Bing Mei's eyes brightened and she looked up at him. Then she buried Zhen Shou in his arms again. She closed her eyes gently and said, "as long as you have me in your heart, I'm not suitable to be a wife. What I have to do is to choose a suitable man and be his lover all my life. Now, you are the man!"

Even if the heart of a man is like a rock, in the face of such a woman, there is only one word can be described as moving, not to mention that he is still a flesh and blood man, what can he say in the face of such a beautiful thing? What a man should do is to love her and love her heartily, and never let her suffer any injustice.

Suddenly, Chen turns over again with her tender feelings.


After a long night, Chen Nan walked into the office building of Donghuan group. As soon as he got to the door of the public relations department, he saw four slim legs wearing black silk stockings under the table.

In chennan's impression, although there are many beauties in the public relations department, there are not many who can have such beautiful legs. Peerless Shuangyu can have them, but Li Lingyu's legs are beautiful and more mellow. Another one is Jin Xiangyu, who doesn't speak much. But Jin Xiangyu always wears conservative clothes and doesn't wear much lace. Since it's not them, these two beautiful legs will be beautiful Whose is it?

With doubts, Chen Nan walks into the public relations department and looks at the owners above the two pairs of slender legs. He is stunned. One of the owners of the two legs is Chi wanting, director of public relations, and the other It turned out to be the city's leading TV station Huadan, youth idol class host, beauty Qin Wanrou.

"Isn't Qin Wanrou the host? What are you doing in Donghuan group? Have you come to work in the public relations department? "

Chennan pretends to be OK and walks past the two beauties. When Chi wanting sees him coming in, she immediately gives him a big white eye. After one night's cultivation, the girl also recovers and is still worried about what happened in the car yesterday. Naturally, she won't give him a good look.

Qin Wanrou is completely stunned when she looks at Chen Nan's side face. She can't be more familiar with Gu Yi's face. He once grabbed eggs with his bare hands, but he refused an interview that he had never failed. In the zenith of the sky, this man gives him a deep shock. It can be said that Gu Yi's body shadow has completely melted into her mind.

But what puzzled her was, why did this fan like man appear here and come to the public relations department of Donghuan group?

See Qin Wanrou looking at Chen Nan in a daze, Chi wanting said with a smile: "Qin anchor, do you know him?" According to Chi wanting's understanding, Qin Wanrou, as the number one star of TV station, how can she get to know a little public relations at the bottom? How can Qin's always lofty host get to know a scoundrel? Chennan can know such beauty, it is the blasphemy of beauty.

"Oh, I don't know. I just look like an acquaintance!" Qin Wanrou shakes her head in a panic. Although she really wants to know why Chen Nan is here, as an ace host, she is interested in a little public relations, which will undoubtedly be noticed. Every move of celebrities will be reported crazily by paparazzi. She is used to being reserved, so she can only give up this idea.

Fortunately, Chi wanting, fearing that Qin Wanrou would be stuck by the scoundrel, took the initiative to explain: "his name is Chen Nan. He is a small public relations officer under my command. The whole public relations department Oh, no, he is the most worthless man in the whole group. He is lazy, lecherous and rogue. In a word, he has nothing to do. You must not be entangled by him! "

"Oh Qin Wanrou answered softly, but she was murmuring in her heart. You said that he was so unbearable. Did the leader say that to his subordinates in front of outsiders? It's obvious that you're attracted to him, but you don't know it.

Chen Nan returned to his seat and soon learned from Guan Pang the reason why Qin Da came here. Donghuan group invited anchor Qin to do a personal interview for president Nalan Shiyu and report on the company's products by the way. To put it bluntly, Qin Wanrou was invited to make a soft advertisement and take this opportunity to publicize Donghuan group.

As the saying goes, it's hard to be alone. In order to set off the president, she also had an interview with Minister Chi. As the Minister of public relations, Chi wanting also had to take the responsibility of reception, so she was invited to the public relations department for a visit.

After sitting in the public relations department for a while, they went into the office to discuss specific interview matters. After all, there are many things to prepare for an exclusive interview.

At lunch time, Nalan Shiyu arranged that Murong qinger, the first assistant, on behalf of herself, and Minister Chi hosted Qin Wanrou for a lunch, and then held a banquet after the evening interview.

Just make Chen South didn't expect is, pool minister in case, unexpectedly arrange him to do bodyguard, accompany to have a meal together.

After getting the news, Chen Nantong was a big head, and Chi wanting didn't need to say that they had no solution to the contradiction. Murong qinger, who had just smoked someone's ass with her belt yesterday, was embarrassed to meet. Qin Wanrou had another encounter with herself in Tianwaitian. She had something to do with the three women, but now she has to accompany them as a subordinate and bodyguard Eating is very special. It's a headache.

There's no way. This is the order of the president. Minister Chi agrees. Nalan Shiyu saw him catch eggs and beat away hooligans with his bare hands. He knew that he was good at it. In case of an accident, he arranged for him to protect Qin Wanrou with him.

Outside the public relations department, three people met Murong qinger, who represented the president. Murong qinger seemed to have forgotten what happened yesterday and didn't say that chennan was her classmate in front of Chi wanting. However, she glanced at chennan bitterly and accompanied Qin Wanrou to the elevator with Chi wanting. Chen Nan had to follow as a bodyguard.As soon as the four of them came downstairs, a young man in suit and shoes came up with flowers in hand. He came to Murong qinger and presented the flowers with both hands. He said, "qinger, if you have time at noon, let's have dinner together."

Murong Qing'er's eyebrows slightly frowned. She subconsciously looked at Chen Nan beside her eyes, showing a trace of embarrassment. Her face was cold and said: "Mr. Hao, I'm working. Please go back!"

The young man looked up at Qin Wanrou, his eyes suddenly brightened, and said with a smile: "it turned out that he was dining with the anchor of Qin. It happened that I didn't have lunch yet. It's really a good thing to invite some beautiful women to dinner. It happens that we are all together!" Mr. Hao is about to smile.

Murong qinger said with a cold face: "Hao Chen, I'm really working. Please don't disturb me. Wan Rou, let's go!"

Murong qinger took Qin Wanrou's arm and took the lead to walk forward. Hao Chen also wants to keep up, and is stopped by Chen Nan. "Mr. Hao, Murong qinger is working. Please don't disturb her!"

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