She said that, as a default of the identity of the company's executives, the superior and pride of the upper position showed up again unconsciously. Of course, chennan didn't care. The old classmate mixed well. He was too happy to do so. He was happy for her from the heart. He drank the wine and said with a cheerful smile: "well, there are people in the court who are easy to do things. The old classmate must take care of me. If there is something, I'll find you!"

They chatted with each other while drinking. They talked about the interesting things on campus, the love stories among their classmates, and the development after graduation. Because they were not happy, Murong qinger didn't drink less. Her face was red, and she was more and more bright, proud and charming.

"Wine, sir?"

A pretty girl's voice came over. Chennan suddenly looked back and saw a slim girl standing behind her. She was wearing colorful clothes, a T-shirt with beer trademark on her chest and back, green paint on her face, and a hat like a bottle cap on her head. The whole person looked like a beer bottle.

Although she painted herself colorful, her youthful vigor could not be concealed, especially when she wore a ponytail at the back of her head. As soon as she saw which college students were selling beer and earning some tuition fees, she stopped an electric car behind her, which was full of beer.

"Then give me a dozen!" Help a student, Chen Nan certainly won't mind.

Murong qinger said, "have we had a dozen of drinks? A lot, two bottles! "

"It's OK. I can't drink it slowly. It's not easy for a girl's family to come out and sell beer!" Chen Nan said with a smile.

"You haven't changed at all!" Murong qinger looks at chennan with a smile, and her expression is intoxicated.

But when Chen Nan took out the money and waited for the girl to take the beer, the girl's eyes suddenly turned cold and hummed: "I won't sell it to you

Then the girl turned around and pushed the car away.

Chen south a Leng, oneself and she have a grudge not to become? I wanted to help her buy more beer. What's the attitude? With this idea, he can't help looking at the girl carefully. It's obvious that the girl is not someone else. She is actually a wine entrusted girl, Xiang Shan, Qiao Shishi's best friend.

"I said jiutuo, it's you!" Chen Nan laughed.

"Hooligans!" At the thought of being pinched two red beans in front of his chest by this si Bai, but this si doesn't buy his own wine, so Xiang Shan doesn't fight one place.

Murong qinger saw that chennan and other girls must have a festival. Seeing that she was going to leave, she quickly said, "little sister, if you don't sell it to him, you can sell it to me. The taste of green beer is pure. It's my favorite. Little sister, can you satisfy my sister's wish?"

Xiang Shan turns around and sees Murong qinger not only beautiful, but also elegant and cool. Even if she thinks she is not bad, she has to admit that she is the kind of woman that makes a man's heart beat when he sees her. She can't help feeling a little rough.

This smelly man had a peerless beauty called goddess in the bar last time. Now, looking at this elegant woman's expression, she seems to be in a hurry with him, which makes her feel more depressed. What's good about this smelly man? Unexpectedly, he was attracted by an elegant and noble woman and Qiao Shishi. He was also attracted by the situation. It's really speechless.

But although she is not happy with chennan, she has no enmity with Murong qinger. Such an elegant and beautiful woman wants to buy her own wine so politely. She is embarrassed not to sell it. I had to turn around and put a dozen beers on the table and said with a smile, "sister, this is the wine you want!"

"Thank you, little sister!" Murong qinger opens her handbag and hands the money to Xiangshan.

"Well, I said, beauty, why don't you give me a drink? Why did you run to the front row to push the wine Chen Nan asks curiously in the heart.

"None of your business?" Jiutuo girl gave him a big white eye and pushed the car to the other side.

See Chen Nan repeatedly eat shriveled, Murong Qing'er cover lips smile, graceful, attracted many guests for its side.

"Ah Chen Nan sighs a tone, "the woman grows of beautiful, even the woman all give face, like me such father don't kiss mother don't love of, want to do good all don't become!"

"Cluck!" Murong qinger laughs, "old classmate, don't I do good as you do good? What else can we share with each other! "

Having said that, Murong qinger Fang feels that her words are too intimate, and immediately spreads a layer of blush on her face and lowers her head in a hurry.

"Ha ha, naturally we have to divide. If we don't, I'm afraid your husband will chop me three streets with a kitchen knife!" Chen South hit ha ha, a Yang neck, poured down a cup of wine completely.

Murong Qing'er didn't respond. She lowered her head and sipped the wine gently.

"Would you like some wine, sir?" On the other hand, Xiangshan saw that the wine on the table of some big men was gone. She came forward and asked. She saw that although several people had drunk a lot of wine, they still didn't have enough, so she went forward to sell.

Several people are staring at Xiang Shan's chest, a pair of towering, although Xiang Shan is slim, but there is particularly big, attracted several men straight swallow spit, a humanitarian: "yes, how not? But little sister, if you want me to buy your wine, you have to promise me a condition! "

"What conditions?"

Selling wine naturally meets all kinds of people. Xiang Shan doesn't like the name of a few people. Besides, they are much older than her. That's not too much."Let me touch your milk. If you feel good, buy a dozen immediately!" As he spoke, the man reached for a towering mountain in front of the girl.

Xiang Shan's face changed. He hurriedly turned aside and suddenly grabbed the empty wine bottle on the table and smashed it on the man's head. "When, slap!" The beer bottle was slapped on the man's head and broke on the spot. The man is full of broken glass and shaken. Everyone looks like three heads.

"Damn, dare to hit my brother, I'll take you in!"

Other several people immediately rush up to grasp Xiang Shan, lift leg to Shan is a kick to the front one crotch. When the visitor saw that his companion suffered losses, he was on guard. He turned aside and grabbed the girl's foot in his hand. The other two grabbed the bottle and twisted her arm.

Xiang Shan struggled desperately, but although she was fierce, she was fragile after all. How could she be the opponent of several hooligans? She was soon controlled.

These people are obviously local ruffians. The beaten hooligan wiped the blood on his head and stood up. His eyes were lustful. He cried fiercely, "take her to the woods over there. Dare you beat me, brother! I'll beat her several times, grass!"

Although many people come here to have dinner, they retreat one after another. No one dares to take care of them, or even call the police. A few hooligans are obviously frequent customers here. The boss is afraid of being retaliated, so he is also indifferent to this scene.

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