saw the zombies were about to reach him. The creaky wooden staircase signaled Yang Zhang that he could use this as some sort of a trap!

"Alright! I can do this!"

Yang Zhang took another handful of pea bullets, pouted his lips, threw the pea bullets into the air. He blew his breath out and created a big gust, enough to launch the pea bullets.

Yang Zhang didn't aim at the zombies because he knew fruitless, knowing how many they were.

So he aimed at the upper staircases.


Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! CRASH!


The pea bullets made a lot of holes in the already cranky wooden staircase, and when the zombies stepped on them. Half of the staircase was destroyed, and the zombies plunged to the first floor.

Yang Zhang looked down to check on them. The zombies were stacked on top of each other, unable to move for now. The fall from such a high place probably staggered them for now.

Yang Zhang chuckled, feeling proud of himself, "Hehe, good thing I'm a genius~."




"Okay, now, what to do next?" Yang Zhang mumbled as he looked at the stair to the second floor. Since the upper half of the stair had been destroyed, he had to find a way to climb up there. Judging by so many hospital cabinets on the second floor, Yang Zhang guessed there were many medicines he could take for himself.

Of course, the easiest way to climb was using Little Ivy's vines.

But right now, the little plant was gripping his arm tightly, too scared to even make a noise.

"Little Ivy, can you help me?"


Little Ivy tightened her grip on Yang Zhang's arm, refusing to open her eyes.

Yang Zhang sighed, and she asked, "Ivy, can you at least give me one of your vines? I will use it to grab something, so we can climb up. You're my only hope right now, Ivy."

"Viii…" Little Ivy slowly stretched one vine and gave it to Yang Zhang's palm. She didn't want to open her eyes, but of course, she could lend a vine to her master.

"Thanks, Ivy!"

Yang Zhang looked up, trying to find a spot for the vine to grip on.

"Oh, there you are!" Yang Zhang noticed a door handle on the second floor. It seemed to be strong enough to hold him for a few seconds.

He threw the vine like a lasso to the door, and the vine automatically gripped the door handle tightly.

"Okay, Ivy, pull up!"

"Vii!" Little Ivy retracted her vine, successfully pulling Yang Zhang to the second floor.

Yang Zhang landed safely. He looked around instantly and saw a few zombies standing on the balcony. Yang Zhang quickly used his gauntlet gun and killed them with a few shots. The second floor was all clear from zombies now.



Yang Zhang looked to the big hole on the staircase, the zombies had recovered, but they couldn't reach Yang Zhang because they had no way to climb up.

"Hehe, thanks to Genius me!" Yang Zhang puffed his chest. His pets looked at him in awe because they thought their master was really smart.

"Oh, and you guys as well, we make a great team!"





"Spicy Wing, Chestnut, Poddie, you guys can get down and help me here. Don't worry. There is no zombie around. I've cleared them all," Yang Zhang said. "Well, their corpses are still here, Chestnut, Spicy Wing. Can you crack their head and see whether their Brain beads are still intact?"



Chestnut and Spicy Wing started cracking the zombies that died on the second floor during the first bullet rain attack from Yang Zhang. They were checking whether the Brain bead was still retrievable or not because some of the zombies had such a fragile Brain bead it was difficult to take them without breaking them in pieces.

Yang Zhang saw Poddie jump from the tote bag. He smiled and said, "Poddie, please help me check whether there is anything we can take in here."


Yang Zhang and Poddie started looking around, trying to find something that would be useful for them.

The second floor of Doctor Jun's clinic has a lot of hospital beds that were lined up. From the number of beds, Yang Zhang concluded that he must've put most of his patients upstairs, probably because he knows there is something really wrong with them, and isolated them at the same time.

He also saw the skeletal remains of a few patients. They were probably the family members of those zombies that refused to leave them and died being eaten by their loved ones, such a tragic end.

"Urk!" Yang Zhang almost puked again once he realized that the Mana bead started to go up in his throat. He had to be quick before he lost his strength for hours.

Yang Zhang started opening one cabinet after another, he found many medicines. Of course, he didn't know what the medicines were used for, but he could always ask that old woman from the human settlement because she was a researcher, right? She should have knowledge of these medicines.

He grabbed all the medicines he found and put them inside his tote bag. He also found a first aid kit inside a cabinet. He checked the inside and was excited when he saw all the basic first aid kits needed!

"Guys! We found the first aid kit! We also found medicines!" Yang Zhang announced.

His pets were also happy by the good news, Spicy Wing and Chestnut returned to Yang Zhang with two brain beads each, so there were 4 good quality Brain beads for him!

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