Seeing the girl's bitter expression, Luo Xuejuan lightly shook her head and said, "Forget it, it's fine if you don't say it. "Hmm, this girl looks pretty good. How did she fall into the pit of fire when she was a good woman?"

Ding Lei grinned: "Sis, she's sick, and seriously ill."

"Well, I can't complain," The woman suddenly realized and changed the subject, "What are you planning to do after coming back? You have to know, after more than ten years of development, the Liao Family has already exceeded three billion. "

Ding Lei said lazily: "I don't want the money, I just want their Liao Family to be met with retribution."

"No money!" Luo Xuejuan's eyes lit up, that would be 3 billion! Ding Lei did not care! This was not only a good show, but a good one at that.

"Mm, I just want to be undisturbed when doing things."

Hearing Ding Lei's affirmation tone, Luo Xuejuan was moved! If a man really could destroy Liao Family, their Liao Family assets would be divided among the other forces. As one of the Four Major Clans in Luocheng, sharing a portion of their Luo Family wouldn't be any less important than adding wings to a tiger!

"Alright, I, Luo Xuejuan, cannot guarantee anything else. At the very least, my Luo Family will not hinder you from taking revenge. As for any problems you run into in the Luocheng, you can pass on your message to me. "

Ding Lei laughed sinisterly: Thank you big sister, we have become allies, shouldn't we shake hands?

Luo Xuejuan stared blankly. Seeing the brat reaching out his hand, she awkwardly refused and sighed, "Just hold it, it's not like you can't eat me."

"These words are spoken as if everyone is a stranger," When Ding Lei held onto the woman's white jade hands and did not let go, Luo Xuejuan knew that the situation was not good!

As expected, Ding Lei raised his head and said loudly: "Ladies and gentlemen, in order to celebrate my return to the Luocheng, for everyone's consumption in the bar today, I, Ding Lei, will treat you all! You can drink whatever you want and play whatever you want until the bar closes! "


The entire bar stopped, seeing Ding Lei holding onto the woman's hand, the Lady Boss fell silent, and everyone jumped in joy! The whistling and the screaming made the bar incomparably noisy.

"Who is this?" Could it be that he was once a rich person with Luocheng? "

"Definitely, they've already booked the venue! Who is the Emperor's Bar? One of the Four Great Clans opened the Luo Family.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Go to the bar and grab some drinks! I have never tasted Lafite before! "

Seeing the group of people rushing to the bar counter, squeezing the sky and blacking out, the woman who was held by Ding Lei felt helpless. Now he was completely tied up by the man on the same boat. This damned Ding Lei, he really wanted to kill me!

Seeing Luo Xuejuan looking at him speechlessly, Ding Lei was secretly pleased.

After a long while, the woman frowned and said: "Ding Lei, you made such a big deal out of it, so everyone knows about your Luocheng. How can your Liao Family let you go?"

"Who knows if they will be able to escape," Ding Lei said gloomily. His eyes were sharp like steel blades, making Chen Yuxin dizzy just by glancing at them! That man's face had become so fast! Just a moment ago, she was so cynical. But now, in the blink of an eye, she became cold and merciless.

"Alright, be careful," Luo Xuejuan patted the back of the man's hand, forced out a laugh, and said: "Sis will be screwed by you this time! Don't even mention offending Fan Group, you even told me to spend all my money, so I'll have to spend at least a million dollars tonight. "

Ding Lei laughed sinisterly: "More than a million?"

"Not much, just give it to me!" If it doesn't work, how many more times do you want to reward me? " Luo Xuejuan said with disdain.

"Giving you money, doesn't that seem a little out of place!" Ding Lei smiled coolly, stood up and said: "Big Sis, we'll meet again in the future to chat. I'll go back and sleep."

Chen Yuxin was panic-stricken. Could it be that Ding Lei and the woman's relationship was not clear? Giving a man a million dollars' worth of gifts right after they met. She wouldn't believe it even if she was beaten to death if he said it didn't matter!

"Well, be careful. If you need him, bring Qi Bao to your side. That brat is useless in everything else, but it is rather suitable for him to be ordered around as an ox. "

Ding Lei hugged the girl's slender waist. Seeing that the sky was about to brighten, he said, "Sis, can you lend me two people, a table?"

"Uh," Luo Xuejuan was astonished, this brat really kicked her nose in shame! As soon as she agreed to help him, she made a request. Of course, she didn't pay much attention to it.

It was funny, but he did not have the time to agree. Luo Xuejuan laughed: No problem, do you have enough two people? Luo Xing, make a trip with Mr Ding. "

"Yes, Young Miss," a square faced man with a short beard bowed and replied from behind Luo Xuejuan. After giving out the instructions, Luo Xuejuan, who was just about to leave, casually asked: "Ding Lei, why are you borrowing a table and two people?"

"I want to go to the Ziyuan Hall Stadium to have a treatment," Ding Lei stood up and said loudly.

"Ziyuan Hall, that's the biggest pharmacy in the entire Luocheng. Your medical expertise that's challenging Yuan Cenbiao, aren't you bringing a little less people along?" Luo Xuejuan questioned.

"That's not a small number. Do you think you need four people to move the table?" Ding Lei said as he spread open his arms. Luo Xing was speechless. So he followed her to do this kind of business!

Luo Xuejuan giggled and laughed her way through. She glanced at him and said, "I didn't expect that you would be such a hooligan when you were young. Your words are even more wretched than when you grew up!"

"Sis, this is humor, humor, you understand? At that time, I was only four or five years old, you were twelve or thirteen, how am I going to treat you shamelessly, is it useful? "

"Useless?" Luo Xuejuan bit her lips, moved closer to the man's ear and said: "Ding Lei, do you want to know what underwear Big Sis is wearing?"

