Several people are pulling Xiangshan to a nearby forest, and they are trying their best to kick Xiangshan. However, they are too weak to work. They are about to fall into the clutches.

"Let him go!" A cold hum suddenly came. Several hooligans turned around and saw a young man standing behind him, with an elegant cold beauty beside him.

Murong qinger is afraid of Chen Nan's loss. She takes out her mobile phone to call the police. Chen Nan holds it down and signals her to step back.

"Grass, none of your business? Get the hell out of here A few hooligans fan around to scare him away.

Chennan not only didn't retreat, but walked forward leisurely, surrounded by a few hooligans. Murong qinger's heart was tight. Although chennan was good at fighting in high school, it was school after all. No matter how fierce he was, could he fight several tough hooligans?

"Beat him!" A few hooligans Hula rushed up, Chen Nan suddenly raised his feet, swept to the left, and then whirled around. A few hooligans clearly saw his feet coming, but they couldn't escape, "bang bang!" They were all kicked out, and in the twinkling of an eye, the ground was filled with wails.

What's more frightening to everyone is that the young man just stepped on the body of several hooligans and walked slowly to the big man who caught Xiangshan. Several people were lying on the ground and were shocked by his awe inspiring momentum.

"Don't come here!" Seeing his skill, the man who caught Xiangshan suddenly raised his hand and pinched Xiangshan's neck, "if you go further, I'll strangle her!"

"To die!" Chen South hand suddenly forward a probe, didn't wait for the man reaction to come over to choke his neck, a lift him up, the hand gun pedal that is pinched, which can also pinch to Shan again, the hand naturally loosened her.

Xiang Shan retreats to one side and breathes. It takes a long time for her to react. Although she has seen the man's skill in the bar, she still feels shocked to see him at this time.

big man has the final say, his eyes are shaking, and he is scared. "Big brother, you don't choke. We are taking it. What do you do?"

"Hoo Chen Nan pinches the big man's neck, Sheng Sheng swings him up, throws him out, and throws several people to the ground again.

Looking at this scene, Murong qinger's heart is surging, and the stars are shining in her eyes. The man is still so domineering and fierce, cold and natural, and the familiar man is back. If other men hit people, she would feel disgusted, but this man hit people, but he was infatuated with, in school, she often hid in the distance to watch him fight with people, watch him hit people, watch him be hit, her heart will follow him or joy, or sorrow, now she found that familiar feeling, excited hands are a little trembling.

"Go away!" Chen south a cold hum, a few hooligans help lie on the ground mouth foaming man, two words dare not say, ash Liuliu ran away.

"Thank you!" Xiangshan came forward and said, after all, the man saved her, and I was very grateful.

"Don't mention it. If you see injustice on the road, help. Be careful when you come out later!" Chen Nan's face restored the smile of indifference, with just now overbearing and cold appearance is different.

"Well, I will!" Xiang Shan lowered his head and said, no longer staying, pedaling his electric tricycle slowly left the big gear.

"You haven't changed at all!" Murong Qing'er runs to Chen Nan and looks up at the man in front of her. Her beautiful eyes are just like the stars in the sky. She is a little obsessed.

"I said old classmate, you said this sentence three times tonight!" Chen Nan sat back on the seat with a smile, drank a mouthful of wine, picked up the kebab to eat.

"I can't say it a hundred times!" Murong Qing'er said in her heart, and sat back to her seat with a red face.

Seeing that the hooligans were beaten away, the number of guests gradually increased, and the lively scene just now resumed.

The boss came over and said with a smile: "those hooligans often come to eat free food. Today, you beat them away. You can also help me. I'll take this meal!"

Chen Nan nods and doesn't say much. Although she's not happy with her boss, this society is just like this. People are indifferent, the world is cool, and it's none of her business. Xiang Shan was taken away just now. Who else can help her, not only the boss? It's not to hide far away for fear of implicating yourself.

Murong qinger said with a smile: "old classmate, you have a burst of character. You can get rid of a meal!"

"You are handsome, you can't help it!" Chen Nan said with a smile.

"Cluck!" Murong qinger chuckles and suddenly turns her eyes and says, "old classmate, do you remember Yao Qingxue, our school flower of that year?"

Chen Nan's vision instantly becomes gloomy, and suddenly pours a glass of wine into it. It takes a long time to light a cigarette and smoke silently: "don't mention her in front of me!"

Seeing Chen Nan's cold eyes, Murong Qing'er feels a little scared, but she is secretly happy. She sips a sip of wine gently and says slowly: "I heard that she was admitted to a key university. She should have a bright future, but later I don't know why she went back to her hometown. Alas, it's a pity..."

"I said, don't mention her in front of me!"

"Bang!" Chen Nan mercilessly puts the wine cup on the table, and startles Murong Qing'er. Seeing that Chen Nan turns around and wants to leave, he quickly gets up and pats him on the chest. "Old classmate, don't be angry. I just mention it by accident. Who knows, I'll punish myself if I mention your sadness!"Say words, Murong fine son poured a full cup of wine with Chen Nan's cup, Yang Qi snow-white powder neck, one mouthful all drank in.

People Murong Qing'er such attitude, chennan of course not good to complain, had to sit back on the seat again.

Seeing him sit down, Murong Qing'er is at ease, but she decides to let this man give up on Yao Qingxue, let him know what kind of woman Yao Qingxue is, and comfort her hurt heart these years.

Sit down again, Chen Nan doesn't say a word, just drink and smoke, let Murong qinger see some heartache, stretch out a hand to press his cup, smile: "old classmate, don't drink, drink too much hurt, I take you to a fun place!"

"Where to?" Chen South swept her one eye, in the heart depressed knot, go home to also want to face oneself that icy wife, pour also didn't refuse her.

"You'll know when you go. Let's go!" Murong Qing'er takes the car key on the table, pulls chennan to the copilot, and then starts the car in the driver's seat.

The neon lights on both sides of the street are flashing. This is the time for people to enjoy their nightlife. The business of night clubs that nobody patronizes in the daytime is booming. The voices of people are noisy, and red men and green women are shuttling among them.

The dark red Nissan Tianlai stops opposite a luxury nightclub. Two people get out of the car. Chennan glances at the nightclub store and immediately frowns, because this is the pyramid of Shanghai nightlife, the holy land of celebrity entertainment, Tianwaitian nightclub.

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