"Old classmate, it's my treat. Let's go in and have a drink!" Murong fine son said, very naturally came forward to take Chen Nan's arm.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in it!" Chen Nan turns around and wants to leave.

"Just go in and have a drink. It won't take long!" Murong fine son refused to let go, said what also want to let Chen south in to sit.

At this time, a man and a woman came out of the nightclub. The man was a bald middle-aged man. The woman was beautiful and coquettish. Holding the bald man's arm, she came out of the nightclub and went to a Rolls Royce phantom.

Seeing this woman, chennan's face suddenly froze and her hands trembled slightly. Although it had been a long time, every time he saw this woman embracing with other men, he still could not restrain the emotion in his heart. There was a feeling that he wanted to kill people. His face began to twist and his breathing became heavier.

Seeing his angry expression, Murong Qing'er is more and more proud. Her goal has been achieved, and she doesn't pull Chen Nan into the nightclub. Holding her shoulders, she begins to enjoy a man and a woman hugging and flirting with each other to the limousine.

"Ah, old classmate, isn't this Yao Qingxue? How could she Become a princess? It's a good mix! " Murong Qing'er shouts in surprise that Chen Nan can see the school flowers fall to such a state. She is very happy. She thinks Chen Nan doesn't know that Yao Qingxue has done this business. Now let him see it with his own eyes. I think his heart will incline to him.

Chen Nan hands tremble fierce, suddenly clenched his fist, speechless, turned and left, otherwise he didn't think he could hold on, would kill that man.

Murong qinger looks back at Yao Qingxue and follows chennan to the edge of the woods. She turns her small mouth and says, "I didn't expect that Qingxue would be reduced to such a situation. She became a prostitute. I think she was the flower of our school, and she was admitted to a key university. Hum, it's so ugly..."

Chen Nan's face is twisted, suddenly turns around and grabs Murong Qing'er's neckline. She wears too thin, even the bra inside is caught, and a pair of plump twin peaks are pressed tightly.

Chen south two words don't say, drag her into the woods, a press on the ground. Murong Qing'er intentionally brings himself here, how can Chen Nan not see it?

"You What do you want to do? " Looking at his bloodshot eyes, Murong Qing'er is a little afraid. What does he drag himself into the woods for? Don't you want to Thinking of this, Murong qinger's heart is pounding and blushing. He doesn't want himself now, does he? Fear at the same time, more vaguely some expectations, even unconsciously will plump hips up.

Just when she thought that chennan would take herself in such a domineering way, she saw that chennan suddenly pulled out her belt, swung her arms round, and slapped it on Murong qinger, because she cocked up her buttocks, and the belt was pulling on her buttocks.

Poor Murong Qing'er's elegant and round buttock suddenly had a red seal, and was called out. But the more so, the more let Murong qinger feel a different kind of stimulation, she even some like the man this kind of domineering appearance, unexpectedly because of masochism become excited, in the heart more look forward to, even can't help moaning.

Next, chennan is continuously several belt pumping on her body, the pink snow muscle is pulled out several red marks, Murong Qing'er screams in pain, she thinks chennan may take herself in this rude way, although she feels ashamed, but her heart is more excited.

"Pa Pa Pa!" Chen Nan continuously drew six or seven times, and then regardless of her, turned and left, let Murong Qing'er suddenly fell from the peak of excitement to the bottom of the valley, he pushed himself down, unexpectedly didn't want to, so he left?

For a long time, Murong Qing'er reacts and staggers out of the woods. But Chen Nan doesn't say a word and strides into the nightclub.

Murong qinger finally shed sad tears. The man would rather go to the young lady than beat herself. It hurt the girl's heart too much. In the past, he turned a blind eye to his love. After eight years, he became more beautiful and charming. He became an executive and a fashionable woman. He even despised himself. Is he so beautiful in his heart Is it unbearable?

"Wuwu..." Murong qinger is heartbroken and can't help sobbing. Originally, she thought that Yao Qingxue would make him lean towards herself, but she didn't expect this result. She staggers into the car and lies on the steering wheel, crying all the time.

Chen Nan walked into the nightclub, and the iron leopard who was watching the field came up, "brother Nan!"

Chen South gloomy face, didn't see him one eye, straight through the hall to the top floor special elevator. Iron leopard quickly swipe the card, cancel the ban, help chennan start the elevator. Watch him go in, busy pull out the air headset in the collar, informed Bingmei.

When Bingmei gets the news, she immediately informs her subordinates that no matter what important guests are on the top roof, she immediately asks them to leave without leaving one.

When Chen Nan came into the rooftop, there was no one inside. Qingzhu and Xiaoyue were separated on both sides and called "CHEN Ye" respectfully.

pavilions, terraces and open halls, are the dreams of countless men in Shanghai and even throughout China. Not only do you have the best women in the world, but also enjoy the great river, the bright pearl of the Oriental Pearl, the heavy traffic, the pavilions and the mountains and rivers.There is a poem: only to the sky outside the sky, the golden wolf Beidou Zhanguang cold. Inside the sacred wind of the thousand story pagoda, there is a pearl in the sea of clouds. Chengdai red ring Jinhu, Yaotai flying fire according to the river sail. The Jade Flute and flute are the sea fairies of Penglai.

The holy land of celebrities is extraordinary. Chen Nan turned a blind eye to the luxury of the top floor, and was not in the mood to appreciate the beauty of the night in Shanghai. He quickly went to the bath and took off his coat Jump directly into the bath and swim like a fish.

Under the current's scour, that ferocious breath gradually subsides, "Hua la!" Chen Nan came out of the water, threw the drops on his head and walked slowly to the bank.

Bingmei had been waiting here for a long time. She took the bathrobe and underwear from the maid's hand, went to chennan, handed the clothes to him, and said with a smile: "chenye, change clothes!"

Two maid red face side a body, after all and ice Mei had a night, Chen south also have no scruple, in front of her face change underwear, will bathrobe draped in the body.

Chen Nan's muscles are not as obvious as some men's abdominal muscles and protruding muscles. His muscles are well proportioned, smooth and masculine.

Looking at the man's strong body, ice Mei's body can't help rising a stream of heat, her cheeks flushed and her head lowered.

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