Mutant Farmer in The Apocalypse

Chapter 78 - Dandelion (6)

Yang Zhang woke up with full vigor the next morning. He had a good sleep last night, much better than his previous nights outside for his shelter. Because he could finally sleep in a comfortable bed, far from zombies too, unlike when he was forced to sleep in Doctor Jun's room for the night because he swallowed that Mana bead.

Yang Zhang stretched his limbs and yawned. He saw that his pets had already woke up before him, other than Little Ivy and Poddie, who moved from their pots to sleeping beside Yang Zhang.

Poddie hugged his nose while Little Ivy was gripping Yang Zhang's arm like usual.

Yang Zhang got up from the bed, not minding Poddie, who was still hugging his night. He walked to the living room and saw that Roselia, Chestnut, and Lt. Spicy Wing were sitting in front of the potted dandelion Yang Zhang planted last night.

Roselia was the first to notice Yang Zhang. She got up instantly and took quick steps to approach her Master.

"Good morning, Master. I've prepared your breakfast. Do you want to eat breakfast first or check the new pet you planted yesterday?" Roselia asked.

"I want to check the dandelion first," Yang Zhang said. He walked to the couch and stared at the dandelion in front of him.

The dandelion had already mutated overnight and had two small beads that act as a pair of eyes, much like Ivy and Poddie's eyes.

"Dii? Dii… Dii?" The white dandelion looked to her left and right full of bewilderment. Everyone was looking at her with a curious gaze.

She got a bit overwhelmed until Yang Zhang sat in front of her and smiled. The dandelion felt calmer with Yang Zhang's presence, and she immediately called him, "Dii! Dii!"

Yang Zhang smiled at her and patted the dandelion gently because she seemed very fragile, "Hello, my name is Yang Zhang, and I'm your master. You're part of the family now."

"Dii!" The dandelion uprooted herself, showing a thin stalk with two long leaves that acted like her arms.

The dandelion shyly presented herself in front of Yang Zhang and stretched her arms, waiting for her master to pick her up.

Yang Zhang gently picked up the white dandelion, and she seemed so happy.

But Yang Zhang had a bit of grievance in his heart. He thought that his experiment would work and he could create another Roselia-type of a mutated plant.

It seemed that 1 Brain bead + 1 Mana bead experiment was a total failure.

But, it didn't excuse him not to like this white dandelion, just like the rest of her pets. This one also seemed to be very loving and clingy to him, so he didn't mind.

"Okay, now we need to find a name for you. Everyone here has a name, you know," Yang Zhang reminded.

The white dandelion looked confused as she checked her master's other pets, "Dii?"

"Hehe, that squirrel's name is Chestnut. Chestnut is your reliable big brother, so you can rely on him if you need something, okay?"

"Squeak!" Chesnut happily accepted.

"That one is Lt. Spicy Wing. He is in charge of the house's security. He still has a lot to learn, but he is very strong in many situations."

"Chirp! Chirp!" Lt. Spicy Wing gave out his salute towards Master Yang Zhang.

Yang Zhang opened his left palm, "This is Little Ivy. She is shy but very kind."


"The one hugging my nose right now is Poddie. He is a curious boy. He is in charge of supplying my ammo."

"Pii! Pii!"

"And that one—" Yang Zhang pointed at Roselia. "She is also part of the family. Her name is Roselia. She is in charge of taking care of the hut and decorating the garden, and she's really good at it."

"M—Master, you're too much…" Roselia felt shy to be praised by her master, though she wouldn't lie that she was happy.

"See? Everyone here has their own name. Now we need to give you a name, hmmm…." Yang Zhang hummed while looking at the dandelion, and he noticed that the dandelion looked more feminine rather than childish like Poddie or Little Ivy.

"Dii, Dii…"

'Ah, even from her way of speaking, she was more mature than Poddie and Little Ivy. I guess I should give her a more suitable name."

"How about Miss D?"


"Oh, you don't like that at all? Hmmm…. Dandy? Dilly Dilly?"


"You want something more down to earth? How about using a western name instead? How about… Daniella?"


