My 1995 Small Farm

Vol 3 Chapter 735:

Chapter 735

 Ignore the fish for now and just talk about growing vegetables. This will be much easier.

Tomatoes and cucumbers are fresh off-season vegetables, not to mention that they are quite popular in winter and are easier to sell.

As far as growing vegetables is concerned, Chen Ling is also quite good at it.

 In the past two years, most of those who have built greenhouses here are for growing mushrooms.

 This is much simpler than growing vegetables and the cost is extremely low. It can be said that it costs basically nothing.

 Just spend a little money on the strains.

 The rest of the mushroom bags are made of corn cobs, rice husks, cotton seed husks or the like.

 After fermentation, mushrooms can be grown.

Their family can easily build a greenhouse of Wang Lixian's size without any effort.

 In the first year, I even asked Chen Ling and others for help.

 Later, when you become proficient, you can do it as a family. It’s just a fungus bag. This is a job that even a kid can do.

How much more so when their daughter and son-in-law join the battle.

 There is not much investment in manpower and material resources, and the sales are quick…

You can sell it immediately by taking it to the morning market in the county town, so you don’t have to worry about losing it in your hands.

 It is different for different types of vegetables.

 Watering, fertilizing, spraying pesticides, controlling insects…

 There is a lot to worry about.

Although the insect pests are less severe in winter, the shed is warmer, so the diseases are still the same, and they are still there.

Needless to say, the price of greenhouse vegetables like this will definitely go up.

 Compared to mushrooms, when vegetables are sold, such high vegetable prices will not be available in small counties.

 The amount is too small, the local area is not a vegetable base, there are few greenhouses in winter, and there is no one to harvest it.

Of course.

 There is a freight station with small sheep.

Neither Chen Ling nor Wang Lixian are afraid of this.

 Chen Ling didn’t think much about the vegetables. He was still the third person he was selling vegetables in the first place.

 Cucumbers, tomatoes, leeks.

In addition, plant some watermelons. Watermelons in greenhouses are also popular in winter.

On the other hand, if it is mushrooms, it will conflict a bit with vegetables.

 The point of conflict is that vegetables need light and sunshine on sunny days. The greater the sun, the better the vegetables will grow.

 The mushrooms come the other way around.

Mushrooms should not be exposed to too strong light. Although it is necessary to dry them in a shed on sunny days, after drying in the shed, you must quickly go in and spray the mushrooms with a sprayer.

the reason is simple.

 After drying in the shed, the heat is available and the environment must be humid enough so that the mushrooms will grow as fast as possible.

 This is why Wang Lixian’s vegetables and mushrooms are divided into two greenhouses.

 Chen Ling's new one also has two large ones, one big and one small. The smaller one can be used to grow mushrooms.

 The larger one occupies a larger area. After planting vegetables, trenches can be dug to raise fish. This area is also relatively spacious.

“Master, master, we are here to collect eggs for you.”

While Wang Lishan and the others were shouting around Chen Ling, Mr. Wu and his two gangs walked in carrying baskets.

 The leader, Mr. Wu, shouted "Master" loudly.

There is no one else but Chen Ling as this ‘master’.

Chen Ling turned around and said helplessly: "Mr. Wu, can we stop making trouble? How can we take things over the wine table seriously? Besides, my medical theories are only half-baked. If you worship me as your teacher, you won't learn anything. It’s not good for your health either.”

Mr. Wu said "Oops": "I have lived for such a long time and I have never seen anyone. I am very good at judging people. Master, how can I not know whether you have real information?"

 Aren’t I older? People in ancient times said that there is no order of precedence in hearing the Tao, and the one who masters it is the teacher. "

 Chen Ling was suddenly speechless.

 In the final analysis, his father-in-law is still to blame for this matter.

 Having nothing to do, just talk nonsense to them.

To be honest, the more strange theories of traditional Chinese medicine seem to be weird, the more truthful they are sometimes.

