My 1995 Small Farm

Vol 3 Chapter 734: Aquaponics

 Wu Lao and others had this reaction mainly because He Jiawen’s theory of the Five Elements was too deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

 After hearing this, they began to wonder if various things in the countryside contained wisdom that they had never thought of.

 To put it bluntly, I don’t understand anything I hear.

As for He Jiawen, he didn’t know who he heard this from.

Anyway, now not only himself, but also several other university teachers are convinced.

Wang Cunye listened to some of the ways they said to take care of his body, and most of them were fine.

 It means that what they said was too mysterious and they added a lot of nonsense.

Even what Wang Cunye said was analyzed by them.

 For example, there is a very reasonable saying in the countryside: "If you are not sick in your belly, you will not die."

 with simple language in the countryside, the word “ belly ” does not just refer to the abdomen.

Rather, it refers to the body.

 It means that there are no diseases in the internal organs of the body, and the person's external problems cannot be cured.

 If it's an internal problem in the body, then it's over and the person will soon die.

As soon as they heard this, they thought it made sense, and started talking about Yin, Yang and Five Elements.

In the end, Wang Cunye couldn't talk anymore, so he said, "Let Lingzi explain it to you when you have time. He knows better than an old man like me."

It happened that he saw that the little boy had caught a mouse, so he wanted to take the two bald boys over to eat meat. He didn't want to tell them this.

But these people are in high spirits, talking enthusiastically, and are addicted to listening. Even a few people on Hong Kong Island are listening with gusto. How can they let him go?

Wang Cunye had no choice but to write a few words about the notes his son-in-law had taken from somewhere.

 For example, in cerebral infarction, phlegm enters the brain and becomes blocked.

 At the corresponding acupoints, moxibustion will have miraculous effects.

 The reason is that the body's own fire is not enough to resolve phlegm and dampness, so it must rely on external fire.

 Moxibustion plus **** moxibustion is naturally this powerful firepower.

Another example is to strengthen the kidneys. Sometimes it is necessary to strengthen the spleen. The spleen belongs to earth and the kidneys belong to water. Earth can restrain water. Otherwise, how can the spleen resolve dampness?

When the spleen is strong, the earth can lock and control the water. Symptoms such as spermatorrhea and leakage of urine will disappear in an instant, and the effect will be immediate.

 Also, a man’s **** is equivalent to a woman’s milk.

 Both are transformed from the blood in the body.

 How to convert it?

  It is refined from the yang fire in the body.

So when a man has evil thoughts, his body becomes hot and flaming. This is a heat sinking from the heart, and the blood goes down. This is when the Yang Fire begins to refine the essence and blood.

 Making sperm.

Then why is there heat sinking from the heart?

Your heart belongs to fire.

 When the heart fire sinks, the heart and kidneys intersect. The kidneys belong to water, which means water and fire make elixirs.

These are also some theories.

  But everyone almost had their eyes popped out when they heard this, and they all looked dumbfounded and stunned.

He Jiawen's lips even trembled with excitement. He stood up and danced with gestures, saying that his "Five Elements Theory" was indeed correct.

 What Chen Ling said coincides with his "theory of the Five Elements".

When Wang Cunye saw this situation, he thought that if things got worse, he wouldn't have held me back and refused to let me go.

He quickly said that he didn't understand the details, he only knew a little bit, and asked them to ask Chen Ling during lunch.

 Actually, he doesn’t understand.

The old man has been collecting medicine for many years. Even if he doesn't understand medical science and doesn't know how to treat a doctor and take medicine, he is still a half-assed person.

Even if Chen Ling sometimes writes notes and talks about some wonderful and precious recipes, he can roughly understand them.

 These people are still too arrogant.

Similar to normal people meeting a group of enthusiastic psychopaths, they often just can’t answer the conversation, the conversation is not interesting, and the whole body feels uncomfortable.

Wang Cunye quickly picked up the eagle cage and ran away.

It rained yesterday and the wheat field is still very muddy today. To be honest, it is not a good time to dig mouse holes as it will damage the wheat field.

 But who asked us to start building the greenhouse? We had to dig the soil, so that was fine.

 Little children were running around carrying iron buckets.

 Waiting to dig out mice and catch them on the field ridge to play with.

