Mutant Farmer in The Apocalypse

Chapter 77 - Dandelion (5)

"I've planted rosebuds in the wound on his neck. I am sure his friends will see the consequence of disturbing Master Yang Zhang's sleep," Roselia said. She giggled light as she was proud of her own work, especially that she could ward off the enemy without alerting Master Yang Zhang.

Because Master Yang Zhang was her priority. She refused to wake him up, even if there was a literal nuclear war outside.

"I guess I can sleep now. I'll decorate the yard tomorrow morning," Roselia said as she plunged herself into a deep hole that was supposed to be a baby's grave.

Of course, Roselia could root herself somewhere else. She could even root in the front yard if she wanted.

But to be in the same soil with the skeletal remains of this baby boy felt a lot more comfortable for her to rest.

'Mm… if only I could take care of a baby right now. Maybe when Master Yang Zhang has a wife, I can take care of his baby as a nanny….' Roselia said as she knew that she couldn't bear a child any longer. But her motherly instinct was very strong. That was why she could take care of the entire house, including Master Yang Zhang and all other pets.

After Roselia completely covered herself with soil, the rose sprouted from her head and started wiggling around in the night.


Meanwhile, the young man was breathing heavily as he could finally escape that monstrous woman.

'What even is that monster?!' The young man pondered as he traveled on the sky as dust particles.

This was his ability. He was able to turn into dust particles and traveled in the air at normal speed. He could do this by inhaling an obsidian stone, but he could only use this ability once per day. But in this dust form, he couldn't feel pain until he turned back into a human.

He never thought that he would be forced to use his ability against a woman who looked harmless from outside.

'Fuck, what a psychopath! She cuts my flesh without even blinking. In fact, I don't think I've seen her blink, not even once!'

'We need to raid her together, maybe with 5 or 6 people, so she has no chance to fight back!' The young man said.

'Well, now I just have to travel back to the base and report everything I found. I'll make sure that evil woman paid for what he did to me!' "

The young man was relieved that he could escape the grasp of that evil woman, and he was even more relieved when he saw his base on the ground.

He descended to the ground and floated until he found his boss brandishing his scimitar.

"Hm? Ma Ning, why are you so late today?" The boss asked as he saw the dust floating around him. He knew this was Ma Ning's ability to turn into dust once per day.

Ma Ning was a skilled scout in his mercenary group, so the boss ordered him to search the whereabouts of that new recruit with deadlock eyes since that man was so ambitious to prove himself that he could be a great asset for the group.

That man disappeared about four days ago without contact, but he said that he was going south on the forest trail from his track.

The boss located his last location with a tracking device, but it seemed that the man had lost contact somewhere near that big river.

Ma Ning, the scout, turned back into his human form after ensuring that he was safe.

After he formed into his human form, his body felt weak all over, especially his thigh area that had been skinned.

"What the—!?" The boss quickly propped Ma Ning, who was wounded. He was shocked by a clean cut on Ma Ning's thigh. As if it had been deliberately sliced to fit a certain shape, like a butcher ready to skin a cow alive.

Everyone started gathering around the boss to see what happened, and they were horrified by the clean-cut on Ma Ning's thigh. The boss yelled to call the medic, "Call the Medic now! We need to stop his bleeding first!"

The medic quickly arrived with the basic first aid kit since they were short of medicine for a while. That new recruit tasked to find any kind of medicine was mysteriously gone.

The medic was also horrified by the clean-cut that lifted a big part of Ma Ning's skin and meat. He was bleeding nonstop, much to her shock.

She could only do the first aid by pouring water first to lean the wound and then started cleaning the edges from dirt.

Ma Ning's eyes widened, he wanted to scream, but somehow, he couldn't say a word.

Ma Ning felt something was wrong. He felt a burning sensation around his neck that had been pricked by many thorns before.

Ma Ning grasped the boss' arm, wanting to report his finding and also everything about that rose girl.

But no matter how many times he tried to open his mouth, no voice was coming out.

"Ma Ning, stay put. If you want to tell me something, you can tell me after you've recovered. Your wound is so horrible," the boss said. "There must be a dangerous enemy that you faced, right?"

Ma Ning nodded, but he got desperate as he realized he wouldn't be able to give a full report of what was happening. The boss also realized that Ma Ning was trying to deliver a message.

"What? What do you want to say?" The boss asked.

Ma Ning could only do basic signs with his hand to tell that his throat felt painful and couldn't speak a word right now.

The big boss caught the message quickly. He checked Ma Ning's neck to see what happened.

The wound around Ma Ning's neck didn't look so bad compared to the one in his thigh.

But soon, he was in for another shock when he saw the wounds around Ma Ning's neck start sprouting roses from the inside, and black roses started appearing for each rose around Ma Ning's neck.

The boss was so stunned that he couldn't even speak right now. He kept looking at the black roses circling around Ma Ning's neck and looked up to see Ma Ning's expression.

The young man's face turned blue instantly as if he couldn't breathe.

"Did these roses prevent you from breathing? Nod if it's a yes," the boss asked.

Ma Ning nodded weakly in response.

"Then I need to pluck these roses," the big boss said.

Ma Ning's eyes widened. He remembered how that evil woman plucked the black roses growing on the wound in his thigh, and he couldn't stop bleeding.

If his boss pulled all the roses on his neck, that would be fatal—

But he was too late to react. The boss quickly plucked all the roses on Ma Ning's neck.

But the moment he plucked the last rose, Ma Ning's started bleeding terribly from the wounds on his neck. It was almost like a faucet because everyone saw that Ma Ning's neck continued spurting out blood nonstop.

"M—Medic, close the wound on his neck! He is losing too much blood!" The boss ordered as he also started panicking when he saw the nonstop bleeding

The medic tried to circle the bandage around Ma Ning's neck to cover all the open wounds.

But even after it had been covered, the blood quickly seeped into the bandage, and the bandage wasn't enough to stop the bleeding.

Ma Ning felt lightheaded. He knew this was his end, knowing that he wouldn't be able to make it after losing too much blood. He fell to the ground weakly, and the boss quickly caught him.

"Ma Ning!"

Ma Ning stared at the boss. He needed to at least tell the boss what happened before he succumbed to his death.

He grasped the boss' arm and pulled him closer so he could at least whisper. It was the only thing he could do right now.

The boss understood the meaning. He lowered his head and put his ear beside Ma Ning, "Go on, Ma Ning. Tell me what do we need to know."

In his dying breath, Ma Ning whispered three words;

'River… hut… woman….'

Ma Ning drew his last breath and died tragically after losing too much blood.

The group went silent as they were staring silently at Ma Ning's corpse and their boss, who seemed to be in deep thought over something.

The boss took a deep breath covered Ma Ning's face with his handkerchief. He then stares at his other crew with bloodshot eyes, "Ma Ning has been killed by the same person who killed that new recruit. The killer is a woman who lives in a hut. At least that's what I get from his last message."

"I will send 3 people to see the location where Ma Ning scouted, and if what he said is true, we will avenge their deaths."

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