"Husband, go to the garden and enjoy the flowers. Didn't the prince say that the flowers in the palace are in full bloom? We want to see the garden of the palace. " Chi wanting suddenly said.

"Yes, honey, take us around." Liu Meiyan and Bingmei agreed.

Chen Nan ha ha a smile, "go is not not can't, but you each person all have to let me touch there." Say words, Chen South pointed to the peaks that women chest towering.

"Bad guy, you know how to take advantage." Even so, a few women still put Shuangfeng in front of him.

Chennan everyone pinched for a while, let women is a groan again. Chen Nan took them to the park to enjoy the flowers.


"Not Caroline yet?" In the king's office, Abdallah put down his papers and looked at Hamza Road opposite him.

"She turned me down again." Hamza said with great frustration.

The king was not disappointed and said, "you are useless. You can't even make a woman."

"Forget it. I've investigated that Caroline was formerly one of the top three supermodels in the world. There are so many nobles pursuing her. Maybe she really doesn't feel for me. Besides, Jordan doesn't have to rely on them. Jordan can rely on itself." Hamza said with a embarrassed face, although he thought he was of noble blood, he became extremely insecure in front of Caroline.

"What do you know?" he snorted? Today, the Middle East is in turmoil, and we are in the middle of a powerful country. Once a war breaks out and we are helpless, it will be difficult to deal with the aftermath. Once you marry Caroline, we will have a strong backing. You know, the mercenaries of Langya are the division of tigers and wolves who have been fighting for a long time. Although they have only 40000 troops, they can serve as 100000 people. And don't forget, Ka Rowling and Sirius are golden partners. Once she has something to do, Sirius will never sit back and ignore it. It can be said that we are in an invincible position. "

"But she didn't really feel for me." Hamza was embarrassed to say that he had no confidence in the beauty and popularity of the Brazilian model.

When Abdullah patted the table, "if you don't feel like taking her, don't forget that you are the crown prince of a country. You can't even be a woman. How can I trust you to give Jordan to you? We must do whatever we can to win her heart. Besides, Jordan can marry four wives. She's just a move for us. Don't worry about it. "

"It's the father!" Hamza said solemnly, but at the thought of Caroline's powerful aura, he was still empty in his heart. He quickly turned away from the topic and said, "father, that so-called wolf tooth important man is just an ordinary young man. I don't think he's great. He's arrogant and has no demeanor. Moreover, his proposal is very casual and sincere. Why do you want to marry his sister to him?"

Looking at his son, Abdullah felt disappointed, patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't you even see that? Do you think he's really proposing? He didn't understand our customs at all. He just asked for a cup of coffee

"And the father will promise him?" Hamza's expression became more puzzled.

Abdullah looked at his son even more disappointed. "You think he is arrogant and has no demeanor, but I think he is much better than you. He is a person with deep sense. Even if I misunderstood him intentionally, he still has no refutation. This kind of demeanor is exactly what you lack."

After a pause, the king said, "since you know that Caroline is always proud, don't you think that the person she wants to pick up herself can't be an ordinary person? As far as I know, there is only one person in Langya who can convince Caroline. This person may be... "

"You mean he's Sirius?"

The king nodded solemnly, "it's likely to be him. Otherwise, how can Caroline pick it up herself? As you can see at the dinner table, she has a close relationship with that young man. She can talk about everything. Who else can make Caroline do this except her gold medal partner? "

"This..." Hamza looks like a vegetable. He didn't think of these deep things, but he is still not convinced. What about Sirius? It's just a martial arts man.

But Abdallah continued: "if Rania marries him, we will get the support of Langya. I heard that Sirius also has a great position in China. We can take the opportunity to establish cooperation with Huaxia. For us, it's a win-win move."

It has to be said that Abdullah is indeed very wise. He has analyzed the matter thoroughly only on the surface.

"But, father, you see, there are already three women around him."

"What about three women? Don't forget that we Jordan can marry four wives, and our daughter is going to get married after all. If we can exchange Rania for Langya's support and establish contact with Huaxia, it's worth it to us. "

"But father, since he has no intention, will he give up his marriage?" Amza not without worry said.

"I'm very confident in my daughter's beauty. Even if he really withdraws, I have a way. I will give him a rich dowry, a castle and an oil field, which he can't refuse."

"My father is still brilliant." Hamza lost no time to flatter him, and Abdullah patted him on the shoulder. "There are still variables in this matter. Caroline, you must win it. In addition, taking advantage of this visit, you must push the wolf teeth to the opposite of other countries, and let them wholeheartedly cooperate with us. We must work together to ensure that everything is safe..."……

The light of the stars is weak, and the moonlight is pouring into the palace like water. Chennan takes a few women for a walk in the garden. When they can take a walk in the palace garden, they feel very comfortable and haven't turned around for a long time.

Liu Meiyan suddenly pointed to a bright and decorated room and said, "look at the layout, it should be princess Rania's room. Now it's more than 11 o'clock in the night, and she hasn't slept yet. Husband, Princess Rania must be waiting for you to climb the wall."

"Well!" Chi wanting also said with a smile: "I've also heard of this custom. In Jordan, if a woman falls in love with a man, she will give him a hint. If the light is always on in a woman's room at night, she is willing to wait for him to climb the wall and do his good deeds."

Finish saying, a few women push Chen Nan together, "husband, Princess Lania is waiting for you to sleep, go quickly, spring night is worth thousands of gold, don't accompany us any more, go to accompany your charming princess."

"Ha ha!" Chen South wry smile, don't see a few women push of hot, but he in the mind but know, once oneself really climb Princess of wall, they must strangle oneself.

"Husband, are you going or not? Don't let the princess chill." Several women continued to urge.

"If you go, you'll go. If you have a princess with you, you'll never go." Chen south makes impassioned, suddenly went to the princess's room.

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