 The more this happens, the clearer Chen Ling remembers it. It can be said that he never forgets anything and doesn't even need to take notes.

 So when they followed He Jiawen to ask Chen Ling for advice.

 Chen Ling simply said a few more words.

 It is a higher level than He Jiawen's so-called "Five Elements Theory".

 Added ‘yin and yang’, such as ‘yin has quality, yang has no form’.

 That is to say, what can be seen on the body, skin, flesh and hair belong to "yin", and what cannot be seen is called "yang".

Based on this theory, yin and yang also flow into each other and are relative.

 For example, sometimes, if you drink too much water, you will have the symptom of "heat".

Another example is a fever. No matter what the cause, if you eat meat the next day, the fever symptoms will definitely be prolonged.

 Many diseases require less food and less water.

 Or just eat simple meals.

In the eyes of people who don’t understand it, this kind of theory is completely bizarre.

 But Mr. Wu and others are not ordinary people. They have nothing to do after retirement and have the need to maintain their health. Some of them have personally experienced the symptoms mentioned by Chen Ling.


 In addition to the great surprise of several people, Chen Ling also liked to mention an old fan.

 I wanted to worship him as my teacher on the spot.

"Fugui, what are you afraid of? Mr. Wu is knowledgeable and not a stupid student... You ask Uncle Sangui, they accept apprentices as carpenters, and they also accept older apprentices. They can beat or scold them. Sometimes this old apprentice He learns things faster than a young apprentice..."

Wang Lishan and others watched with laughter, finding it very interesting and very honorable.

“Yes, yes, I am a quick learner. Master, if you want to read any books that are not available in mainland China, I will find them for you when you go back. Your thesis is short of research materials, so I will also find them for you.

I will also come to visit you during the New Year and holidays from now on.

 There are many young disciples, and I also have quite a few. "

Mr. Wu quickly raised his hand to express his gratitude, his face full of eagerness, and his behavior was like that of a primary school student.

 The group of people behind him didn't mean to laugh either.

 On the contrary, some people are envious. For example, Xu Yingguang, who is in a mixed club, is both envious and conflicted.

I regretted in my heart, why when I was drinking that day, I only said that I would like to worship you, but not my teacher.

 There is not a single fool in this group of people.

Even a stupid person would not be able to make it to where he is today.

 They have also seen the magic of some prescriptions in the past few days.

Those prescriptions are said to be prescriptions, but it is better to be said to be dietary supplements.

 For example, He Jiawen and the others were given a simple breakfast of egg tea to keep their bodies healthy.

Crack the eggs into a bowl, add salt, stir evenly, then rinse with boiling hot water, and then add a few drops of sesame oil.

 Sounds very simple…

 Amidst simplicity, there are also things that are not simple.

 Simple egg tea, just boil the eggs with boiling water, which can draw down the fire and eliminate it.

 But after adding salt and sesame oil, it is different.

 Salty enters the kidneys, and the aroma refreshes the spleen.

Drinking a bowl of egg tea like this in the morning is an excellent way to wake up your organs and nourish your body.

Of course.

Just drinking this egg tea is not enough, it must be transported and transformed to achieve the greatest effect.

  In other words, after drinking egg tea, it needs to be converted into things needed by the body.

 Work when you have to, and take a walk when you have to. You can’t just rest and lie down anyway.

He Jiawen and the others also met by mistake.

  When they first came here to take pictures of red-crowned cranes, they had to get up early to stay in the mountains. They didn't want to eat when they got up early, and they didn't have time to make breakfast.

The old lady in the village asked them to boil a pot of water and make some eggs to drink.

 Say this to carry hunger.

He Jiawen and the others would have a bowl every morning, each with three or four free-range eggs in the bowl. After drinking it, they would go up the mountain.

This guy, who climbs high and low every day, must have all the energy and blood flowing through his body.

This good egg tea was fully absorbed by them.

The more nourished your body is, the better it will be.

