Nanlan Ruofei may have practiced it specially. Her voice was sharp and harsh. She startled several big men and swept around subconsciously. "Who is your brother-in-law and where is he?"

"My brother-in-law, if you don't want to stir it up, get out of here!" Nanlan Ruofei raised her delicate chin, with a proud face, domineering.

"Your brother-in-law is a hair. We will take you away now. We have the ability to let your brother-in-law come out!" Several big men gathered around again to catch Nalan Ruofei.

Na LAN if imperial concubine raises eyes four Gu, where has Chen Nan's shadow, the heart says isn't brother-in-law didn't follow to come in? A weak woman faced with several tough hooligans, Nalan Ruofei finally began to be afraid, closed her eyes, covered her ears, and began to cry: "elder sister..."

"Don't shout. Your brother-in-law has been scared. I don't know where he's gone. Come on, follow me!"

The hooligan reached out and grabbed the arm of Nalan Ruofei. A big hand suddenly came out from behind Nalan Ruofei, grabbed the arm of the big man, and the big man flew out directly.

"Brother in law, I said you won't ignore me, son of a bitch. He's my brother-in-law. Come here if you have seed!" Nalan Ruofei was cross waist, afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

Chennan a burst of speechless, this sister-in-law is full of a beauty, really don't understand her this kind of character how to become a teacher. But after all is own sister-in-law, this kind of matter he can't ignore, dodge body to block in front of Na LAN if imperial concubine.

"Hee hee, brother-in-law, I said you would not ignore me!" Na LAN if imperial concubine hides behind Chen Nan, the silk silk Snickers, a pair of schadenfreude's facial expression, also aimed at a few big men cunning blinked.

"Damn it, let's go together and kill him!" The other three men rushed to chennan.

Chen Nan raises a leg to kick, a man is kicked to fly directly, Chen Nan feet don't fall to the ground, sideways sweeping, the other two people are also kicked to fly out.

"Good fight, hee hee, brother-in-law, you are great!" Nanlan if the imperial concubine claps hands to Qiao smile, the difference kisses on the brother-in-law's face.

Chen south to oneself this little sister-in-law is a little way not, pull her to walk outward, "I haven't jumped enough!" My sister-in-law broke away, twisted his waist and pedaled his legs. The red dress was floating, and the vigorous dancing posture came on the stage again.

"Go, you troublemaker, you Nalan disaster!" Chen Nan comes forward to grasp Na LAN if imperial concubine arm, drag her to walk outward.

"Let go of me, you villain, I haven't danced enough!" Na LAN if imperial concubine still want to break free, but Chen South iron heart don't let go, she hard dragged out of the dance hall.

When they came outside, they couldn't go. The other party's reinforcements had arrived, and more than 20 hooligans with knives, iron pipes and other weapons blocked them at the door.

A strong man with a tiger tattoo on his chest, tattooed head and camouflage clothes looked at the two men with joking eyes, "Damn, even my brother dares to fight? I think you're the longevity man. You've been hanging for a long time! "

Otherwise Jiao Chen's chin pours out to the rascal of the south, let me take a look Finish saying, she looked at Chen Nan, "is elder brother-in-law?"

"You think your brother-in-law is Dong Cunrui. Many people can explode!" Chen south a burst of speechless, to this little sister-in-law to give birth to a deep powerless feeling.

"Cut me hard, and keep that hot girl for me!" The head of the camouflage clothes a shout, when the first rushed up.

Nanlan Ruofei giggled: "I'm ok, brother-in-law, you're going to die!"

Chen south this depressed, the matter is she provoke, she has nothing to pour to want to be among them.

"Wait!" A gang of hooligans just about to rush up, from the dark out of a person, this person chennan know, it is the detention house Leizi under the first thug Dongzi. Leizi was killed by chennan in the detention center, and Dongzi unified the underground forces of Fengxian. Now he is also the big brother of Fang.

Camouflage clothing attitude immediately respectful up, "it is winter brother, brothers respect you, but winter brother, this matter you don't care, this boy dare to move my people, today absolutely can't spare him!"

Dongzi respectfully takes out a cigarette and hands it to chennan, holding a lighter in both hands. Then he turns to a gang of hooligans and says in a low voice: "tiger, I don't care if you start, but don't blame me for not reminding you!"

A gang of hooligans see that the big brother Dongzi is so respectful to chennan. His expression immediately becomes dignified. Shengsheng stops. The tiger's face is uncertain, but he seems reckless on the surface. In fact, he is not stupid. He goes forward and says: "brother Dongzi, brothers are reckless. Please make it clear to him!"

Dongzi showed a look of impatience and said, "does Leizi know? Killed in a detention house? What do you think of you as better than Leizi? "

"Brother Dong, you mean..."

Dongzi ignored him and said with a gloomy face: "I don't need to say a lot of words. You know how to do it!"

"Yes, I know. I don't know how to call this Big Big brother

Dongzi said lazily, "your name is CHEN Ye."

Tiger suddenly is a shiver, although his power is not as good as Dongzi, but at least is also a big brother, Dongzi even let himself called CHEN Ye, obviously the other party's identity is not general, not he can afford. So he looked at a group of people and sighed: "this matter has nothing to do with my brothers. It's my poor leadership. I should have a long mouth!"Before the words were heard, the tiger handed back, "Pa, PA, Pa" and gave himself three mouths, one louder than the other.

Next to Nalan ruofee, seeing that her brother-in-law didn't say a word, she settled a group of hooligans. A trace of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes. She thought that the origin of her brother-in-law was very mysterious.

Kill not to overdo a point ground, see tiger meet a matter to think for brothers first, Chen south on the face flash a silk to appreciate, negative hand but stand a way: "since and winter son know, this matter so expose past!"

"Yes, thank you CHEN Ye. What's the use of CHEN Ye in the future? Even if you make a noise, I can say something about it!" See Chen South didn't pursue again, the expression that the tiger face peeps out to feel relieved.

Chen Nan patted Dong Zi on the shoulder, and then glanced at a gang of hooligans, "tiger, right? This way, you will be in charge of Dong Zi in the future, and you will return to the hall in the future!"

Finish saying Chen South see to younger sister-in-law, "if imperial concubine, we walk!"

Looking at the figure of two people leaving, Dongzi thinks that he is dreaming. Although there are a group of people under him, they are brave and ruthless at best. They live by collecting protection fees and fighting. What is the influence of Di Tang Hui? That's one of the three major forces in Shanghai and the sea. They have money, power and industry. If they stamp their feet, the Shanghai and the sea will tremble. For Huns, it's their ultimate dream to get to that point. Now Chen Nan's words put him to the hall meeting. He's so excited that he doesn't know what to say. He has to sigh in the dark to see the right person.


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