"Brother Dong, smoke!"

The tiger came up to Dongzi and handed over his cigarette respectfully. There was no way to express his flattery. He sighed that he had just chosen the right way. In a word, he rowed them to the hall. Could they guess the energy of this man?

In particular, they admire the overbearing spirit of abandoning others and being indifferent to others. This kind of talent is the most ideal elder brother in their heart. Although they are used to being the eldest brother, the tiger at this time is also convinced and willing to be incorporated, which also means that the influence of the hall will be expanded again.

A group of hooligans grinned excitedly, just like winning the five million grand prize, a group of local ruffians held a meeting with the local hall, just like the street vendors in Macao were bought by Li Ka Shing, the grass chicken turned into a peacock, the crow into a Phoenix.

"Brother in law, I'll take you to a fun place!" Nalan Ruofei took the lead in Ferrari and sat in the driver's seat with a sly smile.

"If imperial concubine, the sky is not early, we should go back!" Chennan road.

"No, I haven't had enough!" Ferrari jumped out like a flash of red lightning under the neon.

"Ah Chen South sighs tone, to this beautiful cunning sister-in-law, he is what move not.

Ferrari stops in front of an unimportant hardware store. If Nalan doesn't pull chennan to the entrance of the basement, he goes down the steps to a hall, and the space below becomes open immediately.

Nalan Ruofei shows a certificate to the guard and gets two number plates. She pulls chennan through the corridor and comes to a wider hall.

It's very similar to a rubber ring in the middle of a foreign challenge arena. It was surrounded by trapezoidal grandstands, which were lowered in turn, and filled with people. There are successful businessmen in suits and shoes, officials with shy chests and belly, foreigners with blonde hair and blue eyes, and a lot of Jeweled ladies with rouge and powder.

There is also a grandstand on the second floor, which is a VIP private room with senior spectators holding cigars and beauties in their arms.

Chen Nan looked at the number plate in his hand, just like the seat number, and immediately understood that the people here were seated according to the number plate.

Waiting for chennan to sit down, Nalan Ruofei didn't sit down and said with a smile: "brother-in-law, you wait for me, I'll come!"

"Isn't this girl going to buy melon seed drink? It's a bit like the Shanghai Grand Theater! "

If the imperial concubine leaves, Chen Nan doesn't think much about it. He looks to the grandstand. There is not much time. Two big men come up from the challenge arena. A etiquette lady carries a notice board around the arena. The name of the two sides is on the notice board.

On the hanging screen in front of the grandstand, the weight of both sides and the number of winning and losing games are immediately displayed. Chennan immediately understood that this was the black boxing arena. Think of sister-in-law unexpectedly have tickets here, Chen Nan brain door suddenly a black line, this girl really is not a fuel-efficient lamp, ah, a slim and beautiful university teacher actually like to run to this place.

The two men in the challenge arena were strong and strong, with bare upper body, full of muscle bumps and shocking wounds. One of them was wearing red shorts, the other was wearing black shorts, and they didn't wear mouthguard as they did in the formal competition. Moreover, the boxers were covered with transparent pieces of toughened glass. In the middle of them stood a black trousers, white shirt and bow tie The white fat referee.

"It's a game of death!" A look at the two boxers' dress, Chen Nan will understand that the glass chip on the boxer's sleeve will not only increase the attack power, but also the blood on the body. This is a fight with life.

After reading the information on the screen, the spectators immediately start to bet through the remote control device on their hands, and then add oil to the red side and the black side respectively, hoping that their bet side can win.

When the electric bell rang, the cheers of the spectators gradually calmed down, and the referee began to announce the rules of the game, which were just a few words: "don't hit the eye, don't hit the throat, don't hit the crotch, in addition, you must knock down. There is no time limit for the game, and you don't want to admit defeat until you die."

The referee blew a whistle and walked to one side with his hands behind his back. He became a spectator walking upstream of the grandstand. His eyes were cold, like looking at two primitive animals.

"Bang bang!" As soon as the referee left, the two men rushed forward and fought with each other. There was a lot of blood, and the scene was primitive and bloody.

In a short time, the challenge arena was divided. The red face was beaten into a sieve, and his ribs were broken. He was blocked by the black side. He was kicked down from the challenge arena and directly knocked out of the guardrail. The referee grabbed the black side's hand and announced his victory.

Although the black side won, all the places that were hit by the red side were bleeding outwards, and the flesh and blood were rolling outwards. They looked very embarrassed. Unless they had absolute strength Ko opponents, it was difficult not to win.

At the end of the game, Miss Li once again holds a sign around the game. Chennan's eyes are straight when she sees the name above. It's actually Hessen vs chennan.

"NIMA, have you changed your name?" Chen Nan scolded a, thought that there was a boxer and his name, did not take it seriously, still holding the shoulder, looking at the ring with interest to watch.

Time is not long, the whole body muscle knot, muscle pimples, like a piece of black iron Thai player Hessen, wearing a red shorts, arrogantly came to the challenge arena, the field immediately a cheering.The information displayed on the screen shows that Thai boxer Hessen has played 72 games without losing. He has basically won the opponent in two moves, with no more than three moves at most. Chen Nan's information is blank, without any record.

Many gamblers don't have to wait for Chen nan to take the stage to start to bet. They almost win 100% of the Muay Thai on the spot. A nobody who has no combat record and whose weight is too different from the other side has no chance to explode.

Chen Nan noticed the Muay Thai player. From his momentum and bloody breath, he was definitely a ruthless man with blood on his hands, and he was an expert. Even in his own mercenary regiment, he could rank in the top three.

"Sir, please change your clothes and take part in the competition!" Zhengnan was looking at the stands with great interest when a staff member came to him and said.

"To compete?" Who is chennan? Seeing that the staff asked him to compete on the stage, he immediately reflected that his sister-in-law had put him on the top. If he expected that, Hessen was definitely the best player in the black boxing arena.

In fact, what he guessed was not bad. Just now, Nalan Ruofei left, as an agent, he gave chennan to the organizer as a boxer, and challenged Hessen, the first master who no one dares to challenge, so that she got 200000 appearance fee.

Chen South dun understand oneself again by the younger sister-in-law put together, turn head to look, see Na LAN if imperial concubine is standing at the door gloating of looking at oneself, immediately a brain door son black line, this wench so hate oneself? It's just to earn the entrance fee. I chose Hessian as my opponent without considering the consequences of mischief? I don't know. That's going to kill people.

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