As soon as Wang Cunye passed by carrying the eagle cage, they started to have a blast, and their enthusiasm for digging up mice was as high as ever.

The old man asked them strangely that there were so many wild geese in the west. Why didn't they catch the wild geese and instead came here to dig up mice? They said they did not dare to go without an older child to take care of them and no adults to help them.

The bite of the wild goose is painful, and the flapping of its wings is also painful.

Indeed, this is the truth. Last time Chen Ling led people to catch wild geese, an old man in the village almost let the wild geese break his arm.

Some young people got a nosebleed on the spot after being slapped in the face by a wild goose's wing.

 The bridge of the nose was almost shattered.

 This is no joke.

So let’s come and dig up mice. There are many people here and it’s fun.

 At noon, you can still go to Uncle Fugui's house for dinner with the adults. There is nothing better than this.


It is relatively easy to build an earthen greenhouse, and there are many people coming to help Chen Ling, so the construction speed will naturally be very fast.

Wang Lixian initially spent three and a half days building the greenhouse.

 It was still a big shed.

 Chen Ling's two greenhouses, one large and one small, took only two and a half days to build.

With more people and greater strength, it doesn’t matter if the earthen wall is not completely dry. Just bring firewood and pile it up to bake, and dry the earthen wall thoroughly.

It's okay even if it's blackened.

 After it is blackened, scrape it with a layer of yellow mud.

As long as the inside of the wall is completely dry, it won't matter even if the outer layer of mud is a little wet.

The dry wall will not only absorb the yellow mud, but also dry faster with the wind.

Two greenhouses, one large and one small, were built in this way.

 The large greenhouse covers an area of ​​nearly two acres.

This is quite big.

 The small one only occupies seven or eight points of land.

The shape of the earthen greenhouse is relatively rough. It is not the semi-cylindrical plastic sheet that is mainstream in later generations and is buckled upside down on the ground.

 There are three earth walls on the left, right and back. The earth wall at the back is high and the left and right sides are low.

And the left and right sides are from high to low, from the height of the earth wall behind, to slowly lowering to the ground, just like a dustpan, forming an inclined plane. The inclined plane is covered with plastic sheeting. The inclined plane of this plastic sheeting is used to receive sunlight during the day. .

 After drying during the day, cover the plastic sheet with straw thatch at night, so that the heat in the greenhouse will be retained inside for a long time.

 Chen Ling’s two greenhouses, one large and one small, and Wang Lixian’s two greenhouses are now lined up closely together.

 Because the farmland on the east side of the village is long in shape from west to east.

Their greenhouses are also lined up in a row from east to west. Looking from a distance, even though they are earthen greenhouses, they are quite spectacular.

"Fugui, don't ignore me. I've finished the work in just two and a half days. When are you going to plant things in the greenhouse? We'll come back to work for you."

 “Don’t make any noise, I’m still thinking about the fish pond.”

Chen Ling frowned and patted Wang Lishan with his hand.

“Oh, the fish pond is fine. We can dig it as big as you want.”

Wang Lishan thinks this is nothing.

 Chen Ling shook his head: "That won't work either. The fish grow too fast and there are so many of them. The main thing is that there are so many that the dug fish pond cannot hold them."

 The reason is still koi.

The reason why Chen Ling hesitated was because he wanted not to mess with those big fish in the greenhouse.

 The original idea is to build a few water tanks or dig two small canals and raise some fish fry.

 The symbiosis of fish fry and vegetables is enough.

 Trick the geese to lay eggs again.

Sell other big fish when they are available. Many friends will come to hold a banquet for the children, including Du Guanghe and others. Just ask them when the time comes.

 Just leave it to chance for the rest, the worst case scenario is to give it to a friend or let it go.

There are so many fish in the cave, not less than those in the small fish ponds outside.

 “Then what do you think?”

Yu Qian also asked: "Didn't you say yesterday that you would throw the bald man in too, so as not to freeze it outside and drive the geese in? Don't end up raising everything in it."

“No, how much space does the two bald men occupy?” Chen Ling was speechless.

"Actually, it's not that much... Damn, why is it so complicated? I won't build a fish pond directly. I'll dig two small ditches and raise some edible fish. I'll raise fish to grow vegetables and aquaponics. The other fish leave them alone." (End of Chapter)

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