"Huh?" Ding Lei was flabbergasted. With his low voice, how could Luo Xuejuan have heard him?

The woman smiled tenderly, stuck close to Ding Lei's face and breathed out a breath of air like orchids: "You forgot, big sis's sister, the disabled person, Xueqin has always been in love with you, never forgotten! Oh yeah, I won't tell you the color of my underwear, it's pink! Don't sue her, I said. "

"You're shameless!" Ding Lei's mouth slanted to the side as he smiled merrily and left.

When Luo Xuejuan walked out of the hall, Ding Lei instructed: "Call Luo Xing over and find a two meter wide table to carry the goods outside. Hire another car for us to go to Ziyuan Hall."

Luo Xing was speechless as he sized up the little rascal. What could he do about the things that his little miss had instructed him to do? He called his men to move the tables. A few minutes later, Ding Lei brought his men and left the hotel. Seeing that there was no one around, Chen Yuxin took the table away, as he was worried that the manager in the lobby would hate her, he heaved a sigh of relief.

Ziyuan Hall was the largest medicine shop in the entire city. Yuan Cenbiao had opened his shop for thirty years, and not only did he obtain a huge fortune, he also enjoyed the reputation of "King of Medicinal Herbs".

The prices of the medicines in Ziyuan Hall were higher than those in the same industry, but because of their quality, customers kept coming in every day, almost to the point of trampling the threshold.

Around 9 this morning, someone suddenly set up a stall opposite of the Southern City Ziyuan Hall. Two burly looking men lifted a table from the business car and placed it by the side of the road. A young man moved an armchair onto it and rested with his eyes closed.

Two people were standing behind him, a beautiful girl and a burly man. Luo Xing crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking indifferent to the flow of people coming and going. He stood there motionlessly like a statue.

Chen Yuxin was filled with curiosity, she continued to size up the Ziyuan Hall s in front of him, looking at the customers entering and exiting, many of them were whispering to each other, they were wary of these uninvited guests.

As more people noticed, so did the discussion.

"Hey, what's this about? Was there still a cure for all diseases? So young, is he a scammer? "

"Haha! Little girl, you look pretty good. It's fine as long as you can be my wife. Say, do you think this brat treated the wrong disease or something?"

"It's possible. Go up and try it out!"

"What am I going to do? I'm not sick, aren't you? Let him see, "the two youths pointed as they passed by. Ding Lei glanced at them, and one of the youths asked:" Can this kid cure high blood pressure, how much is it? "

"Thirty thousand yuan, combined with five servings of medicine, I guarantee that the medicine will be removed from the body."

"Thirty thousand, where are you going to scam!" The young man roared.

Ding Lei said coldly: "Thirty thousand to heal high blood pressure, how many do you think are there?"

"You can't cure it."

"What makes you think I can't?" Ding Lei sneered. The youth said angrily, "You're just a young brat with a yellow mouth, what kind of illness can you treat?"

Chen Yuxin interrupted: "Hey, do you know how to treat illnesses? My young master is very amazing! "No, let him show you his acupuncture skills."

With Ding Lei's acupuncture skills, wouldn't he scare a group of people stiff? Upon hearing the girl's words, many people began to jeer, "Show me, let me broaden my horizons!"

Chen Yuxin looked at the boy with expectation. Ding Lei curled his lips and said disdainfully, "No."

The girl fainted. Why not have a good chance? Faced with Chen Yuxin's doubts, Ding Lei calmly said: "Acupuncture consumes a lot of stamina, and no one pays for it, why don't you show it to them?"

The surrounding people roared with laughter, as more and more people gathered, startling the people from the Ziyuan Hall.

Half an hour later, before he had even received his first order, Ding Lei was not anxious at all. He sat on the chair and closed his eyes to rest. Luo Xing was distressed in his heart. He was a god, yet someone here would treat him as a joke. Someone recognized him and didn't dare to whisper loudly. This caused him to be depressed to death!

In the backyard of Ziyuan Hall Headquarters.

"Is someone setting up a stall outside the Ziyuan Hall seeking death?" Yuan Baocheng stood up straight! Who would be so audacious as to take the risk and go against his Yuan Family to such an extent?

The shop manager of the southern branch said, "It's a young man in his twenties. He has a brand that can cure all illnesses."

"Isn't it a charlatan to cure all diseases?" Yuan Baocheng said in astonishment. With the modern era, who would still dare to say that it was a cure for all diseases?

However, Yuan Baocheng's father, the creator of the Ziyuan Hall, Yuan Cenbiao, was extremely calm and asked: "Is there anything special about this young man?"

"He's wearing a dark green ring on his right hand, and it doesn't look like a valuable item," the shop manager replied.

"Dark green ring?" Yuan Cenbiao's expression changed from shock as he muttered to himself: "Let this brat set up a stall. If he has any needs, then his Ziyuan Hall must do whatever it can to help."

Yuan Cenbiao was stunned, and said: "Father, they have already come knocking, why would they still comply with his request? If you keep holding back like this, don't be afraid that others will take an inch from you! "

Yuan Cenbiao laughed heartily: "Bao Cheng, there are some things that is inconvenient to say. I'm really interested in seeing how this fledgling brat will treat your illness. You can learn a lot too. "

"I'll go learn other people's medical skills," Yuan Baocheng said as he looked at his father in disbelief. Yuan Family was a family of traditional Chinese medicine, did he need to learn other people's medical skills? Yuan Cenbiao nodded, he seemed to have understood something. He stood up and said, "Manager Zhang, did you hear what my dad said? Cooperate with him fully. I'll go out and take a look later. The people in the shop shouldn't go out and cause trouble."

"Yes, yes." The manager was surprised, and quickly agreed.

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