"Son of a bitch, dare to stand in my way, and I'll settle with you when I come back!" A few people didn't guard against, be thrown not light, mercilessly stare an eye Chen south, shout to scold to get up to still want to run.

"Grass, why do you kick me?"

Chen Nan didn't wait for a few people to get up. He rushed up and kicked. He didn't know how to do it, but several big men couldn't escape. He was kicked and screamed. Someone wanted to take the road when he saw the situation. Chen Nan's foot fell down in time and kicked the other side down again.

"Bang bang!" Chen Nan broke several people's legs and cried on the ground. He couldn't escape any more. But this guy kicked and scolded: "grass, I want to run even if I step on my feet. No way. I have to teach you a lesson today!"

"Bang bang!" Chen Nan kicks on several bandits.

The culprits have their own grievances. They have escaped the siege of the police. But they didn't want to capsize the boat in the sewer. They were beaten like this by a passer-by. How could they have come to such an end if they had just said a few good words?

Yang Li and several policemen rushed down from the upstairs, staring at the scene in front of them. They thought the bandits were going to run away, but they didn't expect to be cut at the door. Listen to that person's tone, is a few bandits inadvertently kicked his feet, do not apologize also curse, the result was he a crazy kick left here.

"Ha ha, we deserve to do something today. I'll meet you when I go out!" Several police in the heart happy bloom, how to see Chen south how agreeable.

Yang Li embraces the shoulder, good at the Chen south with the spare time of looking at that kick of strength, in the heart also in ponder, several bandits really kick his feet to be taught? It's a coincidence that people carry pillows when they want to sleep, isn't it?

I've slapped a few Chen's hands and kicked them out. It's really hard for us, Ma

Chen south a pull gaping gold fragrant jade, quickly step forward, see he straighten out the appearance of the head, as if didn't see a few policemen at all.

Several bandits cry and despise this guy. How can they walk when their legs are broken? I had to wait for the police to come up and kick again, and put on the handcuffs.

Yang Li closed her shoulders and watched Chen Nan pull the girl's hand to leave. Xiao Bai's teeth were grinded and creaked, spitting out a few words from her teeth: "shameless, too shameless!"

Vice captain Zhou Qinglai said to Yang Li. "Captain Yang, this man has helped us a lot. If it wasn't for him, several bandits would have run away. Do you think we would stop him, report to the leaders and give him commendation and reward?"

"What a bonus! He's a rascal. Didn't you listen to him? It was these people who offended him that he started. Do you think he was so kind to help us arrest people? " Yang Liyi reprimanded Zhou Qing.

As soon as Zhou Qing shrinks her neck, the policewoman has a bad temper. He doesn't dare to provoke her. He turns around and presses the bandits to leave.

Chennan see a few police didn't follow up, long out of breath, fortunately, this girl didn't follow up, otherwise can't help but take to the police station for a question, it's really troublesome.

"Brother Nan!" Jin Xiangyu blushed and murmured. When Chen Nandun felt that his hand was greasy and weak, he realized that he was still holding other people's Jinxiangyu's hand. He quickly released it and showed a shy smile, "sorry, sister Xiaoyu!"

"Well It's OK, thanks to Nange today! " Jin Xiangyu responded in a low voice, feeling the temperature in her hand and the heaviness of the man, and her pretty face became more red.

"I said Sister, pay attention to business in the future..." Chen Nan instructs Jin Xiangyu to break up with her and let her return to the company, because he received a phone call from Ouyang Feifei, a little nurse, saying that Shen Qiuhe is always accused by the leaders in the hospital for no reason. He wears small shoes and can't become a regular. Let him go and have a look.


"Please, who can save my daughter!"

Chen Nan just walked into the hospital hall, saw a girl fainting on the ground, next to a graceful woman anxiously shouting at passers-by.

A few little nurses came and hurriedly surrounded the girl. They didn't know what to do and wanted to carry her upstairs.

"Don't touch her!" Chen Nan walks in from the crowd, grabs the girl's wrist and feels it. Then he finds that the girl has inexplicable Yin evil spirit. Yin evil spirit attacks her brain and causes coma. If she is not treated in time, she may die on the spot. Only by refining the Yin evil spirit in her head and leading it out can she save her life.

The girl's mother was confused and couldn't help at all. Chennan looked up and saw Shen Qiuhe, and immediately said, "Qiuhe, help me to help her head!"

"Oh Shen Qiuhe comes to hold the girl and straightens her head. Chen south two words don't say, take out a wood needle, fiercely plunge into the girl hundred meeting acupoint.

The girl's mother immediately is a shiver, fingers into the mouth tightly bite, face of tension.

The doctors and nurses in the Department of Neurology came out a lot of time. Looking at this scene, they were stunned. Baihui acupoint is the most important acupoint in the human body. This guy actually pricked it so hard that he could kill himself.

Ouyang Feifei and several other nurses also saw this scene. Chen Nan was actually applying the needle. What's more, he pricked Baihui acupoint, and they were very nervous. He Haidong is blasted by the hooligans. He just recovers. Seeing chennan stabbing the girl's head, he sneers to himself. If someone is stabbed to death on the spot, it's chennan and Shen Qiuhe's responsibility. He can take revenge, so he doesn't care.A moment later, Chen Nan pulled out the needle and put it away.

"How is my daughter?" The woman asked, pouncing pale on her daughter.

Chen Nan said, "I'll wake up soon!"

Sure enough, time is not long, the girl slowly opened her eyes, struggling to stand up. The little girl is 14 or 15 years old. She has a pretty face and long eyelashes. She is very lovely, but her face is still a little pale.

"Help my daughter into the ward!" The girl's mother cried, with a voice that was not angry.

He Haidong bites his teeth. He doesn't think Chen Nan's medical skill is superb. He thinks it's just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. Maybe he can cure it himself. He just lets him take the lead.

Several nurses rushed forward and helped the girl into the ward. The girl's mother suddenly stopped and looked at chennan, "this gentleman, thank you. What's wrong with my daughter? Can it be cured? Please come in and have a look! "

Chen Nan suddenly has an idea. He Haidong's father is the vice president. Shen Qiuhe will definitely be excluded. Maybe she can't even pass the internship period. It's inconvenient for her to intervene in this kind of work. Now it's the opportunity to say with a smile: "I'm not a doctor here. I'm just passing by. If you go to see doctor Shen, she has excellent medical skills. She must have a way!"

"Who is Dr. Shen?" The lady immediately made a tour of the crowd.

"I am!" Shen Qiuhe came over and looked at Chen Nantou. That means I'm a little doctor. I haven't even had my internship. When did I become a famous doctor with excellent medical skills?

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