"You like that one?"

"Dii! Dii!"

"Hehe, welcome to the family, Daniella!" Yang Zhang hugged Daniella the white dandelion, and the rest of his pets also came and latched on Yang Zhang's body for a hug.

After they had their warm hug, Yang Zhang looked at Daniella and asked, "Okay, Daniella, can you do something?"


"Yeah, something that you want to show to us! All of my pets can do stuff. I bet you can do it too!"

"Dii!" Daniella pointed at the window, signaling Yang Zhang that she wanted to show her ability outside, which alerted Yang Zhang instantly.

Yang Zhang got up and opened the door, his pets followed from behind, and Yang Zhang stood in the front yard with Daniella in his hand, "Okay, what do you want to show to us, Daniella?"


"Huh? B—Blow you?"


Yang Zhang shook his head because he was thinking about something weird for a second, 'Okay, Yang Zhang, why the fuck are you thinking about something lewd in the morning? Is it because of morning wood?'

Daniella shook her head slightly, and the white dandelion suddenly turned pink.


"Waah, pink dandelion, that's so cute!" Yang Zhang squealed. Daniella also told him to blow her, just like a normal human blowing a dandelion.


The pink fluff of dandelion blew away from Daniella's head and floated in front of Yang Zhang.

Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof!

The pink seed started exploding one by one, spreading countless pink spores on the air.

Yang Zhang felt nothing, and he frowned because he really wished the pink dandelion would do something.

But all it did was make their air smells like candy.

"Ah, what are the pink spores used for? Does it have any effect other than making the air smells better?" Yang Zhang asked.


"Ehh, really?" Yang Zhang couldn't believe Daniella's explanation. "The pink spore is only effective to dark and fighting type, and super-duper effective on a dragon or any reptile?"


"What are you? Florges? A fairy type?"

"Dii!" Daniella nodded, claiming herself to be a fairy-type mutated plant.

Yang Zhang stared at the pink air in front of him. It was barely visible even when up close like this, so Yang Zhang guessed that nobody could notice the pink air from afar.

"What about zombies? Zombie is ghost and dark type, right?" Yang Zhang asked Daniella.

"Dii! Dii!"

"Oh? The pink air can significantly slow down the zombies that walked past it? The pink spore could even make them confused if it entered their noses or mouths?"


"I see…" Yang Zhang couldn't prove the effectiveness for now, but based on Daniella's explanation, it could act as a barrier. Any zombie that walked past the pink spores would be confused and slowed down, so he had to try it later when he found a group of zombies.

"I see, that's a good job, Daniella! You will be helpful for the team—"


"Huh? That's not only it?" Yang Zhang was surprised. "You have another thing to show?"


Daniella grew out her dandelion fluff once more. It was white, so she shook her head to change the color from white > pink > red.

"Red dandelion…"

"Dii!" Daniella said as she was ready again.

"Okay! Do you want me to blow it up again?


Yang Zhang took another deep breath, and then—


The red fluff was blown away to the air, but this time, it didn't explode mid-air like the pink fluff before, which baffled Yang Zhang so much.

"Uh… what does this red one do?" Yang Zhang asked.


Yang Zhang frowned when Daniella told him to get back because it was dangerous.

Yang Zhang didn't have to do the same for the pink dandelion, but he followed nonetheless, curious what would happen next.


"You asked me to throw something to the floating red dandelion?"


"Hmmm…" Yang Zhang looked around, and he saw a fist-sized rock. "How about this rock? Is this enough?"


"Okay!" Yang Zhang patted Little Ivy, who had been resting comfortably in his left arm the whole time, without saying anything.

"Ivy, wake up and pick that rock up," Yang Zhang said.

"Vii? Vii!" Little Ivy woke up from her rest and picked up the fist-sized rock with her vines

"Throw it to that direction," Yang Zhang pointed.


Little Ivy threw the rock, and it launched. The rock hit one red floating dandelion fluff, and Yang Zhang's widened his eyes in shock.

Because the moment the rock hit one floating dandelion seed, a chain reaction happened.

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