 After Mr. Wu and others heard about it, they tried for three days in a row.

 According to He Jiawen's suggestion, let them crack a few more eggs. If three or four are too few, five, six, seven or eight will do.

 It makes up for it quickly.

 They did so.

Every day after drinking, I would take a walk, help Chen Ling with some small chores, or go to the farm to pick up eggs, or follow He Jiawen and the others to the mountains.

 In short, there is also the amount of exercise.

 Then, I slept well that night, felt energetic the next day, and woke up early on the third day, feeling refreshed and energetic.

 In the past, if I couldn't walk like this every day, my whole body would be sore.

There is nothing wrong now.

 So after seeing the real effect, it’s strange that Xu Yingguang has no idea.

I didn’t see Mr. Wu insisting on recognizing Chen Ling as his master.

 Xu Yingguang has been in the club for a long time and is too concerned about face. Some words come to his lips but he just can't say them out.

  I choked several times, my face turned red from holding it in, but it was hard to say anything.

 He is also a veteran on the road.

If people knew that he took a twenty-year-old mainlander as his master, how would others view him in the future?

 If his words don’t work, his children won’t be able to get along in the future.

 Fortunately, no one noticed him since they were listening to Mr. Wu's speech.

 Chen Ling was also amused by Mr. Wu's words at this moment, and brought a bench for everyone: "Everyone, sit down, sit down first. I just finished moving the bedroom, and there are still a bunch of dolls and toys that I haven't moved up."

He then said to Mr. Wu: "Mr. Wu, I have a female apprentice who wants to learn cooking from me. You accept me as your master. That guy has such a young senior sister above him."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Wu burst out laughing when he heard this: "Okay, I'm fine. I also want to learn to cook from Master."

“That’s okay, you don’t mind, and I definitely don’t mind either.” Chen Ling smiled and nodded.

“Oh, master, don’t talk like that, just call me Shizhong.”

Mr. Wu’s nickname is Wu Shizhong.

“No, no, no, you’re old, let’s do our own thing, you call me master, and I’ll call you uncle.” Chen Ling waved her hand.

 When everyone heard this, they all laughed.

“Xiao Chen, let me ask you something, why do your chickens lay such big eggs?”

Zheng Shaoqiu suddenly asked a question: "I heard from villagers in the village that the smaller the eggs, the better. Small eggs are more nutritious than large eggs."

Chen Ling smiled at him when he heard this and said, "This is a different breed of chicken, and the raising method is also different.

In the countryside, it is often said that fat chickens cannot lay eggs. Look at the chickens I raise, each one is as fat as the last one.

 She is so diligent in laying eggs. "

Once they heard that the chickens were of different breeds and raised in different ways, everyone stopped asking. This was probably someone else’s secret recipe.

 Then I became curious again, why "a fat chicken can't lay eggs"?

 Isn’t the fatter the better?

"No, a fat chicken will affect fertility in the same way that a person who is too fat will affect fertility. Regardless of men or women, being too fat will cause blockage of the spleen and stomach. According to the Five Elements Theory that you are interested in recently, the spleen belongs to earth, and the spleen belongs to earth. Too much earth will excessively affect the kidney water, as earth can overpower water.

 The reproductive function of the kidneys is affected, which naturally affects the production of sperm and eggs.

on the other hand.

Earth in the spleen will also insult the liver wood, causing liver qi stagnation, affecting women's menstruation, and affecting men's hardness and ability to stand up normally.

There is a crude saying that goes like this: Whether there are bullets is a matter of the kidneys, and whether they can be fired is a matter of the liver...

 You see, people are affected if they become fat, let alone chickens. "

 Chen Ling finished speaking and was about to continue saying that my chickens are of a different breed. No matter how fat they are, they will not affect their laying of eggs.

 It turned out that everyone was stunned.

Xu Yingguang’s eyes were gleaming and his lips were trembling.

Damn it, I also want to become a disciple.

No one can stop me.

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