My 23-year-old Beautiful Tenant

C6 The Wang Family Faced with a Crash

Opposite to the entrance of the southern branch of Ziyuan Hall.

"What's going on? Someone set up a stall on the other side of the Ziyuan Hall.

"Can't you see who's squinting behind this brat? That's someone from the Luo Family, Luo Xing. "

"Luo Family, the Luo Family of one of the Four Great Clans! Oh my god! Could it be that the Luo Family is going to be targeted? "

"That's unlikely, right? Luo Family doing business, Yuan Family selling medicine, they have nothing to do with each other! "

"That's true, but this … it doesn't seem right!" "It's really hard to understand."

After so many people had gathered, an old lady finally sat down across from him and asked, "Young man, can you treat my glaucoma?"

Glaucoma is a sunken disc caused by an increased intraocular pressure. Ding Lei raised his head to look at it and said, "It can be treated."

"How much is it?"

"Five hundred."

"It's not expensive. Will it be effective?"

"I guarantee that you will get rid of the disease as soon as the treatment is over. You can pay me after that."

"Sure," the old lady was happy. The middle-aged man behind her was unhappy and said, "Mom, there's an official hospital, why aren't you going? Why are you looking for a gangster?"

"What do you know? He said that you would only collect the money after you were cured."

"But just in case I hurt you."

"He can't be hurt, he can't be hurt. I think the kid's pretty good," the old lady said happily.

Ding Lei took out a silver needle and flicked his forefinger, causing the needle to vibrate at a high frequency. The old lady asked curiously: "Young man, what are you doing?"


With a "pa" sound, he tightly clenched the silver needle. The needle no longer trembled, and it was sparkling and translucent. It was especially eye-catching.

The old lady said happily, "Did you see that? This doctor is very skilled."

The middle-aged man helplessly warned, "Young man, you have to do it well! "Five hundred yuan is nothing. If something happens to my mom, it's all up to you."

Ding Lei did not reply, he picked up his silver needles and said: "Old man, please close your eyes."

"Alright," The old lady's eyes closed, the silver needles moved, suddenly a bright light flashed, and before anyone could clearly see his movements, Ding Lei had already received the needles: "Pay the medical fees."

The surroundings went into an uproar.

"I say it's a scammer. It's impossible to treat glaucoma with just a needle!"

"Hurry up and call the police. While he hasn't committed any evil deeds, arrest that brat!"

"This brat is not right! To cheat the old lady of her money. "

The crowd was in an uproar. Luo Xing coldly snorted. The two big men beside him shook their arms, and no one dared to speak anymore. Ding Lei slowly wiped off the needle with silk and said: "Elder, open your eyes and take a look, how is it?"

"Uh, can you open your eyes now?" The old lady opened her eyes. Under her son's nervous gaze, she looked into the distance and exclaimed, "My eyes are fine, they're no longer blurry. I can see into the distance! "That's the noodle restaurant, that's the tea shop, that's the internet cafe, I can see everything clearly!"

This can't be true, right? A needle that was effective, it made the old lady throb!

Ding Lei laughed: "Elder still has insomnia, right? I'll give you a prescription and go to the other side's Ziyuan Hall to grab the medicine."

"Good, good, good. Young man, you're too godly!" The old lady stood up, holding Ding Lei's hand, she said excitedly.

The middle-aged man's heart went back to his stomach. He fished out five sheets of 100 pieces of paper and asked, "How much is the prescription for the Insomnia Potion?"

"No need, I'm the first customer, the prescription is free."

Ding Lei laid the paper on the table horizontally, and wrote with a pen that seemed to have a mind of its own. Seeing the flamboyant words on the paper, many of the onlookers exclaimed in admiration, "As expected, outstanding!" Looks like this doctor really had some ability!

Sitting in the Ziyuan Hall's medicine hall, Yuan Baocheng looked at the prescription, secretly shocked, the middle-aged man anxiously asked: "Doctor, is the prescription alright?"

