Seeing that chennan's wallet is stuffed with so much paper, Murong qinger regrets not folding it. She didn't want to make him lose face, but now she exposes the fact that his wallet was stuffed with paper because of her own fault. She thinks that he has always been good at face, so she may hate herself. Isn't her hope to be with him even more slim? Murong qinger's regretful tears almost didn't come out.

In response, Chi wanting holds her shoulders and looks at chennan with her sexy lips filled with pride and ridicule. This guy actually stuffed paper in his wallet to make face. Now it is revealed that she makes a fool of herself in front of the beauties. Her heart is sweeter than honey. Her depression in the past few days has completely gone to jiuxiao cloud. It's so cool, it's so cool. Minister Chi has never been so cheerful as now What's the matter? It's all over in one fell swoop.

She is proud, but the next scene makes her completely stunned. I can't believe it. Qin Wanrou and Murong qinger rush to the bottom of the table to pick up the broken paper, but chennan sits there as leisurely as no one else. There's no sense of embarrassment.

"Why? Why is that? " Chi wanting's cheerfulness was blocked before it broke out completely. The taste was like eating delicious food with flies in it. Originally, I wanted to see him make a fool of himself, but I didn't expect that Murong qinger, who has always been cool and gorgeous, and Qin Wanrou, who has always been aloof, even ignored the reserve of women and condescended to pick up those broken papers.

Two beauties who have always been true to men are willing to serve him, which not only does not make him disgrace, but also lengthens the face of the rascal and makes Chi wanting more indignant. She coldly glanced at the papers, which were painted with some circles and irregular symbols. Just like graffiti, they were obviously a pile of waste paper. It was nothing special. Two women went to pick them up for him regardless of the image of a beautiful woman. It was really Chi wanting gas almost did not scold the "cheap" two words.

Chen Chen Nan's idea of her secret love for Murong soon overthrew her in high school? Aloof and arrogant, disdaining the pursuit of the mayor, will you secretly love a little PR? What's more, Murong qinger said that her secret lover was perfect, but what about the man in front of her? Nothing, how can not be her secret lover, then why is she so low-profile scramble to pay the bill, regardless of the image of beauty to pick up waste paper? She couldn't figure it out.

As for Qin Wanrou, she couldn't figure it out. The only explanation was love at first sight, so she didn't care about the image to pick up paper for him. But is that possible? As a TV station's leading actress and youth idol host, if you want to get her celebrities, there are countless dandies. Will she fall in love with a rogue and a little PR at first sight? It's a myth. But if it wasn't love at first sight, why did she look at Chen Nan in a daze in the public relations department and now pick up paper for him?

Chi wanting is a bit messy. Of course, she is more indignant about the two beauties who ignore their image to pick up paper for him. The most important thing is that her idea of laughing at him is ruined. She is depressed, depressed and angry.

Looking at this scene, the waitress was also shocked, but she didn't have so many ideas.

Chen Nan didn't think much of it. These papers were just what he wrote down when he was learning talismans and arrays. They couldn't understand them, so they chose them if they wanted.

Two women picked up the paper and stood up. Murong qinger didn't expect that the host of Qin university would go down to the bottom of the table to pick up the paper. She gave her a strange look.

Qin Wanrou gathered some scattered hair, gave her the waste paper with a smile and said, "I'm afraid you can't pick it up by yourself. Just do me a favor!"

For her practice, Murong qinger is still a little grateful. After all, she got the paper on the ground. She should pick it up because of her feelings and reason. If other people are looking at themselves picking up the paper below, the face of cold beauty will not come down.

"Thank you Murong qinger whispered to Qin Wanrou, and later came to chennan in front of some uneasy voice: "sorry, I didn't mean to!"

"Assistant Murong, you're welcome. As a senior executive of the company, you set an example for our small staff. It's not like some people who think they are superior and don't know how to sympathize with their subordinates, so assistant Murong..."

Chen Nan suddenly accentuated the tone, "you are worthy of our respect, worthy of our respect, if one day I developed, I will set up a biography for you, erect a monument!" Finish saying to still aim at eye pool wanting specially.

Chi wanting was so angry that she almost didn't explode. She wanted to bite him, but after all, anchor Qin was there. She had to bear it for the company's image.

"Assistant Murong, you are our model. Oh, no, you are the model of the leaders!"

Chennan takes the wallet from Murong qinger's hand with great reverence. He takes another look at Chi wanting intentionally or unintentionally, which means that you are not competent as a minister. You have to learn from Murong's assistant.

"Puchi!" In addition to Chi wanting, the three women all laughed. When he said something embarrassing, the atmosphere eased a lot. Seeing that he didn't mind losing face, Murong qinger's heart finally relaxed.

"I vomit!" Hearing his high sounding words, Chi wanting almost didn't get angry and kicked him. Originally, she wanted to report the humiliation of the elevator, but she didn't expect to eat shriveled one after another Chi wanting sighed, "Lady met hob meat, this revenge can he ~ mother how to repay it!""Check out!" Chen Nan takes out a few banknotes from the wallet and hands them to the waiter who is still smiling.

"Wanrou, qinger, let's go!" Chi wanting is depressed. Seeing that guy's tail is up in the sky, she really doesn't want to see him again. She takes the lead in holding Qin Wanrou's arm, and the three beauties walk out of the private room first.


The preparation work is over. In the afternoon, there is an exclusive interview with Nalan Shiyu. In the evening, Nalan Shiyu held a grand banquet for Qin Wanrou. Many employees of the company attended the banquet. Chennan was lucky to be on the list. Her sister-in-law Nalan Ruofei, as a director of the company, also attended the banquet.

The pig's feet at the banquet are the host of Qin DA and the senior management of Nalan Shiyu. Chen Nan and other small roles can only fill their stomachs and drink wine in the corner.

After dinner, chennan goes to the stairwell and smokes silently, enjoying the night outside the window. It's not long. Qin Wanrou avoids people's attention and comes to chennan's back. She says uneasily: "Mr. Chen, I didn't expect that you would be a public relations officer in Donghuan group. Thank you for that day!"

"Nalan Shiyu is my wife, that's why I work here!" Chen Nan didn't hide it either. She didn't want her to think much about the relationship between the two people. Otherwise, the president of Qin Da might regard him as a spy of a certain country who was ambushed in the Donghuan group. What kind of terrorist attack would he launch.

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