Chen Nan goes straight to the room with the light on. You can see it from a flower bed. The only window in the north is with the light on, and the window is also open. Through the gap of the curtain, you can see a graceful figure, but it's not who Princess Lania is?

A few women see him as expected past, immediately become nervous, but see Chen Nan suddenly came back, a few people at the same time relaxed, ice piece forward way: "husband, how don't you go?"

Chen Nan, with a smile, pinched her in her chest. "There are three beauties of all ages waiting for me to accompany them. What kind of Princess bird hair do I have to accompany?"

"You mean it." A few women all pulse of nestle up to come over, by Chen south big hand embrace, a few women jostle in his arms, not intimate.

Liu Meiyan suddenly pushed chennan away and pointed to a room with a light on in the East upstairs. She said, "husband, that room is also on. The beautiful women are waiting for you. Go and climb that wall."

Chennan touched his nose. He knew that it was Caroline's room, but he didn't expect Caroline to stay up so late.

"Go, go!" Several women pushed him together, and with a firm attitude, pushed him to the flower bed in front of the window.

Chen Nan said with a bitter smile: "what do you mean, dear? My husband wants to accompany you. Why do you have to let me climb other women's bed? "

Bingmei said: "honey, we will stop you when you climb the princess's wall, but we won't stop you when you climb Caroline's wall. We know Caroline's Thoughts on you. She has been waiting for you for many years. That day, in front of thousands of people in Shanghai, she came down to kiss you in her bikini. Does she still have to say anything about your thoughts?"

"Yes, husband!" Chi wanting also echoed: "this kind of thing you can't always let girls take the initiative, this time you take the initiative, to express to Caroline, don't cold her heart."

"Yes, take the initiative, show your sincerity, this kind of thing can't let us women always take the initiative, give Caroline a surprise, poetry where I go to tell her, I believe she will agree." It's a serious affair. Then the women ignored her and ran back to the room laughing.

Women are so understanding, let chennan mind is also very agitated, Caroline to his mind really needless to say, he also worried that women can't tolerate her, now all this is easy to solve.

Think about it, this kind of thing really can't always let women take the initiative, especially for Caroline, she has been waiting for herself too long, but with Caroline's pride, will she agree to work with other women? Chen Nan is not sure.

But no matter what, try it yourself. Chen Nan went to the flower bed to fold a rose. He didn't go through the door. He just stepped on the stone pillar and flew up to the window of Caroline's room.

"Click!" The room spreads a light to ring, this kind of voice Chen Nan is too familiar with, this is the gun's insurance was opened.

In the bedroom, Caroline was wearing t-pants, a bra, with a gun in her hands. Her eyes were staring at the dark shadow outside the window. She said in a cold voice, "who's outside, put your hands on your head, come out for me."

She is a little restless tonight. Chennan and some women's figures are constantly flashing in front of her eyes. She can't sleep. Chennan already has several women. She does have some hesitation, but she also has expectations.

"Caroline, you're still so alert." Outside Chen South laughs a way, conveniently picked open the curtain.

See is him, Caroline immediately put away the gun, also didn't avoid his dress, blue beautiful eye wave flow angry Chen Nan one eye, "there is a door don't go, just want to climb the window, so many years your problem hasn't changed?"

At this time, Caroline was wearing a gold patterned corset and t-trousers. Her posture was protruding forward and backward. The towering mountains in front of her chest revealed a white flower. The narrow t-trousers below could not restrain her huge buttocks. A few golden weeds protruded out. The deep buttock seams made people imagine, and the wheat skin showed a woman's youthful vigor.

The Brazilian model's hot figure made Chen Nandun swallow and spit. He raised the flower with a smile. "Caroline, I want to surprise you. I've sent roses here."

"Really for me?" Caroline came up with a smile. Although it was only one flower, she was very excited. She said, "it's the first time that you've sent flowers to me in so many years. What's your intention?"

Chen Nan took the flower but didn't give it to her. She gently stroked her blonde hair with her big hand and said, "Caroline, I failed you these years. Now I want to make up for it. I don't know if it's too late? If you are willing to be my woman, take this flower. After all, I have several women and I am not what I used to be. If you don't want to, I won't blame you. "

"No, you are the same as before. In my eyes, you are the same as before. You haven't changed at all." Caroline suddenly took the rose in his hand and cried in his arms. Her height was stronger than chennan's, but she tried to squeeze her head into his arms, and tears poured down.

"Caroline Chennan's voice is choking. He has too much guilt for this Brazilian girl. He has let her down since he was in Siberia training camp. However, over the years, this girl has been waiting for her. From her giving up the glory of international supermodel to come to the Middle East, it shows her feelings.To be sure, Brazilian women are not always the ones who keep them, but chennan's trust in her and her sincerity also win her sincerity, which makes this Brazilian Cattelan wait all the time.

Chen Nan's big hand gently stroked her blonde hair. Because of her height, his other hand naturally hugged her snow buttock, gently stroked, and the amazing elasticity was so real.

Feeling the touch of the man's big hand, Caroline nestles in his arms and sobs gently. Indeed, she has too many grievances, because she is waiting for Yao Qingxue, because she is still waiting for Nalan poetry. Today, the man finally confesses to her that she needs to vent her tears, which flow constantly in chennan's chest and soon wet his skirt.

At this moment, the Brazilian model, the world's top female killer, is no longer proud. In a man's arms, she is also a little woman. She needs a man's arms to comfort her and a man's big hand to touch her.

"Caroline, I've been sorry for you all these years." Chen South cheek rubs her golden hair soft voice way.

"No, you're not sorry. I'm content to wait until you tell me in person today." Caroline cried again with joy, raised her beautiful eyes and looked at the man in front of her affectionately, but her blue eyes were full of tears.

Chennan reaches out her hands and embraces her waist. Caroline naturally leans back, and the man's lips slowly come up. Caroline looks at the man above deeply, and her pretty chin leans up to meet the man's mouth.

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