Yuan Baocheng retracted his mind, and said: "No problem, I will have someone to catch the medicine for you. Sorry for delaying you, but I will not take the money to buy the medicine."

Hearing Yuan Baocheng's words, the middle-aged man was extremely happy. His mom had recovered from her glaucoma, and she could cure his insomnia.

With the first successful example, the number of people who requested for Ding Lei's treatment gradually increased. Yuan Baocheng changed into a simple jacket and sunglasses as he stood outside and watched.

Ding Lei was not in a hurry to treat a patient. A Stones in his stomach that required surgery, even massage and acupuncture were effective on him. The stone broke.

A varicose vein that had been continuously treated by Ding Lei was greatly relieved. He also wrote a prescription to ensure that it would cure the disease.

It was a common type of diabetes mellitus. After he randomly pierced the body, the moment the patient stood up in high spirits, the entire room was filled with shock! Ding Lei once again wrote a prescription and told them to buy medicine at Ziyuan Hall.

Seeing that it was noon, the crowd dispersed. Yuan Baocheng took off his sunglasses, walked to the table and cupped his hands: "I am Ziyuan Hall Boss Yuan Baocheng, may I know your name?"

Chen Yuxin who was counting her money laughed until her eyes became crescent, and earned another 20,000 yuan. As expected, after selling himself, her days would be much easier! Suddenly hearing Yuan Baocheng's words, the girl's arm trembled, and money spilled all over the ground. Luo Xing was also stunned, the Yuan Family of one of the Four Great Clans.

Of the Four Great Clans in Luocheng, Wang Family ranked first, second, third and fourth respectively. The areas of operations of the first three families more or less overlapped, and their relationship was not considered harmonious. Only the other three families that had small Yuan Family and yet opened a pharmacy, did not dare to easily offend Yuan Family.

It had to be known which family didn't have an illness or a disaster! Sooner or later, when it came to Yuan Family, how could they not have a good relationship with each other? If they really offended the Yuan Family because of Ding Lei, it wouldn't even be worth it.

Ding Lei stood up and looked at him. Yuan Baocheng was in his early fifties, with bright and spirited eyes and big ears, just like Liu Bei of the Three Kingdoms. He had a calm demeanor and did not move.

He also cupped his hands and said: "I am Ding Lei, I have committed many offenses today, please forgive me Big Brother Yuan."

"Ding Lei," A golden light flashed through Yuan Baocheng's eyes as he looked at Luo Xing in realization. "I wonder which senior teacher you are from?"

Without waiting for Ding Lei to answer, Chen Yuxin was afraid that someone would take revenge on him, so she quickly replied: "Mr Ding's master is honored as the current Medicine King."

"The current Pill King is actually Huang Qibai!" Yuan Baocheng's face revealed shock, and said: "Mr Ding indeed has a great disciple, to see Mister's methods, I am extremely impressed! I wonder how old Mr. Huang Qibai is doing? "

"Master has always been in good health, so I have to trouble you to take care of him."

"I don't dare, I don't dare." Yuan Baocheng lowered his head and looked at the stall in front of him again, a wry smile on his face.

Ding Lei said calmly: "I will take back my stall now. Please forgive me for offending you."

"Understood, understood." Yuan Baocheng once again cupped his hands and said: "Little brother, return to your Luocheng. Once you have stabilized yourself, I will definitely pay a visit."

"Then thank you," Ding Lei also clasped his hands together and ordered his people to pack up the stall and leave.

walked out of the pharmacy on the other side of the road with a smile on his face as he watched Ding Lei and the others get in the car and leave in a cloud of dust.

Yuan Baocheng turned around and said, "Dad, you guessed right. As expected of a kid with Ding Family."

"Hmm, this kid is not simple, seems like we are really unlucky with Liao Family, the Luo Family has already shifted to the Ding Family boy, the Old Master of the Wang Family has contracted an incurable disease, hehe, I don't even need to guess, the two families will definitely watch from the sidelines and the situation will definitely develop."

