Hao Da Shao turned his eyes to see Chen Nan, disdaining a way: "who are you?"

"I'm their temporary bodyguard!"

"There are bodyguards? Temporary? "

Hao Dashao is shocked to see that Murong qinger really has no time to deal with herself. Hao Chen stares at chennan and has to give up. He looks down to see that the roses in his hand haven't been sent out yet. He takes two steps to catch up with Murong qinger and says, "qinger, since you don't have time, I'll invite you another day. Take the flowers first."

Murong qinger is really impatient of being entangled, so she has to take the flowers and walk to her own sounds of nature.

After taking a few steps, he saw that Hao Chen didn't catch up. Murong Qing'er handed the rose to chennan. "Help me take it and find a place to throw it away."

"It's good to be chased. Why throw it away?" Chen South laughs a way, but in the heart is pondering, Murong fine son isn't married? There are still people chasing after you. It's obvious that you are the young master of the same family according to the young people's clothes. The old classmates are really charming.

"It's as sticky as a plaster. I don't like him. You can find a place to throw the flowers away." Murong qinger murmurs in a low voice and gives the flowers to chennan.

After all, it's temporary protection for a few people. Chennan has to take the flowers in his hand. Before getting on the bus, his hand loosens and the flowers fall on the ground. A car just comes from behind and directly turns the flowers into dregs.

In the distance, Hao Chen sees that the flowers he sent are thrown away by chennan, and he wants to jump up. At this time, he sees that the flowers have become rotten leaves. He thinks chennan is on purpose and wants to rush up to fight with him. But Tianlai has started. In order to keep his demeanor in front of the beauty, Hao can only watch the car go away.

A few people get on the bus, come to the hotel, enter the already set room, wait for a few women to sit down, chennan also sat down, after all, the bodyguard also want to eat. Minister Chi glared at him, but didn't say anything.

Time is not long, food and wine come up, as the saying goes, three women a play, a few women taste red wine, talking about Hao Chen's pursuit of Murong qinger.

Chen Nan listens to three women's comments. Hao Chen is actually the son of mayor Hao, the head of the municipal government. She meets Bing Yan's Murong qinger at an enterprise banquet. She is attracted by her indifference and pursues it.

"Mayor hao?" Chennan suddenly remembered that when she was having dinner with Nalan Shiyu sisters in Songlei Hotel, the waiter mentioned mayor Hao. The Snowcock she ate was specially reserved for mayor Hao by the hotel. The hotel opened by the gangsters ordered Snowcock for the mayor. It seems that mayor Hao is still a mayor with inner show.

Having said that, Hao Chen, the three people began to talk about the interview again. Chen Nan couldn't talk about this kind of thing. He just ate with his head stuffy.

Qin Wanrou once in a while, after two meals, she said nothing about her work.

Three women tasted tea elegantly. Minister Chi looked at chennan. He suddenly showed a spring breeze smile on his face and said with a smile: "who, Xiaochen, you settle the account."

"I grass, leaders eat, I pay?" Chen Nan was speechless for a while. The company invited host Qin, but he asked me to treat him? This is what kind of truth, and then look at minister Chi's proud eyes, chennan immediately realized that it was this girl who was deliberately retaliating.

According to Chi wanting's meaning, after all, there is a Qin anchor present. On such an important occasion, chennan can't raise her opinion face to face. If you offend Qin anchor and ruin the interview, chennan is the culprit. Minister Chi has 100 reasons to dismiss him. It is because of this that Chi wanting dares to punish chennan openly.

In fact, with her rigorous work attitude, she would not have done this. She was taken advantage of by this guy yesterday and was depressed. Therefore, she seized every opportunity to punish chennan. Moreover, chennan's achievement yesterday was equivalent to her salary for one year, which made her even more depressed. Who should he punish.

Looking at Chen Nan's indignant appearance, Minister Chi's heart is as happy as eating an ice cream in the dog days. Yesterday's depression is swept away.

On the surface, three women and a man eat together, and the man pays the bill. Murong qinger and Chi wanting are best friends. When they see that she asks Chen nan to pay for the bill, they worry that Chen Nan will lose face because he has no money. Although it's lunch, after all, they invite Qin to host the meal. Although the money can be reported, it's absolutely not small for a bottom-up pr. it's hard to say whether Chen Nan has money.

Last night, Murong Qing'er also thought about it. She knew that there must be Yao Qingxue in chennan's heart. Her own practice offended him, so she was beaten by him in a rage.

It's just a symbolic warning that Chen Nan is still in love. Otherwise, with his strength, Murong qinger can't catch a belt. Murong qinger also knows this. Just because Chen Nan can't forget Yao Qingxue, it makes her want to win the man. Therefore, she decides to rush to pay the bill later, which will not make Chen Nan lose face, but will also make things worse solve.

Chen Nan thinks about it. It's his wife's company. If one day his wife agrees to be with him, it's also his company. Of course, I don't know when to wait. But anyway, it's natural for him to pay the bill. From this point of view, Minister Chi's arrangement doesn't count, so he doesn't care with her. He orders the waiter to pay the bill."Hello, sir, the total is 630 yuan!" The waiter politely comes over and says that although Murong qinger wants to check out, chennan is a man after all, so the waitress directly ignores Murong qinger and comes directly to chennan. In the waiter's opinion, three beauties accompany you to dinner. No matter what, this meal should be invited by him.

This money chennan also asked, so take out the wallet to settle the bill, his wallet bulging, a look at a lot of money.

"No wonder I can have dinner with three beauties. I'm really a local rich man!"

The waitress gives chennan an evaluation in her heart, waiting for chennan to pay the bill.

"I'll tie it!" Murong qinger suddenly reaches out her hand to grab chennan's wallet. Her meaning is not to let chennan settle the bill. Chennan subconsciously pulls it back. As a result, Murong qinger doesn't hold it firmly and the wallet falls to the ground.

"Bang bang!" The wallet first touched the legs of the chair twice, and then fell to the ground. A stack of white papers fell out of it and scattered all over the floor. In a flash, the floor was covered with pieces of paper.

The three women and the waiter were all silly. No one thought that there were so many papers in his wallet.

"No wonder it's so thick. It's stuffed with paper, but it's used for face filling!" The waitress's adoring eyes turned into disdain.

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