"Dr. Shen, I know you are very good at medicine. Only you can cure this kind of disease!" Chen Nan winks at Shen Qiuhe.

Although there is no bottom in the heart, Shen Qiuhe knows that Chen Nan's elder brother will definitely not harm himself, and nods to the lady. The lady walked into the ward at ease.

"Chen Nan elder brother, how can I cure this disease?" Shen Qiuhe pulls Chen nan to the corner and says uneasily.

"Niuniu, this is your chance. You don't want to be an intern all your life, do you?"

Shen Qiuhe pursed his lips and nodded, but quickly shook his head, "brother chennan, I haven't seen this disease at all. I don't know how to treat it?"

"Niuniu, don't worry!" Chen Nan took out a talisman and handed it to her, saying, "this is a talisman to ward off evil spirits. If the hospital agrees you to be the girl's attending doctor, you can throw this talisman on her and say it's coming!"

"Exorcism talisman? Isn't that superstition? " Shen Qiuhe blinked his big eyes and his face was puzzled. Medical scholars pay attention to science to get rid of ghosts and ghosts. How can they use talismans to cure diseases? Isn't that a wizard?

"It's OK, brother Xinchen is right!" Chen Nan patted her fragrant shoulder and comforted her.

"Oh Shen Qiuhe nods. Although she doesn't believe in this thing, she trusts chennan 100%. It's always right to do what chennan brother says. He won't hurt himself.

"Sir, can you help me with my father's illness?"

Chennan is just about to leave, a middle-aged man ran over, with a respectful manner, stood in front of chennan and handed over a piece of soft Chinese.

"Sorry, I'm not a doctor!" Chen Nan replied that if the matter of his treatment spread out, today this find, tomorrow that find, this day how to live.

"I beg you, sir!" The middle-aged people wear well, and their faces are appealing.

"Sorry, I really..."

"Poop The middle-aged man knelt down and said, "Sir, no matter whether you can cure him or not, please help my father. No matter whether you can cure him or not, I won't blame you. I pity him for his age and hard life. I don't want him to leave too early, sir, please!"

As the saying goes, if you don't kill too much, there's gold under a man's knee. Of course, those who always kneel down to deceive girls are excluded. Looking at the middle-aged man's clothes, he is obviously a successful man, but he is willing to kneel down. It can be seen that he loves his father. What else can Chen Nan say.

"Get up, I promise you!" Dodge this South Chen a body to help him to get up.

"Thank you, thank you!" Let's go now.

"So your father is not here?" Chen Nan thought that his father would be in the hospital. It was convenient in the past, but his father was obviously not in the hospital.

"His illness can't be cured in the hospital. At present, he can only recuperate in the sanatorium!"

The middle-aged man said, took chennan to the outside, got on a Rolls Royce phantom, and drove to the old cadre sanatorium.

In the hospital, the identity of the girl who fainted was quickly determined. It turned out that she was the daughter of the municipal Party committee of the city. The lady was the wife of secretary Tang, and the girl was Tang Jin, the only daughter of secretary Tang.

The Secretary's daughter lives in our hospital. The top management of the hospital, who used to work step by step, is very busy. President Shi of the hospital is busy with medical research and development all day. It's rare to see him at ordinary times. Vice president he is responsible for all the affairs of the hospital. Learning that the Secretary's only daughter lives in his own hospital, he Haidong was immediately called over.

"Ah, don't you always want to be promoted to deputy director? Now the opportunity comes. As long as Tang Jin's illness is cured, you don't need your father at all. Your official career is magnanimous. " Vice president he said to his son he Haidong, who was standing opposite.

He Haidong said with regret: "Dad, the Secretary's wife named Shen Qiuhe as her daughter's attending doctor. I have no chance."

"Well, that Who is Shen Qiuhe? Why haven't I heard of it? " Vice president he showed a touch of thinking. The doctor appointed by the Secretary's wife should be very famous. Why don't you know.

"Dad He Haidong went forward and said, "Shen Qiuhe is a new intern. What skills can he have? If something happens, it will be troublesome. I think it's better for me to replace her as the attending doctor of Tang Jin. What do you think? "

Vice president he pondered for a moment, then asked a question about Shen Qiuhe, and immediately nodded.

Seeing his father's approval, he Haidong's face flashed a fierce anger and continued: "since she is not allowed to be the attending doctor, she should not be allowed to appear in front of the Secretary's wife to avoid bad things. I don't think it's better It's not your business to dismiss her. She's just a student. She hasn't entered the establishment yet

Vice president he thought about it. This is a great opportunity to establish a relationship with the secretary. When he is old, he is going to retire. Whether his son can be promoted step by step in the future depends on this. He must not make any mistakes. So he nodded and agreed to dismiss Shen Qiuhe for any reason.

For this reason, vice president he personally explained to the Secretary's wife that Shen Qiuhe had just graduated and was just a practicing doctor. He Haidong was an expert in this field and should be the attending doctor of Tang Jin.

"Can you promise to cure my daughter?" Tang Jin's mother questioned.He Haidong patted his chest to make sure. In his opinion, if a layman can cure a disease, how can he be cured by his own attending doctor.

Vice president he added that he Haidong's medical skills and awards have reassured Mrs. Tang and Secretary Tang.

As soon as Tang Jin's mother heard this, she asked a newly graduated intern to be her daughter's attending doctor. She was not too sure. Under the guarantee of her father and son, she agreed that he Haidong would be Tang Jin's attending doctor.


After the middle-aged man introduced himself, chennan knew that the middle-aged man who asked him to see a doctor was Qiao Shida. Chennan came to the sanatorium with him. In the intensive care unit, there was an old man who was over 60 years old. His eyes were closed tightly and he didn't move. There were two special nurses in the room.

"How is my father today?" Joshua asked the nurse next to him.

The nurse said, "it's not very good. I just ate some liquid food!"

The middle-aged man came to the old man, squatted down, approached his ear and said, "Dad, what do you think? I've invited a famous doctor to see you

After a long time, the old man slowly opened his eyes, but his voice was vague, and he could hear the word "Shida".

Through Qiao Shida's introduction, Chen Nan also learned about the old man's condition, which is a sequela of cerebral thrombosis, and his whole body can hardly move. The hospital inspection said that the blood clot oppressed the nerve, and he had an operation, and his life was saved, but there are still residual blood clots oppressing the important brain meridian, and he can't get off the operating table after the operation. He just lies on the hospital bed and can't live or die must not.

Chen Nan went forward and put his hand on the old man's back neck. Like the hospital's examination results, the residual blood clot oppressed the nerves, causing paralysis.

"Mr. Chen, can my father be cured?"

"It should be!" Chen Nan nodded.

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