"Then what about our Yuan Family?"

"So what if he has Yuan Family? For the medicine that we sell, if he comes here, he'll sell it to him at a low price. As for the medicine we sell, he'll sell it to him at a low price. Furthermore, Yuan Family masters practice medicine, can it be possible to use medicine to kill people? "That's just a joke," Yuan Cenbiao said happily.

Yuan Baocheng nodded. "Back then Liao Shengnan plundered some of his Ding Family and today, he has received his retribution and deserves it!"

"Well said! Let's just watch from the sidelines. That's right, go back and check if there were any debts from Liao Family? If there were any, he would immediately take them back. His Liao Family s are also here to buy medicine, it's not on credit! "

Was this called watching from the sidelines? He was clearly beating up a drowning dog! Yuan Baocheng did not object, the Liao Family were the accomplices of a tiger, it was time for someone to target them.

After leaving the street where the Ziyuan Hall were located, the business car stopped. Luo Xing, who no longer looked down on people, sincerely praised: "Mr Ding, you are truly amazing! It is indeed wise for Miss to form an alliance with you! "

Ding Lei laughed: "This is something that everyone will benefit from. You take me seriously, so of course I am willing to cooperate."

"Right, right. Everyone, let's work together happily. Mr Ding, if you leave alone, do you not need me to send a few people to protect you? "

"There's no need for that. Since I dared to come back alone, I naturally have ways to deal with Liao Family. Rest assured."

"Really? Then I won't say anymore. "Mr Ding, I'll go back and report, I wish you a pleasant journey," Luo Xing cupped his fists and left, and Chen Yuxin came over: "Mr Ding, we're rich, and in a short while, we earned over twenty thousand."

"More than 20,000 yuan?" Ding Lei replied lazily.

"Uh, there really aren't that many!" Thinking about how she would need 50,000 gold for a needle, Chen Yuxin looked lonely.

Ding Lei's heart skipped a beat. Just as he wanted to say a few words of consolation, a black car stopped by the side of the road and a man with a good temperament walked out. He had two powerful bodyguards by his side.

"Mr Ding, this one is Wang Qichen. Have you heard of our Wang Family?" The person said politely.

"The Wang Family," Ding Lei's face changed slightly, as expected, everything that was about to come came. His heart trembled as he replied indifferently, "I've heard of it."

"My grandfather has been bedridden for more than a month and I've invited many famous doctors to help me. When I heard that the Mr Ding had returned, I specifically invited you to visit my residence."

"Old Master Wang is seriously ill!" Ding Lei said in shock. He was hugged by the old man when he was young, he did not expect that after so much time had passed, the old man would become so sick.

"That's right, one month ago, the old man's body didn't show any signs of collapsing, which caught everyone off guard. After such a long period of time, Grandfather's health did not improve at all, but instead became even worse," Wang Qichen said with a depressed expression.

"Alright, let's go quickly," Ding Lei promised.

After getting on the carriage, no matter what, Ding Lei did not expect that there would still be someone sitting inside. The woman had an appearance that was not inferior to Luo Xuejuan's.

Chen Yuxin, who was accompanying the man in the car, was depressed. Why did the brat always call her big sister when he saw beauties?

Wang Wantine said with a smile: "It's me, I never thought that the little mischievous brat from back then would grow up to this extent."

Ding Lei said happily: "So Big Sis still remembers me!"

"Of course, our Wang Family and yours used to have quite a good relationship."

"Sigh, in the blink of an eye, dozens of years have passed. Little brother, I have grown up, and big sister, you are still as beautiful as me," Chen Yuxin couldn't help but let out a dry cough when she heard Ding Lei's emotional and aged voice.

Wang Wantine was startled at first, then smiled sweetly: "Little brother, Ding Lei, your words are so vulgar!"

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